Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree, královna zimy (Bree, the Queen of Winter)

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Byla jednou krásná a mocná královna zimy, jejíž jméno bylo Bree. V krajinách pokrytých sněhem měla velkou moc a mnoho lidí ji ctilo. Její zlaté vlasy se leskly jako led a oči měla studené jako kameny. V tomto příběhu se dozvíte o jejích dobrodružstvích a nebezpečích, se kterými se musela vypořádat jako královna zimy.
Once upon a time, in the heart of the Czech Republic, there was a beautiful queen named Bree. She was known throughout the land as the Queen of Winter, for she held dominion over the cold and snow that covered the land during the darkest months of the year.

Chapter 1: The Coronation of Bree

Bree had not always been a queen. She had once been just another inhabitant of the world, living a normal life as a young woman in a small village. But fate had other plans for her.

One day, while walking through the forest near her home, she stumbled upon a hidden glade. There, in the center of the glade, was a beautiful, sparkling crystal. As she approached the crystal, she was suddenly enveloped in a swirl of blue and white light.

When the light faded, she found herself standing in a magnificent palace made of ice and snow. And there, sitting on a throne of ice, was the Winter King himself.

The Winter King looked at Bree with a stern, yet curious gaze. „Who are you, mortal?“ he asked.

Bree trembled, but she knew that she had nothing to fear. „I am Bree,“ she said, trying to keep her voice steady. „I come from a small village, not far from here.“

The Winter King laughed. „Ah, yes. I know your village well. I have watched you for many years, Bree. You have a heart of pure ice, and a soul as cold as the winter winds.“

Bree bowed low. „I am honored, my lord.“

The Winter King rose from his throne and approached her. „Bree, I have been looking for a queen to rule by my side. Someone who can match my own power, and bring the beauty of winter to the world. And I believe that you are that queen.“

Bree was shocked. She had never imagined that she could become a queen, let alone the Queen of Winter herself. But she knew that she could not refuse the Winter King’s offer.

And so, in a coronation ceremony that was witnessed by the winds and the snowflakes, Bree was crowned as the Queen of Winter.

Chapter 2: The Winter Court

As the Queen of Winter, Bree had many responsibilities. She had to make sure that the snow fell in just the right amounts, and that the ice was strong enough to support skaters and sleighs. She had to oversee the winter festivals and celebrations, and make sure that they were as beautiful as they could be.

But her most important task was to hold court. The Winter Court was a gathering of all the creatures that called winter their home – the snowflakes, the ice sprites, the Frost Giants, and more.

Bree presided over the Winter Court with grace and dignity. She listened to the creatures‘ concerns and disputes, and passed judgment with fairness and wisdom. And the creatures loved her for it.

One day, however, a problem arose. One of the Frost Giants had grown too powerful, and was threatening to take over the entire Winter Court. Bree knew that she had to act quickly, before it was too late.

Chapter 3: Bree’s Battle

Bree donned her armor of ice and snow, and set out to confront the Frost Giant. The battle was fierce and intense, but Bree was determined to protect her realm.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Bree emerged victorious. The Frost Giant lay defeated at her feet, and the creatures of the Winter Court cheered and celebrated.

But Bree knew that there was more work to be done. She knew that she had to continue to protect her realm from any threats that might arise.

Chapter 4: Bree’s Legacy

And so, for many years, Bree continued to reign as the Queen of Winter. She held court, oversaw the festivals and celebrations, and protected her realm from all who would harm it.

But eventually, Bree knew that it was time for her to pass on her crown. She had grown old and tired, and her powers were waning.

She chose a young woman from a nearby village to be her successor. The woman was kind-hearted and brave, just like Bree had been when she first became the Queen of Winter.

And so Bree passed on her crown, and watched as the young woman took up her mantle as the Queen of Winter. She knew that her legacy would live on, and that the beauty of winter would continue to shine in the hearts of all who loved it.


And so, dear reader, we come to the end of our tale. Bree, the Queen of Winter, may have long since passed on, but her legacy lives on.

In the Czech Republic, the beauty of winter is celebrated every year, with festivals and traditions that honor the season and its wonders. And perhaps, as you light a fire in your hearth and wrap yourself in a warm blanket, you will remember the story of Bree, the Queen of Winter, and the magic and beauty that she brought to the world.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Toto je příběh krásné královny Bree, která vládla nad zimou a sněhem v srdci České republiky. Bree dříve žila v malé vesnici, ale osud ji zavedl do paláce z ledu a sněhu, kde potkala Zimního krále, který ji předurčil k tomu, aby se stala Královnou zimy. Bree měla mnoho povinností – zajišťovala, aby sníh padal v dostatečném množství a led byl dostatečně silný pro bruslaře a saňkaře. Důležitou úlohou bylo také předsedat Zimnímu soudu, kde se scházeli všichni tvorové, kteří milují zimu. Bohužel se ukázalo, že jeden z mrazíků se stal mocným a ohrožoval celý Zimní soud. Bree se rozhodla toto nebezpečí odvrátit a po tvrdé bitvě zvítězila. Po mnoha letech věrnosti získala Bree následníka, královnu zimy z nedaleké vesnice. Přestože už je Bree dávno pryč, její dědictví žije dál, kdy každý rok tradičně slavíme zimu a její krásy v České republice. Tento příběh nám připomíná, že krása zimy nás může pozitivně ovlivnit, pokud budeme mít k tomu správný vztah a náležité úcty.

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