Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Alraunova píseň (The Song of the Alraun)

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Byla jednou jedna kořenová bylina zvaná Alraun. Tento podivný kořen měl magické vlastnosti a byl obdivovaný pro jeho sílu. Prastaré pověsti vyprávějí o Alraunových písních, které dokázaly uzdravit a navodit lásku. Jednu takovou píseň se však podařilo zachovat a dodnes se jí říká Alraunova píseň. Tato píseň zahrnuje v sobě nejen moc kořene Alraun, ale také tajemnou sílu hudby a lásky. Tohle je příběh o tom, jak Alraunova píseň zachránila život a navrátila lásku dvěma ztraceným duším.

Once upon a time, deep in the heart of a dense forest, there lived a mystical creature known as the Alraun. Legends tell of how the Alraun would grant wishes to those who were pure of heart and believed in the power of magic.

But there was one thing that the Alraun craved above all else – the perfect song to sing under the light of the moon. It was said that this song would bring great joy and prosperity to all who heard it.

And so, the Alraun turned to the forest itself for inspiration. She listened to the song of the birds, the rustle of leaves, and the whisper of the wind as they all blended together to form the perfect melody.

But try as she might, the Alraun could not quite capture the essence of the song. She grew frustrated, and her magic began to wane.

It was then that a young boy stumbled upon the Alraun in her grieving state. He was a simple woodcutter, but he possessed a pure and kind heart. The Alraun saw this and decided to grant him a wish.

Without hesitation, the woodcutter wished for the perfect song to bring joy to all who heard it. And in that moment, the Alraun’s magic was reignited. She took the woodcutter’s wish and poured all of her energy into creating the most beautiful melody.

The woodcutter listened in awe as the Alraun sang her song. It was a symphony of nature itself, a testament to the beauty of the world around them.

Overjoyed, the woodcutter returned to his village with the Alraun’s gift. He sang the song for all to hear, and they were entranced. People began dancing and singing, and the village was filled with joy.

But this was just the beginning. The woodcutter shared the song with other villages, and soon the entire country was humming along to the Alraun’s melody.

And from that day on, the Alraun was hailed as a true hero. Her song brought people together, and she had fulfilled her greatest wish.

In the end, the Alraun’s story serves as a reminder of the power of belief and the beauty of nature. Her song will continue to live on, inspiring generations to come.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Žila jednou mystická bytost Alraun v hustém lese, která plnila přání těm, kdo měli čisté srdce a věřili v sílu magie. Alraun toužila po dokonalé písni, která by způsobila radost a prosperitu. Snažila se inspirovat zvuky lesa, ale nikdy se jí nepodařilo vytvořit dokonalou melodii, její kouzlo se oslabovalo. Jednoho dne potkala Alraun mladého dřevaře, jehož srdce bylo čisté a plné lásky. Alraun mu věnovala přání a woodcutter si přál právě dokonalou píseň, co by donesla radost všude, kde bude hrát. Alraun nabyla nové síly a vytvořila nejkrásnější melodii sama ze zvuků lesa. Dřevorubec následně rozšířil píseň v celé zemi a lidé se bavili a tancovali. Alraun se stala hrdinkou a příběh připomíná sílu víry a krásu přírody, které mohou přinést lidem štěstí.

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