Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree a smrt astra kabát

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Dávno, dávno v jedné daleké zemi, kde se létaly hvězdy a kouzla byla každodenní rutina, se narodila Bree, malá dívka oděná v kouzelném kabátě. Kabát byl vyroben ze šesti různých druhů látky a byl tak důmyslně navržen, že dokázal změnit velikost a barvu podle potřeby. Bree byla neobyčejně šikovná a chytrá, a tak se brzy stala známou po celé zemi jako „smrt astra kabát“. Proč byla tak slavná a jaké dobrodružství zažila? To vše se dozvíte v našem příběhu.
Once upon a time in the Czech Republic, there lived a beautiful girl named Bree. She was known throughout the land for her intelligence, beauty and her unique sense of style. However, one day she began to feel like something was missing in her life. She desperately wanted a new coat that could make her stand out from the crowd. She had always loved the look of an Astra Kabát or an Astrakhan coat, but she had never found one that met her expectations.

Chapter 1: Čarodějka
Bree was determined to find the perfect Astrakhan coat. She searched high and low, but no matter where she went, she couldn’t find anything that met her requirements. One day she met an old woman who was known throughout the region as a powerful witch, or a „čarodějka.“ Bree told the witch about her desire for a stunning Astrakhan coat that could make her stand out from the crowd. The witch said that she could help Bree, but there was a catch. The witch wanted a favor in return. Bree didn’t know what to do, so she agreed to the deal.

Chapter 2: Úkoly
The witch then set Bree a series of tasks to complete. Firstly, she was tasked with gathering three flowers from the top of a distant mountain. Secondly, she had to bring a rare mushroom from a dark forest at the edge of the kingdom. Finally, she had to collect the tears of a unicorn. Bree knew that these tasks would be difficult, but she was determined to get the Astrakhan coat of her dreams.

Chapter 3: Vyhledání
Bree started her journey up the mountain to find the three flowers. The climb was steep and treacherous, but she persevered. When she finally reached the top, she found the flowers growing in a field of snow. She carefully picked them, and made her way back down the mountain.

Next, she ventured into the dark forest. The trees were so thick that she could barely see the sky. She searched high and low for the rare mushroom, but it was nowhere to be found. Finally, she stumbled upon a hidden clearing where the mushroom grew, and she collected the mushroom before leaving the forest.

Lastly, Bree searched for the unicorn. Despite traveling far and wide, she couldn’t find the unicorn for days. Finally, she saw the mythical creature in the distance. She approached it slowly, and when she was finally close enough, she caught its tears in a glass vial.

Chapter 4: Návrat
Bree returned with the three items to the witch, who was pleased that the girl had completed all the tasks. The witch told Bree to close her eyes and say her wish three times. Bree repeated her wish, and when she opened her eyes, she was wearing the most stunning Astrakhan coat she had ever seen. The coat was soft and luxurious, and it shone in the sunlight.

Chapter 5: Splnění přání
Bree was so happy that she twirled around and around, laughing with joy. She thanked the witch and set off to show off her new coat to her friends and family. Everywhere she went, people admired her coat and asked where she had gotten it. Bree simply smiled and said that she had made a deal with a witch, knowing that no one could ever get a coat like hers without paying a price.

Chapter 6: Život po splnění přání
From that day on, Bree lived happily ever after. Her Astrakhan coat had given her confidence, and she was able to conquer any challenge that came her way. She had achieved her dream coat, and from then on was known as Bree the smartly dressed. She went on adventures and continued to meet interesting people, with her unique sense of style and her newfound confidence.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Bree byla nádherná dívka v České republice, kterou proslavila její inteligence, krása a jedinečný smysl pro styl. Jednoho dne ale pocítila, že jí něco chybí a toužila po novém kabátu, který by ji vynikal z davu. Milovala vzhled Astrakhanových kabátů, ale nikdy nenašla ten pravý, který by splňoval její očekávání. Potkala však starou ženu, která byla známá jako čarodějka a ta ji slíbila, že jí pomůže s novým kabátem, pokud vykoná úkoly pro ni. Bree musela najít tři květiny, rare grilované houby a slzy jednorožce. Po splnění úkolů jí čarodějka splnila sen o Astrakhanovém kabátu. Bree od té doby žila šťastně a s novou sebevědomím, vykonávala další dobrodružství a setkávala se s novými lidmi, s unikátním smyslem pro styl.

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