Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pohádky o vlacích

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Dávno dávno v daleké říši žil malý chlapec jménem Jakub, jehož největší vášní byly vlaky. Trávil hodiny u kolejí, pozoroval pravidelný příjezd a odjezd, a snil o tom, že jednoho dne sám usedne za řídítka lokomotivy. Jednoho večera se mu ale splní sen, když potká kouzelnou vílu, která mu otevře cestu do zázračného světa Pohádek o vlacích
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away there lived a young boy named Tomáš. Tomáš had a deep fascination with trains and would often spend his days watching them as they passed by his town.

One day, while Tomáš was watching the trains, he heard a strange noise coming from the track. As he got closer, he saw a small train struggling to make its way up the hill. Tomáš ran over to help and together they were able to get the train up the hill.

The train thanked Tomáš for his help and asked him if he wanted to join him on his adventures. Tomáš couldn’t believe his luck and eagerly agreed. They set off on their journey, with Tomáš on board guiding the train through winding tracks and steep hills.

As they traveled through the countryside, Tomáš and the train encountered many obstacles. They came across a forest that was cursed by an evil witch, causing all the trees to grow in strange and twisted shapes. The train was terrified to go through the forest, but Tomáš knew they had to brave it if they wanted to continue their journey.

Together, they slowly made their way through the forest, with Tomáš using his knowledge of trains to navigate the tricky twists and turns. When they finally emerged from the forest, the train was grateful and amazed at Tomáš‘ bravery and skill.

Their next challenge was a steep mountain pass that was too dangerous for most trains to cross. But Tomáš knew no obstacle was too big to overcome. He worked tirelessly, laying tracks and building bridges until they were able to cross over the mountain safely.

Throughout their journey, Tomáš and the train became the best of friends. They shared stories and laughs, and Tomáš even taught the train some new tricks, like how to whistle a happy tune. They traveled far and wide, visiting magical lands and meeting new friends along the way.

One day, as they were crossing a great desert, the train suddenly broke down. Tomáš tried everything he could think of to fix him, but nothing seemed to work. The train was so grateful to Tomáš for all he had done, and he knew he couldn’t leave him stranded in the desert. So, he decided to leave the train and set off on foot to find help.

As he journeyed through the sweltering heat, Tomáš was starting to lose hope. He had been walking for days, and his water was running low. But just when he thought he couldn’t go on any longer, he saw a glimmer of hope in the distance.

As he got closer, he saw it was a group of friendly trains, all traveling together on an adventure of their own. Tomáš explained his situation, and they were more than happy to help him fix his friend, the train.

Together, they traveled back to the desert, where Tomáš was able to fix the train and get him up and running again. The train was overjoyed to be reunited with his friend, and they continued on their journey, stronger than ever before.

And so, Tomáš and the train continued to travel and have adventures together. They faced many challenges along the way, but with their spirit and determination, they were able to overcome all obstacles. Their journey taught them both the importance of courage, friendship, and never giving up on your dreams.


Pohádky o vlacích is a classic tale of adventure and friendship, one that will delight audiences of all ages for generations to come. Through the story of Tomáš and the train, we learn the value of courage, perseverance, and the power of friendship. It is a reminder that no matter how difficult the road may be, with a little help from our friends, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our dreams.

Ponaučení z Pohádky o vlacích

Pohádka o vlacích je klasickým příběhem dobrodružství a přátelství, který potěší publikum všech věkových kategorií po celé generace. Skrze příběh Tomáše a vlaku se učíme hodnotě odvahy, vytrvalosti a síle přátelství. Je to připomínka, že ačkoliv může být cesta obtížná, s trochou pomoci od našich přátel můžeme překonat jakoukoli překážku a dosáhnout svých snů.

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