Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Jak chlapec ukradl poklad obrů.

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Bylo jednou v zemi plné zázraků a tajemných bytostí mladý chlapec jménem Jak. Jednoho dne uslyšel o mimořádném pokladu, který byl ukryt v jeskyni obrů. Plný odvahy se rozhodl vstoupit do jeskyně a získat poklad pro sebe. Jak se ale brzy dozvěděl, že získání pokladu bude mnohem těžší, než si myslel. Bude muset přemoci mnoho nástrah a překonat nebezpečné pasti, abych nakonec získal svůj cíl. Tuto neuvěřitelnou cestu vám přinášíme jako klasickou pohádku plnou dobrodružství a kouzel, pod názvem „Jak chlapec ukradl poklad obrů“.
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a young boy named Jak. Jak was a mischievous and adventurous boy who loved to wander through the lush forests, climb tall trees, and explore the hidden caves.

One day, as Jak was wandering through the forest, he stumbled upon a group of giants who were guarding a treasure trove. The giants were fierce and menacing and had a reputation of being unbeatable, so no one dared to challenge them.

But Jak was not one to shy away from a challenge. He saw the treasure trove as an opportunity to prove his worth and embarked on a quest to steal the treasure from the giants.

Chapter One: The Encounter with the Giants

Jak had heard stories about the giants from the villagers, but he had never seen one before. As he approached the clearing where the giants were guarding the treasure, he was struck with fear, but he refused to turn back.

The giants were massive and towering, with arms as thick as tree trunks and scowls on their faces. Jak knew that he had to be quick and clever to succeed.

He hid behind a large rock and observed the giants for a while. He noticed that they were guarding the treasure in a cave and the key was hung on a hook on the tallest giant’s belt. Jak knew that he had to steal the key if he wanted to get his hands on the treasure.

Chapter Two: The Stealing of the Key

Jak devised a plan to steal the key from the giant’s belt. He waited for the right moment when the giant was distracted, and then he crept up behind him and snatched the key from his belt.

The giant roared in anger and lunged at Jak. Jak dodged the attack and ran towards the cave. The other giants heard the commotion and started to chase after Jak.

Jak was fast, but the giants were faster. He knew he had to think of something smart to outsmart the giants.

Chapter Three: The Escape

Jak reached the cave and quickly unlocked the door. As he stepped inside, he saw that the treasure trove was filled with gold, precious stones, and other valuable items.

He knew he couldn’t carry all of it, so he decided to take as much as he could and make a quick escape. He quickly filled his sack with as much treasure as he could and made his way out of the cave.

The giants had caught up to him, but Jak had a plan. He took out a small box from his sack and threw it at the giants. The box exploded with a bright light that blinded the giants, giving Jak just enough time to escape.

Chapter Four: The Return Home

Jak made it back to the village with his sack full of treasure. The villagers were shocked to see him back alive and with treasure in hand.

They gathered around him, eager to hear his story. Jak told them everything he had encountered during his adventure and how he had outsmarted the giants.

The villagers were amazed and gave Jak a hero’s welcome. From that day on, Jak became a legend in the village, and his story was passed on from generation to generation as a tale of courage, wit, and adventure.


Jak’s adventure taught him that sometimes the greatest treasures are found by those who venture into the unknown, take risks, and are willing to face their fears.

His bravery and cunning can inspire us all to take on challenges and overcome obstacles in our lives. Who knows, maybe one day we too will find our own treasure troves, just like Jak did.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V této pohádce se dozvídáme příběh chlapce jménem Jak, který byl zvědavý a dobrodružný. Jednoho dne objevil skupinu obrů, kteří hlídali pokladovou skrýš. Obrům se bál každý, ale Jak si nechtěl nechat ujít příležitost dokázat svou odvahu a rozhodl se ukrást poklad.

Nejprve musel získat klíč ke skrýši z nejvyššího obrův opasku. Podvodem se mu klíč podařilo ukrást a ačkoliv ho obr zpozoroval, Jak si dokázal zachovat chladnou hlavu a utéct.

Když dorazil ke skrýši, viděl, že je plná zlata, drahokamů a cenných předmětů. Vzal si co nejvíce dokázal unést a využil lsti, aby se ušel z rukou nebezpečných obrů.

Jak si díky své odvaze získal uznání a stal se v lidových vyprávěních hrdinou. Pohádka poukazuje na důležitost odvahy, chytrosti a ochoty riskovat, aby člověk dosáhl svých cílů.

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