Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree a spanilá princezna

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Byla jednou jedna malá spanilá princezna jménem Bree. Žila v krásném zámku na kopci s výhledem do údolí. Její krása byla tak oslnivá, že se o ní mluvilo nejen v celém království, ale i v sousedních zemích. Ale život princezny Bree nebyl vždy růžový. Jednoho dne se jí stalo něco neuvěřitelného, co změnilo její život navždy.
Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a young and beautiful princess named Bree. Her long, flowing hair and sparkling green eyes made her the envy of all the other princesses in the land. However, her beauty was not her only attribute.

H2 – Bree’s Courageous Spirit

Bree was also known for her courageous spirit. She was never afraid to embark on new adventures, and often explored the dark and treacherous forests that surrounded her kingdom. She made friends with all kinds of creatures, including talking rabbits, chatty birds, and even the odd dragon. Bree’s fearlessness made her a beloved figure to all those who knew her.

H2 – A Kingdom in Crisis

However, Bree’s kingdom was not always a happy one. The king and queen had fallen gravely ill, and the entire kingdom was in turmoil. A Great Warlock had placed a curse on the royal family, and it seemed as though there was no escape.

H2 – Bree’s Quest for a Cure

But Bree was not one to sit idly by in the face of danger. She felt as though it was her duty to find a cure for her parents, and so she set out on a quest to find the Great Warlock and demand that he lift the curse.

H3 – The Forest of Foes

Bree’s journey was fraught with danger at every turn. The first challenge she had to face was the Forest of Foes. The trees were known to come to life and attack anyone who dared to enter. But Bree was not intimidated, and she forged ahead, wielding her trusty sword and shield.

H3 – A Fire-Breathing Dragon

As she continued on her journey, Bree encountered a fire-breathing dragon. The dragon had taken up residence in a cave, and was causing all kinds of problems for the nearby village. But Bree knew that the dragon was not evil, and so she approached him with an open heart. She spoke to the dragon in soothing tones, and eventually convinced him to leave the village alone.

H3 – A Treacherous Bog

Bree’s next challenge was a treacherous bog. The bog was filled with quicksand and poisonous plants. But Bree was resourceful, and she used all her wits to navigate the treacherous terrain.

H3 – The Great Warlock

Eventually, Bree found herself face to face with the Great Warlock. The Warlock was a fearsome figure, with eyes like smoldering coals, and a laugh that chilled the bones. But Bree was not afraid. She stood tall and demanded that the Warlock lift the curse on her family.

H2 – The Power of Love

The Warlock was taken aback by Bree’s bravery. He had never met someone with such courage and determination. And so, he decided to lift the curse, not because of any threat, but because he was moved by the power of Bree’s love for her family.

H2 – A Celebration

When Bree returned to her kingdom with the cure, there was much rejoicing. The king and queen were healed, and the kingdom was once again a peaceful and happy place. Bree was hailed as a true hero, and was loved by all who knew her.

H2 – A Lesson for All

Bree’s story reminds us that true courage comes from the heart. It is not about being fearless, but about facing our fears with determination and love. And that is a lesson that we can all take to heart.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Tento pohádkový příběh nás učí, že skutečná odvaha pochází z našeho srdce. Nejde o to, být nebo nepřekonatelsky silný, ale o to, čelit svým obavám s odhodláním a láskou. Krásná a odvážná princezna Bree se nebojí nových dobrodružství a vypraví se hledat lék na nemoc svých rodičů. Musí překonat mnoho překážek, jako jsou hrozivé stromy, drak a zamokřený bažinatý terén. Nakonec se odváží postavit se mocnému čaroději a to díky své odvaze, lásky a vůli. Ačkoli některé výzvy na cestě byly těžké, byla schopna je zvládnout a vyhrávat. Je považována za hrdinku, nejen protože dokázala najít lék, ale také protože svou odvahou přispěla k uzdravení svého království.

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