Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Cicvárek o pohádkách

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Byla jednou země plná pohádek a bájí. V jejím středu stál zázračný les, kde se v noci ozývaly neuvěřitelné zvuky a kouzelné výjevy. Lidé z okolí se báli do lesa vstoupit, ale Cicvárek, moudrý a statečný tvor, se v něm pohyboval jako doma. Svou láskou k pohádkám a dobrodružstvími hojně proslul, a tak se mu začaly říkat Cicvárek o pohádkách. Jednoho dne se však ve zlatém kouzelném zrcadle objevilo znamení, že lesu hrozí velká nebezpečí. Cicvárek se proto vydal na cestu, aby zjistil, co se děje a zachránil svůj milovaný les.
Once upon a time in the Czech Republic, there was a man named Cicvárek who loved nothing more than telling and listening to fairy tales. He spent his days in the town square, sitting on a bench and entertaining anyone who cared to listen with stories of magic, adventure, and heroism.

H2: Cicvárek and the Young Prince

One day, a young prince happened upon Cicvárek’s storytelling and was immediately captivated by his tales. The prince had been sheltered all his life and had never heard stories like these before.

Cicvárek took the prince under his wing and became his mentor, teaching him the art of storytelling and filling his head with wonder and imagination. The prince dreamed of one day becoming a great storyteller like Cicvárek.

H3: A Dark Cloud Over the Land

However, their idyllic partnership could not last forever. A dark cloud began to loom over the land, and rumors of an evil queen who harbored a deep hatred for storytelling started to spread.

The queen believed that stories were dangerous and had the power to corrupt people’s thoughts and desires. She made it her mission to silence all storytellers, including Cicvárek, and banished them from her kingdom.

H2: Cicvárek’s Quest for the Ultimate Fairytale

Cicvárek was devastated by the queen’s decree but refused to give up his passion for storytelling. He set out on a quest to find the ultimate fairytale – one that would have the power to change the queen’s heart and restore freedom to the storytellers of the realm.

On his journey, Cicvárek encountered all sorts of magical creatures and had many adventures. He battled dragons, befriended fairies, and even had a run-in with a mischievous gnome.

H3: The Ultimate Fairytale

After many months of wandering, Cicvárek finally found the ultimate fairytale – one that he knew would have the power to change the queen’s mind. It was a tale of a brave hero who went on a quest to rid the world of evil and tyranny.

Cicvárek returned to the kingdom with a renewed sense of purpose, and he seized every opportunity to share his new fairytale with anyone who would listen. The people of the realm were once again enthralled by his stories, and even the young prince was inspired to create his own tales.

H2: A New Dawn for Storytelling

Eventually, word of Cicvárek’s new fairytale reached the queen herself. Intrigued by the story, she summoned Cicvárek to her palace to hear it firsthand.

As Cicvárek began to tell the tale, he saw a change come over the queen’s face. She seemed to be moved by the hero’s bravery and determination, and by the end of the story, she was weeping openly.

She realized that stories had the power to touch people’s hearts and minds in ways that she had never imagined. From that day forward, she lifted the ban on storytelling and invited Cicvárek and all other storytellers back to the kingdom.

The people celebrated Cicvárek as a hero, and he continued to tell his tales in the town square for many years to come. And the young prince? He went on to become one of the greatest storytellers of all time.


Cicvárek’s tale reminds us of the power of storytelling and the importance of preserving this ancient and cherished art form. Even in the face of adversity and persecution, we must continue to tell our stories and share them with the world. For it is through our stories that we connect with each other and with the world around us.

Ponaučení z Cicvárek o pohádkách

V pohádce „Cicvárek a mladý princ“ se dozvídáme o síle vyprávění pohádek. Cicvárek je vášnivý vypravěč a učí mladého prince umění vyprávět a plnit jeho hlavu těmi nejfantastičtějšími příběhy. Ale jednoho dne se nad zemí objeví temný mrak a královna začne pronásledovat vypravěče a zakazuje jim vyprávění. Cicvárek ale nevzdává a vypraví se na cestu za nejlepší pohádkou, která by dokázala změnit srdce královny. Setkává se mnoha magickými bytostmi a nakonec najde tu nejlepší pohádku. Královna ji poslouchá a dojme se. Rozhodne se tedy povolit vyprávění a dávejí naději, že vypravěči se vrátí do jejího království. Tento příběh nás učí o síle příběhů a o důležitosti zachování tohoto umění v našem životě.

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