Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Březová smrt – Birch Death

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„Byla jedna legenda o tajemném a nebezpečném stvoření, které bylo známé jako Březová smrt. Toto bytost se skrývala hluboko v temných lesích a její přítomnost byla vysoce varovná pro všechny ty, kdo se odvážili vstoupit do jejího území. Legenda vypráví o statečných hrdinech, kteří se vydali na nebezpečnou cestu, aby porazili Březovou smrt a zachránili své království před jejím temným vlivem. Toto je příběh plný dobrodružství, odvahy a magie. Vstupte s námi do světa bájí a připravte se na nezapomenutelnou cestu do srdce lesa, kde sídlí Březová smrt.“
Once upon a time, deep in the heart of Czechia, there lived a majestic birch tree known as Březová smrt, or Birch Death. She was named as such because of the legend that surrounded her existence. It was said that she possessed the power to take away the life of anything that dared to touch her bark.

The legend of Březová smrt was told to children as a cautionary tale about the dangers of wandering into unknown territories. It was said that when the sun set and the moon rose, Birch Death would come to life and roam the forest in search of prey. Her roots would dig deep into the soil, and her branches would twist and turn like the talons of a dragon, ready to strike at anything that crossed her path.

Over time, the legend spread far and wide, and people began to fear the very mention of Birch Death. Some believed that she was cursed by an old witch, while others thought that she was possessed by an evil spirit. Whatever the reason, no one dared to approach the tree, and thus, she remained secluded from the world, shrouded in myth and mystery.

One day, a young prince named Josef stumbled upon the forest where Birch Death resided. He had heard tales of her legend, but he did not believe in them. He was adventurous and curious, and he wanted to see the tree with his own eyes. So, he decided to venture into the forest, ignoring the warnings of the locals.

As he walked deeper into the forest, Josef saw Birch Death looming in the distance. Her bark was as white as snow, and her leaves rustled in the wind like whispers of the dead. Despite the legend, Josef felt drawn towards the tree. He approached her with caution, and he reached out to touch her bark.

To his surprise, nothing happened. No lightning struck him down, nor did any curse befall him. Instead, Birch Death spoke to him. „You are not afraid,“ she said in a voice like the rustling of leaves. „Why?“

Josef replied confidently, „I do not believe in legends. I only believe in what I see.“

Birch Death was intrigued by Josef’s boldness, and she decided to share her story with him. She told him that she was not cursed or possessed, but that her power was a gift from the gods. She was created to protect the forest from those who would harm it, and her power only worked on those with evil intentions.

Josef listened to Birch Death’s tale with wonder and amazement. He realized that the legend was nothing more than a cautionary tale to protect the forest. He thanked the tree for sharing her story with him and promised to spread the truth about Birch Death to dispel the myths that surrounded her.

And so, Josef ventured out of the forest with a newfound respect for the power of nature. He spread the story of Birch Death, teaching others to respect the forest and all that dwelled within it. The legend of Birch Death was never forgotten, but it was no longer a tale of horror. Instead, it became a story of respect and reverence for the natural world.

In the end, Birch Death remained in the forest, her roots firmly planted in the soil. She continued to protect the forest and all that lived within it, knowing that she was a vital part of the delicate balance of nature. And those who dared to approach her with good intentions were met with a warm welcome, rather than a deadly curse.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Když se pohybuješ v neznámých oblastech, měj respekt k přírodě. To je hlavní význam pohádky o Březové smrti, mocné bříze, která má sílu odebírat životy těm, kteří se ji odváží dotknout. Tuto pohádku si lidé povídali jako varování dětem, aby nepřecházely hranice bez dovolení dospělých. Prince Josef ale nevěřil v legendy a vydal se hledat Březovou smrt. Přestože se blížil k nebezpečnému stromu opatrně, tak si přesto dovolil jej osahat. K ničemu se nic nestalo a Březová smrt mu začala vyprávět o tom, jak je vlastně mocná ochránkyně lesa. Její moc funguje jen proti lidem s nekalými úmysly a byla jí dána bohy k ochraně lesa. Josef pochopil, že legendy o Březové smrti jsou jen varování, jak chránit přírodu a šel se s nově objevenými znalostmi podělit se svými lidmi. Tak vznikl příběh respektu a úcty k přírodě. Březová smrt zůstala dál ochránkyní lesa a ti, kteří ji oslovili s dobrými úmysly, byli vítáni místo smrti.

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