Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree a princezna z podzemí

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Byla jednou jedna krásná princezna, jménem Bree. Avšak, narodila se pod zemí a nikdy neviděla slunce. Její matka, zlá královna, ji držela v temných kobkách a nedovolila jí opustit podzemí. Nicméně, jednoho dne, se Bree rozhodla, že už to takhle dál nejde a toužila po lepším životě. A tak se rozhodla podstoupit nebezpečnou cestu, aby se dostala na povrch a konečně poznala krásy světa nad zemí.
Once upon a time in the mystical land of Czechia, there lived a beautiful young maiden named Bree. She was unlike any other princesses in the kingdom as she lived in the depths of the underground world – Podzemí. Her parents, the king and queen, were scared to lose their precious daughter in the treacherous above-ground world, so they raised her in the safety of the subterranean caves.

Nevertheless, Bree longed for a life of adventure and discovery beyond the isolated world of Podzemí. She dreamt of seeing the beautiful castles, meeting brave knights and experiencing the beauty of the world, much like her parents had before her.

One day, Bree could no longer contain her desire to explore the world beyond her own. She gathered enough courage and embarked on a journey to fulfill her deepest longing. She had heard the legends of the Fairytale Forest, a place known for its magical powers.

Bree came across a group of travelers who introduced themselves as knights of the kingdom. They were on a mission to find the stolen jewel of the crown. Upon seeing Bree, they were delighted to meet such a charming encounter. They were fascinated with her story and even more so by her bravery. They decided to take her along on their adventure.

As they journeyed through the Fairytale Forest, they were faced with numerous challenges as they encountered evil creatures that did not want them in their territory. Among these creatures was a wicked witch, who lived in a castle at the heart of the forest.

Upon arriving at the castle, the group was ambushed by the witch’s army. They were outnumbered and had no chance at all, but Bree had a secret advantage – her upbringing in Podzemí had given her secret knowledge of the underground passages that ran beneath the castle.

With her cunning plan, Bree led the knights through the underground tunnels and they emerged on the other side, facing the witch from behind. The enchantress was enraged at the sudden turn of events, and she engaged in a fierce battle with the knights.

The battle was long and perilous. However, the knights were armed with the knowledge of their secret weapon – the wishing fairy. They had found her in a nearby village before their journey began. With the fairy’s help, they were able to cast a powerful spell that sent the wicked witch into oblivion, thus freeing the kingdom from her tyranny.

The knights presented Bree with a glittering jewel that they found in the clutches of the witch. It was the missing jewel of the crown that the kingdom had been seeking for years. The king and queen were overjoyed at the news of their daughter’s survival, and they gratefully welcomed the knights into the kingdom amidst great feasts and festivities.

Bree was hailed as the princess who saved the kingdom. It was a great honor that she had not sought, but one that she had rightfully earned. She had proven herself to be brave, courageous, and worthy of being called a true princess. From that day on, Bree decided to continue adventuring, but this time as a worthy companion to the knights of the kingdom, living life the way she had always dreamt of.

The End.

Bree a princezna z podzemí

Bree’s Dream

Journey to Fairytale Forest

Encounter with the Knights

Bree’s Cunning Plan

The Battle with the Witch

The Jewel of the Crown

Bree’s Triumph as a Princess

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V pohádce “Bree a princezna z podzemí” se setkáváme s princeznou Bree, která byla vychovávána v podzemí. Toužila po dobrodružství a objevování krás světa mimo bezpečný podzemní svět. Jednoho dne se rozhodla jít za svým snem a vydala se na cestu za poznáním. V lesích plných kouzel potkala skupinu rytířů, kteří hledali ukradený klenot koruny. Bree se k nim přidala a společně se vydali na nebezpečnou výpravu. Při tom museli čelit nebezpečným kreaturám, například zlé čarodějnici, která je napadla v jejím hradě. Díky tajnému východu, který Bree znala z podzemí, se nakonec podařilo ji porazit a tím osvobodit království. Rytíři Bree poděkovali za její odvahu a statečnost a dali jí nalezený klenot koruny. Bree byla poté v království slavena jako princezna, která zachránila království a rozhodla se pokračovat v dobrodružství s rytíři na své další cestě.

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