Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Andras Baive a kouzelná princezna (Andras Baive and the Enchanted Princess)

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Bylo nebylo, za sedmi horami a za sedmi řekami žil Andras Baive – nejstatečnější rytíř v celém království. Jeho pověst byla tak veliká, že se do dalekých zemí roznesla a doslechli se o něm i ti nejmocnější kouzelníci. Jednoho dne však dostal od princezny neodolatelnou nabídku: pomoci ji osvobodit z kletby, kterou ji k ní přivedla závistivá vědma. Neodmítl a včas zaměnil svou mečovou rytířskou kápi za kouzelnou pláštěnku. Tak odstartoval příběh o Andras Baivovi a kouzelné princezně, který byl vší nadějí království.

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom of Czechia, there lived a prince named Andras Baive. He was a valiant and kind-hearted man who was loved by all his subjects. One day, while strolling through the forest, he stumbled upon a beautiful princess who was cursed and trapped inside a glass jar.

H2: Prince Andras Baive Discovers the Enchanted Princess

Prince Andras Baive had never seen such a captivating sight before. The princess had long golden hair which shone in the sunlight. She had deep blue eyes and a pure heart. The prince was mesmerized by her beauty and decided to rescue her from the jar she was trapped in.

As he approached the jar, he noticed a note attached to it.

H3: The Curse of the Enchanted Princess

The note read:

„Whosoever breaks the seal of this jar shall be the one to break the curse of the Enchanted Princess. A curse so strong, that it can only be broken by true love.“

The prince knew that he had to break the curse of the princess, but he had no idea how to do it. He decided to seek help from the wise old wizard who lived deep in the forest.

H2: Prince Andras Baive Seeks Help from the Wise Old Wizard

The prince set off on his horse to find the wizard. He rode through the tall trees and rocky terrains, finally arriving at the wizard’s cave. The wizard was a kind old man who had lived in the forest for over a thousand years.

„Hello, good wizard,“ said the prince. „I have come seeking your help. I have found an enchanted princess trapped in a glass jar, and I wish to break her curse.“

The wizard looked at the prince with a flicker of hope in his eyes. „You are brave to undertake such a quest, young prince. Let us sit down and talk.“

H2: The Wise Old Wizard Gives Andras Baive the Secret to Break the Curse

After hearing the prince’s story, the wizard told him the secret to breaking the curse.

„The princess has been cursed by an evil sorceress who resides in the dark forest. The only way to break the curse is to find true love, as stated in the note. But true love is not easy to find, and the sorceress will do everything in her power to prevent it. You must be brave and pure of heart, young prince, to break this curse.“

The prince nodded in agreement and set off to find true love.

H2: Andras Baive Embarks on a Journey to Find True Love

The prince rode through the forest, asking all the maidens he met, „Do you know the meaning of true love?“ But all he got was blank stares and apathy.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but the prince did not give up. He knew that true love was out there, waiting for him.

One day, when he was resting by the river, he saw a beautiful princess riding by on horseback. She had fiery red hair and green eyes. Something about her caught the prince’s eye, and he knew that she was the one.

H2: Andras Baive Finds True Love

The prince approached the princess and asked her, „Do you know the meaning of true love?“

The princess looked at him in surprise and said, „Yes, I do. True love is when you love someone with all your heart and soul, and you will do anything to protect them.“

The prince knew that he had found his true love, and he asked the princess to marry him. She said yes, and they were married in a grand ceremony in the kingdom.

H2: Breaking the Curse of the Enchanted Princess

With his true love by his side, the prince rode back to the forest to break the curse of the Enchanted Princess. As they rode, the sorceress appeared before them, trying to stop them from breaking the curse.

But the prince was not afraid. He stood tall and valiant, with his sword gleaming in the sunlight. With one swift strike, he broke the glass jar, and the princess was freed from the curse.

The princess looked at the prince with eyes full of gratitude and said, „You have broken the curse of true love, young prince. You have proven that true love can conquer all.“

H2: The Happily Ever After

The prince and the princess returned to the kingdom, where they lived happily ever after. They ruled the kingdom with wisdom and love, and their story spread far and wide.

And so, the tale of „Andras Baive and the Enchanted Princess“ became a legend, a story of true love conquering all.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V daleké království Čech žil princ Andras Baive, statečný a dobrosrdečný muž, kterého milovali jeho poddaní. Jednoho dne se procházel lesem a narazil na krásnou princeznu, která byla prokleta a uvězněna v skleněné nádobě. Za nádobou byla připevněna poznámka, že k prolamování kletby potřebuje člověka, který najde pravou lásku. Princ se vydal za moudrým kouzelníkem, aby mu pomohl najít pravou lásku a prolomit kletbu. Po mnoha týdnech hledání našel krále, který pronášel výklad o tom, co znamená pravá láska. Nakonec princ našel pravou lásku v podobě princezny s rudými vlasy a zelenýma očima a s její pomocí porazil zlého kouzelníka, který proklel princeznu. Princ a princezna se vrátili do království a spolu žili šťastně až do smrti, což ukázalo, že pravá láska dokáže překonat všechny překážky.

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