Byla jednou jedna krásná pohádka o dvanácti měsíčkách, kterou si každý máme co vyprávět. Tato pohádka nás zavede do světa, kde měsíce ovládají nejen přírodu, ale také lidské srdce. Nejvíce však budeme sledovat osudy dvanácti měsíčků, kteří jsou bohužel uneseni zemskou královnou a musí bojovat o svou zpětnou cestu ke svému domovu na nebi. Přes mnohá nebezpečí a překážky se však budou snažit svého cíle dosáhnout. A jak to celé dopadne? To už zjistíme brzy! Vítejte ve světě Dramatizace pohádky o dvanácti měsíčkách!
Once upon a time, in the magical land of Moravia, there was a king and queen who had no children. The queen was very sad that she could not have any children of her own, so she prayed every night to the gods for a child. Finally, after years of trying, the queen gave birth to twelve daughters, born one for each month of the year. The king and queen were so happy and loved their daughters dearly.
H2: Prince and the Twelve Months
One day, a prince from a nearby kingdom came to visit the Moravian palace. He was handsome, brave, and charming, and all twelve of the princesses fell in love with him instantly. However, the prince only had eyes for the youngest princess, who was born in December. The princess was kind and gentle, and the two of them spent every day together.
H2: The Angry King
The king, however, was not pleased with the prince’s attention towards his youngest daughter. He wanted his other daughters to encounter love before the youngest one was allowed to get married. His anger grew day by day, as the prince continued to see the December princess. The king decided to send the prince far away, to a distant land where he would never be able to see the princess again.
H2: The Disguised Prince
The prince, however, was not willing to give up so easily. He disguised himself as an old man and traveled back to the Moravian palace. There he met The 12 daughters, and one by one they tried to help the old man in any way they could. Finally, the youngest December princess recognized the prince’s eyes and knew that the old man was actually the prince. She was overjoyed to see him once again and promised to help him meet her sisters.
H2: The Secret Meeting
The prince was eager to reveal his identity, but he knew it was too dangerous to do so in front of the king. Instead, the twelve princesses met him secretly, one by one, each month in a different part of the castle garden. They would spend the entire night together, dancing and laughing. They were only allowed to stay out for twelve hours, as the king was very strict.
H3: The Thorncastle Garden
The twelfth, December Princess, took the prince to the most beautiful part of the castle garden; inside the castle they call it Thorncastle garden or Široký Dům. The Thorncastle garden was enchanted, and it transformed with each month of the year. It bloomed with colorful flowers in the spring, was enticing green in the summer, covered in gold in autumn, and covered in snow during winter.
H2: The Betrayal
One day, the king found out about the princesses‘ secret meetings, and he grew very angry. He decided to follow them and find out what was happening. The youngest princess, December, had brought the prince to the garden shortly before the midnight deadline. As they danced, their happiness was short-lived, as they noticed the sad, angry look on the king’s face from a distance. The prince knew that the king would be angry, but they had not expected what happened next.
H2: The Punishment
The king was furious to see the prince with his daughters and decided to punish them. The king had them put in prison for many years, where they were very sad and lonely. They could not wait to see the sun or feel the fresh air again.
H2: The Happy Ending
However, the youngest princess remembered a secret recipe her mother had taught her for making a soup that could bring anyone great strength. She gathered the ingredients and made a large pot of the soup, and together they drank it, giving them the energy and strength they needed to escape the prison.
H2: The King’s Regret
When the prince and the 12 months princesses returned to the palace, they found the king so filled with regret that he had made a terrible mistake. He asked their forgiveness and welcomed the prince back to the palace with open arms. The prince married the youngest princess in December, and they all lived happily ever after.
In conclusion, the tale of Dramatizace Pohádky o Dvanácti Měsíčkách delivers a message of love and perseverance, as well as the importance of forgiveness and understanding. The story is full of magical moments, hidden secrets, and unexpected turn of events that will fly you off to another world.
Ponaučení z Dramatizace pohádky o dvanácti měsíčkách
Byla jednou jeden král a královna, kteří neměli děti. Královna se modlila ke bohům, aby jí dali dítě, a konečně porodila dvanáct dcer, každou v jiném měsíci. Jednoho dne se na zámek dostavil princ a všechny princezny se do něj zamilovaly. Ovšem princezna narozená v prosinci byla ta, kterou si princ získal doopravdy. Král byl ale naštvaný na prince a chtěl, aby jeho další dcery měly příležitost poznat lásku. Prince tedy poslal pryč. Princ se však rozhodl, že se nepodvolí a vrací se za princeznami v přestrojení za staříka. Tím se jim podaří setkat se tajně jedenkrát v měsíci, a to v kouzelné zahradě uvnitř zámku. Když král narazí na jejich schůzky, vyhodí je všechny do vězení. Nejmladší princezna si ale vzpomene na tajný recept na polévku, který jí její matka dala, a společně se jim podaří uprchnout. Na zámku se princ a princezna z prosince vezmou a král lituje svého chování. Tuto pohádku nám přináší poselství o lásce, pevné vůli a odpuštění.
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