Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree a kouzelný strom

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Byla jednou jedna malá holčička jménem Bree, která ráda trávila svůj čas v lese plném magických stromů a zvířat. Jednoho dne objevila kouzelný strom, který byl tak krásný a tajemný, že se nemohla od něj odtrhnout. Ten strom, který se jmenoval kouzelný strom, měl moc dát svému majiteli cokoli, o čem si jen mohl snít. Ale jaké nebezpečí může hrozit, když nějaký člověk drží takovou moc nad světem přírody? To se dozvíte v této kouzelné pohádce o Bree a kouzelném stromě.
Once upon a time in the heart of Czechia, there stood a magical tree known as Bree a kouzelný strom. This tree was of immense importance to the inhabitants of the region, for it possessed strange and wondrous powers that could bring about abundance and prosperity to those who knew how to use them.

H2: The Legend of Bree a Kouzelný Strom

H3: The Origin of the Magical Tree

According to legend, Bree a kouzelný strom had been planted centuries ago by a powerful sorcerer who lived in the region. The sorcerer had been a great benefactor to the people, always willing to use his powers to help them in their time of need.

One day, while out on a walk in the forest, the sorcerer came across a sapling which was struggling to survive. Feeling a great sense of compassion for the little tree, he decided to transplant it to a more suitable location where it could thrive.

Using his powers, the sorcerer infused the little tree with magic, imbuing it with the ability to grant wishes to those who knew how to approach it with the right intention.

H3: The Tree’s Magical Properties

Over time, word of the magical tree spread throughout the region, and people began to make pilgrimages to it in the hopes of receiving its blessings.

Bree a kouzelný strom was said to be able to provide anything that one wished for, be it wealth, health, happiness, or even love. However, there was a catch – the tree would only grant those wishes which were made with pure intent, and not driven by greed or selfishness.

Those who approached the tree with noble intentions were often delighted to find that their desires had been fulfilled beyond their wildest dreams. However, those who sought to use the tree for their own gain were soon to discover that the magic of Bree a kouzelný strom was not something to be trifled with.

H2: The Tale of the Miller and the Magic Beans

H3: The Miller’s Greed

One day, a local miller came to Bree a kouzelný strom with an offer. He had heard of the tree’s magical powers and was eager to make use of them to improve his fortunes.

Approaching the tree with a satchel full of beans, the miller made his wish – that the beans would grow into the largest and most bountiful harvests ever seen in the region.

Bree a kouzelný strom, ever vigilant for those who sought to use its magic for selfish reasons, did not respond to the miller’s wish.

Undaunted, the miller returned to the tree the following day, this time with a larger satchel of beans. Again, he made his wish, this time with even greater fervor.

H3: The Tree’s Bargain

This time, Bree a kouzelný strom responded.

„I will grant your wish,“ said the tree, „but with a condition. You must promise to give half of your harvest to those less fortunate than yourself.“

The miller, eager to receive the benefits of the tree’s magic, readily agreed.

H3: The Miller’s Transformation

In the years that followed, the miller’s fields indeed produced the largest and most bountiful harvests ever seen in the region. However, at the end of each season, the miller would remember his promise to the tree and distribute half of his bounty to those less fortunate than himself.

Over time, the miller’s heart softened, and he became a beloved figure in the community, known for his generosity and kindness.

And while the miller eventually passed on, Bree a kouzelný strom continued to stand, a testament to the transformative power of pure intentions and the magic that lies within all of us.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Dáváme si pozor na záměry při žádosti o pomoc a nezneužíváme sílu magických předmětů. Legenda o Bree a kouzelný strom vypráví příběh o stromě s magickými silami, který dokázal plnit přání těm, kteří se k němu přiblížili s čistými záměry. Osoba, která svůj záměr nevyjádřila s dobrou úmyslností, byla odmítnuta. Místní mlynář chtěl využít magických schopností stromu k zlepšení svého bohatství a požádal o obrovskou úrodu sáčkem fazolí. Strom mu však nereagoval. Mlynář se k němu vrátil se větším sáčkem, ale strom odpověděl pouze pod podmínkou, že mlynář polovinu úrody dá těm méně šťastným. Mlynář souhlasil a jeho pole opravdu vynikala. Ale na konci sezóny pamatoval na svou slib a polovinu rozdělil méně šťastným. Díky těmto činům se stal oblíbenou postavou ve své komunitě. Tento příběh ukazuje, jak důležité jsou dobré úmysly a jak mohou tvořit pozitivní změny.

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