Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Břicha a Smrtka (Death and Bree)

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Dlouho, dávno v zemi plné záhad a tajemství žila Břicha – krásná dívka s puntíky na tváři. Jednoho dne se setkala se Smrtkou, která ji uchvátila svou zvláštní krásou. Od té chvíle se jejich osudy přetnuly a společně podnikly cestu plnou nebezpečí, ale také lásky a poznání. Zrodila se tak báječná legenda o Břicho a Smrtce, která dodnes žije v srdcích lidí a připomíná, že i smrt nás může vést k novému začátku.

Břicha a Smrtka: A Czech Fairytale

Once upon a time, in a small Czech village, there was a young woman named Břicha. She was known throughout the village for her beauty, grace, and kind heart. Břicha spent her days tending to her garden and caring for her animals. Her life was simple, but she was content.

However, Břicha had one fear that kept her up at night: the fear of death. She had heard stories of the Grim Reaper, or Smrtka, who would come for her one day and take her away. Břicha didn’t want to leave this world and all the beauty it had to offer.

The Bargain

One day, as she tended to her garden, Smrtka appeared before her. The Grim Reaper was cloaked in a dark robe and held a scythe in his hand. Břicha was terrified, but Smrtka spoke to her in a calm and reassuring voice.

„Hello, Břicha. I’ve come to make a bargain with you. I will spare your life if you can keep my scythe sharp and polished for the rest of your days.“

Břicha was taken aback. She had never heard of such a bargain before. But she considered it carefully and agreed to the deal. Smrtka handed her the scythe and disappeared into thin air.

Břicha took the scythe into her home and quickly learned how to use it. She spent her mornings sharpening and polishing the blade until it shone like silver. And with every stroke, she felt as though she was making Smrtka’s scythe stronger and more powerful.

The Betrayal

Years passed, and Břicha grew old. But she continued to work tirelessly on Smrtka’s scythe, never once missing a day. She had forgotten her fear of death, and her life was full and happy.

One day, as she was tending to her garden, a young man appeared before her. He was handsome and charming, and Břicha was immediately smitten. The man claimed to have traveled the world and seen many things, and he regaled Břicha with tales of his adventures.

Before long, Břicha had fallen deeply in love with the young man. But little did she know that he was not what he seemed. In reality, the young man was the son of Smrtka, and he had come to collect his father’s scythe.

Břicha was heartbroken when she learned the truth. She had been so focused on her love for the young man that she had forgotten about her bargain with Smrtka. She realized that she had been betraying her promise to Smrtka all these years.

The Consequence

Smrtka appeared before Břicha once again. This time, he was angry. He accused Břicha of breaking their bargain and betraying his trust. He told her that she had one more chance to make things right.

Břicha begged for forgiveness, but Smrtka was unmoved. He told her that he would spare her life, but she would have to pay a heavy price. She would have to give up the love of her life, the young man she had fallen in love with.

Břicha was devastated. She had never felt such pain in her life. But she knew that she had to make things right with Smrtka. She handed over the scythe and watched as Smrtka disappeared into the night.

From that day on, Břicha lived a life of solitude. She never again fell in love, and she never forgot her promise to Smrtka. And though she missed the young man dearly, she knew that she had made the right choice. For in the end, it was better to keep her word to the Grim Reaper, even if it meant giving up the thing she loved most.

The end.


Břicha a Smrtka is a cautionary tale about the importance of keeping one’s promises. Břicha learned that even the smallest of bargains can have serious consequences, and that there is no escaping death. The story reminds us to cherish the ones we love, but also to respect the natural order of things.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Břicha a Smrtka (Břicha and Death) is a Czech fairytale that teaches us the importance of keeping our promises. Břicha, a young woman, had a fear of death and made a deal with the Grim Reaper, Smrtka. She agreed to keep his scythe sharp and polished for the rest of her life in exchange for sparing her life. Břicha worked hard on the scythe, and years passed by her. One day, a charming young man appeared, and Břicha fell in love with him. However, she forgot about her promise to Smrtka, and the young man turned out to be the son of Death, who came to collect his father’s scythe. Smrtka gave Břicha a chance to make things right, but she had to give up the love of her life. Břicha chose to keep her promise to Smrtka, and she lived a life of solitude, cherishing her memories with the young man. This fairytale teaches us that our choices have consequences, and we must keep our promises, no matter how hard they may be to keep.

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