Bylo nebylo, že žil jeden statečný a chytrý mladík jménem Jakub. Jednoho dne se rozhodl, že se vydá na nebezpečnou cestu do temného lesa, aby se setkal se samotnými vílami. Před tím než vyrazil, poradil se s mudrcem, který mu poradil, aby s vílami uzavřel smlouvu. Tento příběh vypráví o Dobré dohodě s vílami, kterou Jakub uzavřel a o tom, co se stalo poté.
Once upon a time, in a small village in the Czech countryside, there lived a poor farmer named Jan. He had a small piece of land, but it wasn’t enough to provide for his family. Jan was always struggling to make ends meet, and he knew that he had to find a way to make some extra money.
One day, while he was walking in the forest, he stumbled upon a group of fairies. They were dancing and singing, and Jan couldn’t help but be enchanted by their beauty and grace. He stayed hidden behind a tree, watching them for a while, until one of the fairies noticed him.
„Who are you?“ asked the fairy.
„I am Jan, a humble farmer,“ replied Jan.
„What brings you to our forest?“ asked the fairy.
„I am looking for a way to make some extra money,“ said Jan.
The fairy looked at him with curiosity. „We might be able to help you,“ she said. „But be warned, fairies are not to be trifled with. If you make a deal with us, you must keep your end of the bargain at all costs.“
Jan nodded eagerly. „I understand,“ he said.
The fairy smiled. „Very well then. We will make a deal with you. We will give you a bag of gold, but in return, you must promise to do something for us.“
Jan’s heart leapt at the thought of having such wealth. „I agree,“ he said.
The fairy handed him a bag of gold and instructed him on what he must do in return. Jan nodded, and the fairies disappeared, leaving him alone in the forest with his newfound riches.
With the money, Jan was able to buy more land, hire more workers, and expand his farm. He became very successful, and soon he forgot about the promise he had made to the fairies.
Years went by, and Jan grew old. One day, while he was sitting by his fire, he heard a knock on his door. He got up and opened it, only to find a group of fairies standing outside.
„We have come for what you promised us,“ said the fairy who had made the deal with him.
Jan’s heart sank. He had completely forgotten about the promise he had made so many years ago. But he knew that he couldn’t go back on his word.
„I remember,“ he said. „What must I do?“
The fairy told him what was required of him, and Jan set out to do it. It was a difficult task, but he knew that he had to fulfill his promise. And when he did, the fairies rewarded him with even more gold than before.
Jan lived out the rest of his days in peace and prosperity. He never forgot the lesson he had learned: that a good bargain with fairies is to be treasured and kept at all costs.
This fairy tale teaches us the importance of keeping our promises and honoring our agreements. Even when it’s difficult, we must always strive to do what we said we would do. And if we’re lucky, we might just be rewarded with something even greater than what we bargained for. So, if you ever find yourself making a deal with fairies, remember the story of Jan and his good bargain, and always keep your end of the deal.
Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc
Byla jednou malá vesnice na českém venkově, kde žil chudý rolník Jan s malým kouskem země, který mu nestačil na živobytí pro jeho rodinu. Jednoho dne se při procházce lesem setkal s kouzelnickými vílami a stal se svědkem jejich tance a zpěvu. Víly ho zpozorovaly a nabídly mu obchod – tašku plnou zlata, ale na oplátku musí splnit jejich přání. Jan souhlasil a přijal zlatou tašku. S nabytým zbožím se mu podařilo koupit více půdy, najmout více pracovníků a rozšířit svou farmu. Po mnoha letech, když Jan zestárl, se víly dožadovaly splnění slibu. Jan se po krátkém znovuvzpomenutí vzpamatoval a splnil jejich přání, ale víly ho za to ještě více odměnily zlatem. Pohádka nás učí důležitosti dodržování slibů a dohod a odměňování těch, kteří je dodržují. Mějte na paměti příběh Jana a jeho dobrého obchodu s vílami a vždy se držte své části dohody.
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