Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Delfín a jiné pohádky

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“Bylo nebylo, za sedmi horami a sedmi řekami stálo malé městečko. V tom městě žil chudý, ale statečný chlapec jménem Delfín. Jeho největším snem bylo stát se rytířem a zachraňovat princezny, jak to dělali hrdinové z jeho oblíbených pohádek. Jednoho dne se mu jeho sen splnil, ale ne v úplně obvyklé podobě. Delfín se totiž stal ochráncem zvláštního království, kde se odehrávají příběhy jako žádné jiné. Připravte se na putování do kouzelného světa Delfína a jiných pohádek.”
Once upon a time in a far-off kingdom, there lived a young mermaid named Delfín. She was a curious little creature who loved to explore the sea world around her. Delfín was born with a unique ability – she could communicate with all the sea creatures, big and small. Her natural charm and friendly nature made her popular amongst her underwater neighbours.

One sunny day, Delfín decided to go on an adventure. She swam past coral reefs, schools of fish and a shipwreck before coming across a dark, eerie cave. Delfín, being the brave little mermaid that she was, swam inside. It was pitch black, and she couldn’t see a thing. Suddenly, she felt something wrap around her tail, and before she could react, she was dragged away by a wicked old octopus. Delfín was terrified, and she thought that she was never going to see her family or friends again.

The octopus, whose name was Drak, had a reputation for being the meanest creature in the sea. He demanded that Delfín grant him three wishes in exchange for her freedom. Delfín knew that granting wishes to this awful creature would not be wise. So she came up with a plan. She said to Drak, “oh! great Drak, I cannot grant your wishes. I left my magical pearl in my home, and I cannot function without it. If you return me to my home, I will bring you the pearl, and you can have all the wishes in the world.”

Drak, who was greedy and gullible, fell for Delfín’s plan and released her. Delfín raced back to her home, where she met her friend, Kreveta, the crab. She explained her situation to Kreveta, who agreed to help her. Together, they visited an old hermit in the deserted part of the sea, who was known for his knowledge of magical pearls. He gave them a deep purple pearl, which he claimed would grant three wishes.

Delfín and Kreveta hurriedly swam back to Drak with the pearl and presented it to him. As soon as he had laid his tentacles on it, he shouted, “I wish for more food than I could ever eat!” and just like that, the pearl granted his wish. The cave was now overflowing with food, and Drak was happy.

Feeling brave now, Delfín said to Drak, “Great Drak, I offer another wish. I hear that you wanted to be the strongest and most powerful creature in the sea, is it true?” Drak said, “Indeed, my child. How did you know?” Delfín replied, “I have my ways. Here, take the pearl and make your second wish come true.” Drak grabbed the pearl and shouted, “I wish to be the strongest and most powerful creature in the sea!” and, just like that, he transformed into a giant octopus with massive tentacles that could crush anything it came across.

Delfín and Kreveta swam away from the cave as quickly as they could, knowing it was only a matter of time before Drak broke free from the cave and tried to harm them. They raced to the palace of the water king and queen and asked for their help. The royal couple summoned all the sea creatures in the kingdom and together, they fought against Drak. The battle raged on, but eventually, Drak was defeated, and he apologized to Delfín for his wicked behaviour.

As a reward for her bravery, the king and queen made Delfín the protector of the sea kingdom. She was now the most loved and respected creature in all the sea. From that day on, whenever there was trouble in the sea, all the sea creatures knew that they could count on Delfín.

The end.

H2: Postavy v pohádce
H3: Roztomilá malá Delfínka
H3: Drak
H3: Kreveta

H2: Delfínka a Drak
H3: Delfínčin výlet
H3: Bitka o Delfínčin osud
H3: Konec Draka

H2: Delfínka a trojice přání
H3: Delfínčin plán
H3: Volání po pomoci
H3: Boj s Drakem

H2: Delfínka – ochránkyně mořského království
H3: Delfínka dostává odměnu
H3: Delfínka je respektována a milována

Ponaučení z Delfín a jiné pohádky

Pohádka vypráví příběh malé merlinky jménem Delfínka, která miluje objevování mořského světa. Delfínka se dostane do pasti Draka, nejzlého tvora v moři, který nabídne, že ji propustí, pokud jí splní tři přání. Delfínka si uvědomí, že přání Draka jsou sobecká a nebezpečná, takže společně se svým přítelem Krevetou vymyslí plán, jak ho oklamat. Delfínka Drakovi řekne, že nemůže splnit jeho přání, dokud má doma svou magickou perlu, a nabídne mu, že mu ji přinese, když ji najde. Delfínka s Krevetou získají perlu od starého poustevníka, která Drakovi splní přání. Drak se však pak promění v obrovského a nebezpečného tvora, proto se Delfínka se Krevetou utíkají pro pomoc k Mořskému králi a královně. Ti svolají všechna zvířata v moři a společně se Drakem bojují, až ho dokáží porazit. Delfínka je výjimečná merinka, protože dokáže mluvit s všemi mořskými tvory, a Mořský král a královna ji nakonec jmenovali ochránkyní celého mořského království.

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