Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree a Smrt

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Bylo nebylo, za sedmi horami a sedmi řekami, žila si malá Smrtka dívka jménem Bree. Ta se narodila do spokojené rodiny Smrtů a od mala se učila všechna tajemství smrti. Avšak Bree měla v srdci velké sny a toužila po dobrodružství, které by jí ukázalo svět za hranicemi hřbitovů a ohromila by svět. A tak začalo kouzelné a napínavé dobrodružství malé Smrti, která podnikla nebezpečnou cestu skrz zemi, aby poznala vše, co se skrývá za hranicemi, a postavila se všem nebezpečím, které jí při tom hrozila.

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a young girl named Bree. Bree was known throughout the town for her intelligence, her wit, and her kind heart.

Chapter 1: The Gift

One day, while walking through the forest that surrounded her village, Bree stumbled upon an old man sitting beneath a tree. The man appeared to be lost and disoriented, and Bree felt a deep sense of compassion for him.

Without hesitation, Bree approached the man and asked if he needed help. The man explained that he had been wandering through the forest for days, and had become hopelessly lost. Bree offered to help the man find his way back to the village, and before they knew it, they were walking together along the narrow path that led to Bree’s home.

As they walked, the old man revealed to Bree that he was actually a powerful wizard, and that he had been searching for someone with a special gift. Bree was surprised, but intrigued. The wizard explained that he had been searching for someone who possessed an exceptional intellect, and that he believed Bree was the one he had been looking for.

Chapter 2: The Quest

The wizard explained that he needed Bree’s help to obtain a rare and valuable gemstone known as the Heartstone. The Heartstone was said to possess magical properties that could heal any illness, and the wizard needed it in order to save his beloved wife, who was gravely ill.

Bree agreed to help the wizard, and they set out on a perilous journey to find the Heartstone. They crossed treacherous rivers, climbed steep mountains, and battled fierce beasts, but Bree’s intelligence and quick thinking allowed them to overcome every obstacle that stood in their way.

Chapter 3: The Ultimate Test

Finally, after many long and difficult weeks, Bree and the wizard arrived at the foot of a towering mountain. At the top of the mountain rested the Heartstone, but getting there would require passing through a dangerous maze of traps and obstacles.

Undaunted, Bree set to work, using her intellect to carefully study the maze and develop a plan of attack. With the wizard’s guidance, Bree navigated the maze, deftly avoiding every trap and obstacle that came her way.

Finally, they reached the summit of the mountain, where the Heartstone gleamed in the sunlight. The wizard gratefully took the Heartstone, and using its magical properties, was able to heal his wife.

Chapter 4: The Reward

Overwhelmed with gratitude, the wizard offered Bree a reward for her help. Bree asked for nothing in return, but the wizard insisted on rewarding her in some way.

Finally, he gave her a small, unassuming stone. “This may not seem like much,” said the wizard, “but this stone holds a powerful magic all its own. It has the power to grant you great knowledge and wisdom, and to guide you on your path throughout life.”

Bree thanked the wizard and took the stone, tucking it safely into her pocket. She returned to her village a new person, filled with confidence and knowledge, and embarked on a journey of learning and growth.

And so, Bree continued to use her intellect and her magical stone to help others, spreading kindness and wisdom throughout the land. And though she encountered many more challenges and obstacles along the way, she faced each one with grace and determination, guided always by her smrt and her kind heart. The end.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Této pohádce se naučíte, že každý z nás má nějaký talent nebo dar, který může pomoci ostatním. Když dáte pomoc druhým, můžete získat něco většího a vzácnějšího než materiální odměnu. Důležité je také mít odvahu a přemoci překážky, které se vám postaví do cesty. Protože i když to může být těžké, může to vést k většímu poznání a růstu. Bree byla inteligentní a s dobrou nadvládou nad situací, což jí umožnilo překonat mnoho překážek při hledání Heartstone. Na konci cesty chtěla odměnu, ale nakonec zjistila, že štěstí, že pomohla druhému, bylo tou největší odměnou.

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