Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree a Soudce z Podsvětí (Bree and the Judge of the Underworld)

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Byla jednou jedna dívka jménem Bree, která žila v hlubinách podzemní říše. Byla to krásná, ale velice nešťastná dívka, která toužila po svobodě a nových dobrodružstvích. Avšak, aby se jí to podařilo, musela projít něčím neobyčejným. Potkala Jezdce, který ji zavedl k Soudu z Podsvětí. A tak začala Breeina cesta plná nebezpečí a tajemství, která ji nakonec přivedla ke štěstí, které si vždycky přála. Toto je příběh o Bree a Soudci z Podsvětí.
Once upon a time, in a land far away, lived a beautiful and kind-hearted girl named Bree. She lived in a small village with her parents and siblings. Bree was loved by everyone in the village because of her kind and gentle nature.

One day, while Bree was out picking some fruits, she came across a strange man. He was dressed in black and had a daunting look on his face. Bree was frightened, but the man told her not to be afraid. He introduced himself as the Judge of the Underworld.

Bree was curious and intrigued by this mysterious figure, so she asked him what he was doing in their village. The Judge replied, „I have come to find the most just and kind-hearted person in this land. Someone who can fulfil a very important task and bring peace to the underworld.“

The Judge then presented Bree with a challenge. He said, „You must travel to the underworld and find three objects – a golden apple, a silver rose and a diamond ring. These objects are scattered in different parts of the underworld and you must find them before the sun sets on the third day. If you succeed, you will bring peace to the underworld and be rewarded with eternal riches and happiness.“

Bree was scared, but she knew that she had to do this for the greater good. She accepted the challenge and set out on her journey to the underworld.

Heading h2: Journey to the Underworld

Bree’s journey to the underworld was perilous and fraught with danger. She had to cross a dark and treacherous river, climb a steep mountain, and navigate through dark and twisted tunnels. Despite her fears, Bree persevered and was determined to complete her task.

Heading h3: The Golden Apple

Bree’s first challenge was to find the golden apple. She was told that it was hidden in a dark and foreboding forest, guarded by a fierce dragon. Bree was scared, but she knew that she had to face the dragon if she wanted to succeed.

She cautiously entered the forest, and after hours of searching, she finally found the dragon’s lair. The dragon was slumbering in its cave, but as soon as it detected Bree’s presence, it awoke and charged towards her.

Bree was prepared for it and quickly threw a handful of magical dust, causing the dragon to become drowsy and fall asleep. She then found the golden apple and left the forest unscathed.

Heading h3: The Silver Rose

Bree’s second challenge was to find the silver rose. She was told that it was located in a hidden garden, deep in the bowels of the underworld. The garden was said to be guarded by the most fearsome monster in the underworld.

Bree had to cross a rickety bridge over a pool of boiling lava to reach the garden. As she entered the garden, she was confronted with the monster’s roar. Bree bravely stood her ground and faced the monster.

With her quick thinking and nimble footwork, Bree managed to escape the monster’s clutches and plucked the silver rose.

Heading h3: The Diamond Ring

Bree’s final challenge was to find the diamond ring. She was told that the ring was hidden in the heart of the underworld, guarded by a powerful sorcerer. Bree knew that this would be her toughest challenge, but she was determined to succeed.

She climbed down a deep chasm to reach the heart of the underworld, and there she found the sorcerer. He had a fiery look in his eyes, and his powers were stronger than anything Bree had ever faced.

With her wit and her determination, Bree managed to outsmart the sorcerer and retrieve the diamond ring, completing her task.

Heading h2: Bringing Peace to the Underworld

Bree returned to the surface with the three objects, and the Judge of the Underworld was happy to see her. He congratulated her on her success and told her that she had brought peace to the underworld.

Bree was overjoyed, and the Judge rewarded her for her bravery by giving her the eternal riches and happiness that he had promised her. Bree returned to her village, and everyone was amazed by her tales of adventure and bravery.

From that day on, Bree became a legend in her village, and her story was passed down from generation to generation. She had overcome her fears, faced incredible danger, and emerged victorious.

Heading h2: Conclusion

Bree’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, determination, and courage. Her journey to the underworld showed that even the most daunting of tasks can be achieved with the right mindset, attitude, and approach.

It is a story that inspires us to face our fears and overcome adversity, to believe in ourselves and our abilities, and to strive for greatness no matter what the circumstances. Bree’s tale will always be remembered as an incredible journey of bravery, courage, and triumph.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Jednou žila vzdáleně v krásné vesnici Bree, která byla milá a laskavá a měla ráda všechny v okolí. Jednoho dne potkala tajemného muže, který se představil jako soudce podsvětí. Ten ji vyzval, aby se vydala na cestu do podsvětí a našla tři předměty – zlaté jablko, stříbrnou růži a diamantový prsten. Pokud to zvládne před západem slunce třetího dne, přinese mír podsvětí a sama bude odměněna navždy. Bree se cesty bála, ale kvůli většímu dobru se rozhodla úkol přijmout. Na cestě narazila na různé překážky, ale s pomocí své odvahy, vytrvalosti a inteligence se jí podařilo najít všechny tři předměty. Když navrátila předměty soudci podsvětí, zjistila, že již přinesla mír podsvětí. Za svoji statečnost byla věčně odměněna a její příběh inspiroval mnoho lidí k tomu, aby čelili svým obavám, překonávali překážky a usilovali o velké věci.

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