Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree, Smrt a Kouzelné Kameny (Bree, Death, and the Magic Stones)

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Byla jednou jedna dívka jménem Bree, která žila v malé vesnici uprostřed českých hor. Bree měla zvláštní schopnost – dokázala rozhodovat, kdy budou lidé žít a kdy zemřou. Jednoho dne jí přiblížil tzv. Smrt, který se jí snažil přesvědčit, aby mu poskytla své schopnosti. Bree odmítla a Smrt vzal všechny kouzelné kameny, od kterých záviselo přežití celé vesnice. Bree se vydává na nebezpečnou cestu, aby zachránila nejen svou vesnici, ale i celý svět, který závisel na tajemství kouzelných kamenů.
Once upon a time in a faraway land, there lived a beautiful young girl named Bree. Her parents were poor, but they loved their daughter and did their best to provide for her. Bree was a kind-hearted girl, always ready to help anyone in need. She had a smile that could light up the dreariest of days, and everyone who met her was immediately drawn to her.

One day, while walking through the forest, Bree stumbled across a strange looking stone. It was glowing faintly and seemed to be calling out to her. As she picked it up, she felt a surge of power course through her body. She didn’t know what the stone was, but she could feel that it was special.

As she continued to walk through the forest, Bree came across Death, who was sitting under a tree, looking very sad. Death was surprised to see Bree; he had not expected to see anyone in the forest that day. Bree asked Death why he looked so sad, and he told her that he had lost his magical stones. Without his stones, he was unable to complete his duties and collect the souls of the departed.

Bree immediately remembered the stone that she had found and showed it to Death. As soon as Death saw the stone, he knew that it was one of his magical stones. He was overjoyed to have found it and asked Bree if she could help him find the rest of the stones.

Bree agreed to help Death, and together they set out on a journey through the forest in search of the magical stones. As they journeyed, they encountered many dangers, including fierce beasts, treacherous terrain, and dark magic. However, Bree’s bravery and kind heart always shone through, and she never once faltered in her determination to help Death.

After many days of searching, they finally found the last of the magical stones, and Death was able to complete his duties once again. Overjoyed, Death thanked Bree for her help and presented her with a small box. Inside the box were three magical stones, each with a different power. Death explained that the stones would protect her from harm and give her the power to help others.

Bree was grateful for the gift and thanked Death for his kindness. She continued her journey through the forest, using her magical stones to help those in need. Her bravery and selflessness inspired others, and she became known throughout the land as a true hero.

Years passed, and Bree grew old, but her spirit never wavered. Even as she lay on her deathbed, she held onto the three magical stones that had been given to her so many years ago. As she took her final breath, she knew that her legacy of kindness and bravery would live on, and that the magic of the stones would continue to protect those in need.


In this tale, we learn about the selfless nature of Bree, who helps Death find his magical stones in the forest. Her bravery and determination inspire others, and she becomes a hero in the land. Though she grows old and passes away, her legacy lives on through her actions and the magical stones that she was gifted. This story highlights the power of kindness and the importance of helping others, even in the face of danger and adversity.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Tato pohádka vypráví o krásné dívce jménem Bree, která byla plná lásky a touhy pomáhat druhým. Jednoho dne se v lese setkala s Deathem, který ztratil své kouzelné kameny. Bree mu pomohla najít zbylé kameny a získala od něj tři magické kameny jako odměnu. Tyto kameny ji chránily a umožnily jí pomáhat těm, kteří to potřebují. Bree ukázala, že i ve chvílích nebezpečí a pokušení je důležité pomáhat ostatním a být laskavý. Její životní příběh ukazuje, že dobrota a statečnost jsou důležité a mohou mít velký vliv na druhé.

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