Byla jedna princezna, která se jmenovala Bree. Měla dlouhé hnědé vlasy a velké zelené oči. Byla to pohledná princezna, ale byla rovněž velmi chytrá a statečná. Avšak jedna událost změnila život princezny Bree navždy. Tento příběh vypráví o neuvěřitelných dobrodružstvích a obětavosti, které si princezna musela projít, aby zachránila svůj život a život svých blízkých. Tento příběh se jmenuje „Smrt Bree a princezna“.
Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there lived a young princess named Bree. She was known throughout the kingdom for her beauty and kind heart, but little did anyone know that a dark and terrible fate awaited her.
Chapter 1 – Bree’s Life as a Princess
Princess Bree lived a life of luxury and privilege. She had everything she could ever want, from the finest clothes to the most delicious food. But despite living in a palace surrounded by wealth, Bree was not a vain or selfish princess. She spent her days tending to the needs of her people, always putting their well-being before her own.
Chapter 2 – The Curse
One day, while Bree was out riding her horse in the forest, she stumbled upon an old woman who was crying. Bree asked the woman what was wrong, and the woman told her that she was under a terrible curse. She would visit a prince every night, and if he did not answer her riddle, she would kill him. If the prince did answer her riddle correctly, then the curse would be broken, and the woman would disappear forever.
Feeling sorry for the old woman, Bree asked her what the riddle was. The old woman told her, but also warned her that the curse would pass on to the person who knew the riddle, and that person would then be the one to visit the prince every night.
Bree, being the kind-hearted person she was, decided to answer the riddle herself so that no more princes would die at the hands of the old woman.
Chapter 3 – The Death of Bree
The riddle was a difficult one, but Bree managed to figure it out. The old woman disappeared, and Bree returned home to the palace. However, unbeknownst to her, she had inherited the curse.
That night, Bree visited the prince in his sleep and asked him the riddle. The prince, confused and scared, did not know the answer, and so Bree killed him. She was horrified by what she had done and begged for forgiveness, but the curse could not be broken.
For many nights, Bree visited different princes and asked them the riddle. None of them knew the answer, and so Bree was forced to kill them. With each passing night, Bree’s conscience weighed heavy on her, and she began to lose her sense of self.
Chapter 4 – The Redemption
One night, Bree visited a prince who knew the answer to the riddle. Overwhelmed with joy, Bree revealed her true identity and begged for his forgiveness. The prince, moved by her story, forgave her and offered to help lift the curse.
Together, they traveled to a wise old man who lived in the mountains. The old man listened to their story and told them that there was only one way to break the curse – Bree had to sacrifice something she held dear.
Bree thought long and hard about what she could sacrifice. In the end, she decided to give up her luxurious life and become a commoner, living a life of modesty and simplicity.
Chapter 5 – The Happy Ending
Bree’s sacrifice lifted the curse, and she was no longer haunted by the deaths she had caused. She lived a humble life, tending to her garden and helping her fellow villagers.
Years passed, and Bree grew old and frail. One day, while sitting in her garden, she was visited by an angel who told her that her sacrifice had been noticed by the heavens.
The angel granted Bree one wish, and Bree asked to be reunited with the prince she had killed so many years ago. The angel granted her wish, and Bree was reunited with the prince in the afterlife.
Together, they lived happily ever after, free from the curse that had once plagued their lives.
Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc
V této pohádce se setkáváme s princeznou Bree, která byla známá svou krásou a milosrdným srdcem. Jednoho dne potkala starou ženu, která ji sdělila, že podléhá hrozné kletbě. Každou noc visituje prince a pokud neodpoví na její hádanku, zabije ho. Pokud ji ale správně zodpoví, kletba se zruší.
Bree se začala bát o život dalších princů a rozhodla se, že hádanku zodpoví ona, i když se věděla, že kletba se na ni přenese. Jakmile zjistila správné řešení hádanky, stará žena zmizela a Bree se navrátila domů. Avšak nepoznala, že dědictvím kletby se stala ona.
Každou noc navštěvovala prince a ptala se na hádanku, ale žádný z nich ji nevěděl zodpovědět a tak je musela zabít. Nese svědomí, že násilím vzala mnoho lidských životů a přestává rozlišovat dobro a zlo.
Jednoho dne navštívila prince, který znal správnou odpověď na hádanku a Bree se mu přiznala ke všemu. Společně se vydali za moudrým starým mužem v horách, který jim řekl, že kletbu lze zlomit jedině obětí něčeho, co má Bree velice ráda.
Po dlouhé úvaze se princezna rozhodla obětovat svůj luxusní život a stát se prostou vesničankou. Oběť zlomila kletbu a Bree mohla žít svůj život v pokojích a s nadějí na díky nebeského světa.
Mnoho let žila prostý život a pomáhala lidem z vesnice. Zemřela v pokoji a byla navštívena andělem, který jí uskutečnil přání a spojil ji se vzdáleným princem. Dream sinů povedený závěr, kde obě dvě duše věčně pobývají spolu bez kletby, která je pronásledovala.
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