Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree a jeho noční cesta (Bree and his Night Journey)

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Byl jeden malý kůň jménem Bree, který bydlel v malém městečku uprostřed lesů. Brzy se však dozvěděl o tajemné cestě, kterou se dá dostat do země kouzel. Jedné noci se Bree rozhodl vydat na tuto cestu a prožít neuvěřitelné dobrodružství. Toto je příběh o Bree a jeho noční cestě kouzelným světem.
Once upon a time, in a small village in the Czech countryside, there lived a young boy named Bree. Bree was a curious and adventurous child, always looking for ways to explore the world. He loved spending his days outside, climbing trees and chasing butterflies.

One night, as Bree was lying in bed, he heard a strange noise outside his window. He looked out and saw the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. The moon was shining brightly and the stars were twinkling in the sky. He felt a sudden urge to go outside and explore the night.

H2: Bree’s Adventure Begins

Bree quickly got dressed and slipped out of his window. He tiptoed out of the village and into the dark forest. The trees towered over him, their branches creaking in the wind. But Bree wasn’t afraid. He felt a sense of excitement he had never felt before.

As he walked deeper into the forest, he noticed something strange. The trees were starting to glow. Each one had a faint blue light emanating from it. Bree couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He had never seen anything like this before.

H3: Meeting the Wisps

Suddenly, Bree heard a soft voice calling out to him. He turned around and saw a group of tiny creatures floating towards him. They were wisps, tiny fairy-like creatures that glowed brightly in the dark.

The wisps were friendly and curious, and Bree couldn’t help but be fascinated by them. They spoke to him in a language he didn’t understand, but he could tell they were asking him to follow them.

H2: A Journey Through the Forest

The wisps led Bree deeper into the forest, weaving in and out of the trees. Bree was amazed by the beauty of the forest at night. The leaves glowed like emeralds, and the flowers sparkled like diamonds.

As they walked, the wisps pointed out different animals that Bree had never seen before. There were foxes with glowing red eyes, deer with antlers made of gold, and birds that sang the most beautiful songs Bree had ever heard.

H3: A Magical Oasis

Eventually, the wisps led Bree to a clearing in the forest. In the middle of the clearing was a beautiful oasis. The water was crystal clear, and the trees surrounding it shone with a pale silver light.

Bree stood in awe, his eyes wide with wonder. He had never seen anything so beautiful before. The wisps told him to drink from the pool, saying it would give him the gift of knowledge and understanding.

H2: The Return Home

After drinking from the pool, Bree felt a sudden sense of clarity. He understood things he had never understood before, and he felt at peace with the world. The wisps led him back through the forest and to his village, where they said goodbye to him and disappeared.

Bree crawled back into bed, feeling exhausted but exhilarated. He had just had the most amazing night of his life. As he closed his eyes, he knew he would never forget the incredible journey he had just taken.


Bree’s night journey was an unforgettable experience. He had explored the beautiful forest, met fascinating creatures, and gained a newfound sense of understanding of the world around him. Although he was exhausted, he felt exhilarated and grateful for the adventure he had just experienced. It was a night he would never forget.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V malé vesničce, hluboko v českém venkově, žil nezbedný a zvídavý chlapec jménem Bree. Jedné noci uslyšel podivný zvuk a když se podíval z okna, viděl nejkrásnější výhled, který kdy viděl. Měsíc svítil jasně a hvězdy jiskřily na obloze. Bree měl neodolatelnou touhu vyjít ven a prozkoumat noc. Rychle se oblékl a vyskočil z okna. Vyšel z vesnice do temného lesa a tam viděl stromy, které zářily modře. Najednou zaslechl hlas volající ho a přišlo ke němu skupina malých stvoření podobných vílam. Byly to moudré a zvědavé wismy, což jsou malé vílí stvoření, které zářily v temnotě. Wismové ho provedli celým lesem, kde ukazovali Breeovi různá zvířata, která předtím nikdy neviděl. Nakonec ho vedli k oáze v lese, kde voda byla křišťálově čistá a stromy v okolí zářily stříbrně. Po pití z této oázy Bree poznal a porozuměl životu víc než kdy dřív. Po návratu domů Bree věděl, že to byla nezapomenutelná zkušenost a že nezapomene na tuhle nádhernou noc.

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