Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pohádky pro děti a celou rodinu grimmové

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Byla jednou jedna rodina Grimmů, která se proslavila svými pohádkami pro děti i dospělé. Tyto pohádky se staly součástí celého světa a získaly si oblibu milionů lidí. Protože věřili, že pohádky mají moc proměnit svět, rozhodli se napsat knihu Pohádky pro děti a celou rodinu Grimmové. Tato kniha ukazuje, jak věřit v zázraky a jak se snažit o vytrvalost v obtížných situacích. Ke každé z těchto pohádek se váže určité poselství, které by nám mohlo pomoci porozumět světu kolem nás. Pohádky pro děti a celou rodinu Grimmové jsou promyšlené příběhy, které nás přivádí k nejkrásnějším hodnotám života, jako jsou láska, odvaha a síla vůle.
Once upon a time, there were two brothers who loved storytelling. They were known as the Grimmové, and they wrote numerous fairy tales for children and families to enjoy. These fairy tales are popular throughout the world, and they have been translated into several languages.

Pohádky pro děti a celou rodinu Grimmové is a collection of fairy tales written by the Grimmové brothers. The stories in this book are perfect for children of all ages, and they are also suitable for adults who enjoy a good fairy tale. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular fairy tales from Pohádky pro děti a celou rodinu Grimmové.

Hansel a Gretel

This classic fairy tale is about two siblings named Hansel and Gretel. The two children live in a small, poverty-stricken village with their father and stepmother. One day, their stepmother suggests that they take Hansel and Gretel into the woods and leave them there. The siblings, however, are smarter than the stepmother thinks. They leave pebbles behind as they walk, so they can find their way back home. When they are taken back into the woods a second time, they leave breadcrumbs behind. Unfortunately, the breadcrumbs are eaten by birds, and they get lost.

The children come across a house made entirely of gingerbread and candy. They start to eat the house, but are caught by the witch who owns it. The witch attempts to cook and eat the children, but they outsmart her and escape.

Kráska a zvíře

This fairy tale is also known as Beauty and the Beast. The story is about a merchant who loses all his wealths and possessions after a storm. The merchant then stumbles upon a castle in the woods, where he takes refuge for the night. The next day, the merchant discovers a rose garden, and he decides to pick a rose for his daughter, Beauty. This angers the owner of the castle, who is a beast. The beast tells the merchant that he must give him one of his daughters in exchange for his life.

Beauty volunteers to go to the castle instead of her father, and she is surprised to find that the beast is not as terrifying as she thought. She begins to spend time with the beast, and as the days go by, they become friends. Beauty eventually learns that the beast is actually a prince who was put under a spell by a fairy. She falls in love with him, and the spell is broken.


This story is about a girl named Cinderella. She lives with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters who treat her poorly. One day, the king announces a ball, and Cinderella is not allowed to go. With the help of a fairy godmother, Cinderella attends the ball and meets the prince. The prince falls in love with her, but she must leave before midnight, or the magic spell will be broken.

The prince searches for Cinderella by visiting every house in the kingdom to find the owner of the glass slipper left behind at the ball. The stepsisters try to fit into the glass slipper, but it is only when Cinderella wears it that it fits perfectly. Cinderella and the prince are reunited, and they live happily ever after.


This fairy tale is also known as Rapunzel. It is about a girl who is locked in a tower by a witch. The witch raises the girl as her own, hiding her long hair from the world. One day, a prince hears the girl singing from the tower, and he falls in love with her. He visits her often, and they plan to escape together.

The witch finds out about their plan and cuts off the girl’s hair, leaving her imprisoned in the tower. The prince is heartbroken, but he is eventually reunited with the girl, and they live happily ever after.

In conclusion, Pohádky pro děti a celou rodinu Grimmové is a timeless collection of fairy tales that have been enjoyed by generations of children and adults. These stories are perfect for bedtime tales, and they teach important life lessons about kindness, bravery, and friendship. Whether you are young or old, these fairy tales are sure to capture your imagination and take you on a journey to a magical world full of wonder and love.

Ponaučení z Pohádky pro děti a celou rodinu grimmové

Pohádky pro děti a celou rodinu Grimmové je sbírka pohádek psaných bratry Grimmovými. Tyto příběhy jsou vhodné pro děti i dospělé, kteří rádi slyší dobré pohádky. Mezi nejoblíbenější pohádky patří například Hansel a Gretel, Kráska a zvíře, Popelka nebo Zlatovláska.

Hansel a Gretel je příběh o dvou sourozencích, kteří jsou opuštěni svou nevlastní matkou v lese. Díky kamínkům a strouhankám se jim podaří najít cestu domů a uniknout zlé čarodějnici.

Kráska a zvíře je příběh o obchodníkovi, který se ocitne v kamení v hradu zvířete. Zvíře mu nabídne svou ochranu, ale za to si musí vzít jednu svou dceru. Kráska se nabízí, a brzy zjistí, že zvíře není tak hrozné, jak se zdálo.

Popelka je příběh o dívce, kterou trápí její nevlastní matka a sestry. Díky vílce se ji podaří zúčastnit se královského plesu, kde potká prince, do kterého se zamiluje.

Zlatovláska je příběh dívky, která je uvězněna v věži čarodějnice. Díky princeznu se podaří uniknout, ale než se setkají znovu, prožijí spoustu dobrodružství.

Tyto pohádky jsou plné kouzel a dobrodružství, ale také nás učí o důležitých hodnotách, jako jsou laskavost, odvaha a přátelství. Pohádky pro děti a celou rodinu Grimmové jsou univerzální příběhy, které si oblíbili lidé po celém světě.

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