Byla jednou jedna krásná princezna jménem Krasavice a jeden statečný rytíř planou jménem Antonín. Oba z nich byli velmi šťastní, dokud se jednoho dne nepotkali. Antonín se totiž narodil s tak velkým nosom, že byl znám jako Antonínův Nos. Jeho vzhled ho však nezajímal, neboť se spokojil s tím, že může sloužit králi a království. Krasavice se na druhé straně narodila s nesmírnou krásou, ale měla jedno velké tajemství, které ji trápilo denně. A tak se stalo, že se Antonín a Krasavice jednoho dne setkali a společně zažili nezapomenutelné dobrodružství, které ukázalo, že pravá krása je vnitřní a že všechno není vzhled.
Once upon a time, there was a charming nobleman named Antonín. He was famous for his sharp mind and captivating appearance, particularly his nose. Antonín had a gift for telling hypnotic tales that kept his audience spellbound, and his nose became his signature feature.
“Hat’s off to you, Antonínův Nos,” people would say as they admired his impressive schnoz.
One day, Antonín was strolling through the enchanted woods when he happened upon a beautiful woman named Krasavice. She was unlike anyone he had ever met before, and he was taken aback by her grace and charm. Krasavice was kind and gentle, and Antonin found himself quickly smitten with her.
As fate would have it, Krasavice was under a wicked curse that trapped her in the form of a rose bush. The curse could only be broken by a true act of love, and Antonín immediately knew what he needed to do.
“I will break the curse and set you free,” he vowed to Krasavice.
Antonín devoted himself to freeing Krasavice, and he set out on a perilous journey to find the magical ingredients he needed. He faced dangerous beasts and tricky wizards, but his love for Krasavice kept him strong.
As he gathered the ingredients, Antonín’s nose became even more prominent, and it earned him a new nickname- Antonínův Nos, the Nose of Destiny.
Finally, Antonín returned to Krasavice with the ingredients in hand. He performed the necessary ritual and broke the curse, freeing Krasavice from her thorny prison.
Overjoyed with his success, Antonín proposed to Krasavice, and she happily accepted. They got married and lived happily ever after, telling stories and enchanting people with Antonín’s nose as a symbol of their love.
The tale of Antonínův Nos a Krasavice is a story of bravery, devotion and true love conquering all. Despite the obstacles and challenges Antonín faced, he never gave up on Krasavice and his love for her became the fuel he needed to cast the spell to free her from the curse. It’s a testament to the power of perseverance, courage, and the enduring nature of love.
Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc
Dávná pohádka o Antonínově Nosu a Krásce ukazuje, jak láska a oddanost dokážou překonat všechny překážky. Antonín, obdařený ostrým duchem a kouzelnými vyprávěními, potkal v kouzelném lese krásnou Krasavici, která byla uvězněná v křoví. Antonín pronesl slib, že ji osvobodí, a vyrazil na nebezpečnou cestu za magickými ingrediencemi. S jeho odvahou a oddaností ke Krasavici, Antonín získal ingredience, ale jeho nos se stal ještě větším, což mu vyneslo nové jméno – Antonínův Nos, Nos Osudu.
Nakonec byla Krasavice osvobozená a Antonín se jí oženil. Tento příběh je dokazem síly vytrvalosti, odvahy a trvající povahy lásky.
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