Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bily a bob pohádka

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Byla jednou jedna země, kde vládlo království plné stád ovcí a rozlehlých polí. Protože se však neustále objevovali zloději, král musel najmout nejlepšího pastevce v zemi – a tím byl Bily, bobík s neobyčejnými schopnostmi.

Bily byl malý, ale odvážný. Dokázal ovládat ovce jen svým pohledem a slyšel každý šepot větru. Jednoho dne však přišel do království zlý drak, který unášel ovce a ničil pole. A tak se Bily vydal na nebezpečnou misi, aby se draka postavil a zachránil království před zkázou.
Once upon a time, in a far-off land called Česká republika, there lived a tiny blue bird named Bily. Bily was not your ordinary bird, for she could talk, sing and fly faster than any other bird in the land. Her unique abilities made her famous among the animals, and they often came to her for advice.

Krysí věž (The Rat’s tower)

One day, a group of animals came to Bily, seeking her help to save their friend, a little mouse, who had been trapped in a tower. The tower belonged to a crafty rat, who was known to be the most dangerous animal in the land. The terrified mouse had been trapped in the tower for days, and none of the animals could help her.

Without wasting any time, Bily promised to save the mouse from the tower. She set off for Krysí věž (The Rat’s tower), where the mouse was imprisoned. As Bily approached the tower, she could hear the mouse’s cries for help.

Bily flew around the tower, searching for a way to enter it. Suddenly, she spotted a tiny hole on the side of the tower. It was just big enough for Bily to fit through. She carefully flew through the hole and landed inside the tower.

The Rat’s Lair

Inside the tower, Bily found herself in the rat’s lair. The rat was asleep, snoring loudly on his bed. The mouse was trapped in a cage, right next to the rat’s bed.

Bily quickly flew to the cage and asked the mouse to be quiet. She told her that she was there to save her and that they needed to leave the tower immediately. The mouse nodded and whispered that the rat had the key to the cage, which he kept under his pillow.

Bily knew that she needed to be careful not to wake up the rat. She flew to the rat’s bed and searched for the key. After a few minutes, she found it and quietly flew back to the cage. She unlocked the cage, and the mouse jumped out, thanking Bily for saving her.

The rat wakes up

As Bily and the mouse were about to leave the lair, the rat suddenly woke up. He was furious to see that the mouse had escaped. He spotted Bily and flew into a rage. He chased Bily and the mouse to the door of the tower.

Bily flew as fast as she could, with the mouse clinging tight to her feathers. The rat was close behind, grabbing at Bily’s tail feathers. Just as they reached the door of the tower, Bily had an idea. She turned around and flew directly at the rat, hitting him in the face with her beak.

The victory

The rat was stunned, and he stumbled backward. Bily and the mouse quickly darted out of the tower, and the door slammed shut behind them. They were free! The animals waiting outside the tower cheered and danced. They thanked Bily for saving the mouse and defeating the rat.

From that day on, Bily became a legend among the animals. Her bravery and quick thinking had saved the life of the mouse and had defeated the dangerous rat. Her name spread far and wide, and all the animals in the land knew of her heroic deeds.


And so, Bily became a beloved figure in the land of Česká republika, known for her courage and her kind heart. She continued to help animals in need, and many turned to her for guidance and wisdom. And even now, many years later, her name is still remembered and celebrated in the land of Česká republika as one of the great heroes of the animal kingdom.

Ponaučení z Bily a bob pohádka

Dávání rady, projevování odvahy a přemýšlení o riziku a bezpečnosti jsou lekce, které se dají vyvodit z pohádky o Bílé ptáčce a její záchraně malé myšky ze Zrádnovy věže. Bílý ptáček se nebojí riskovat, ačkoli ví, že rat je nebezpečný nepřítel. Místo toho hledá způsoby, jak pomoci a neváhá použít své schopnosti, aby vysvobodil myšku. To ukazuje, jak důležité je přemýšlet o riziku, ale neztratit rozhodnost a najít cestu k úspěchu.

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