Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

A večernice obrázky pohádky

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„Byla jednou večernice, která se ztratila v lese a hledala cestu domů. Když se slunce skrylo za horizont a noc padla na zem, začala se rozbíhat mezi stromy, aby našla útočiště. Přitom narazila na malou děvčátko, které si hrálo na louce se svými obrázky pohádek. A tak začíná naše pohádka o večernici a jejím putování za domovem.“

Once upon a time, in a small village in the Czech Republic, there lived a young girl named Adéla. Adéla was a beautiful and kind-hearted girl who loved spending time outdoors under the starry, night sky. She had a special love for the moon and stars, but most of all, she had a fascination with the večernice.

H2: Co je večernice?

Večernice, which translates to „evening star,“ was a star that always appeared in the evening sky. It was said to grant wishes, make dreams come true, and bring good luck to those who wished upon it. Adéla would often sit outside for hours, gazing up at the sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of the večernice.

H3: Jak Adéla našla večernici?

One night, as Adéla sat outside, she noticed a shooting star streak across the sky. She closed her eyes and made a wish, hoping that the večernice would grant it. When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see that the večernice had landed right in front of her.

Adéla couldn’t believe her luck. She was thrilled to finally come face-to-face with the star that she had always admired from afar. The večernice was even more beautiful up close, and Adéla was captivated by its radiance.

H3: Přání Adély

Adéla didn’t waste any time in making her wish. She closed her eyes tightly and wished for the one thing that she wanted most in the world – a set of magical pictures that could come to life and tell her stories.

When she opened her eyes, the večernice was gone, and Adéla was left sitting alone under the night sky. But she had a feeling that her wish would come true, and she couldn’t wait to see what the večernice had in store for her.

H3: Odkud se vzaly obrázky pohádek?

The next morning, Adéla woke up to find a beautiful set of pictures lying next to her bed. They were unlike any pictures she had ever seen before. Each one was intricately detailed, and they looked like they had been drawn by some magical force.

Adéla picked up the first picture and watched in amazement as the characters started to move and come to life. She realized that her wish had been granted, and she had been given the gift of magical pictures that could tell her stories.

H2: Jaké pohádky Adéla slyšela?

Adéla spent countless hours poring over the magical pictures, each one telling a different story. She heard tales of brave princesses, talking animals, and enchanted forests. She even discovered stories that she had never heard of before.

As she listened to each story, Adéla was transported to a world of magic and wonder. She was amazed at how the pictures could come to life and tell such incredible tales.

H3: Souhrn

Thanks to the večernice, Adéla was able to fulfill her greatest wish and discover a world of enchantment. She spent the rest of her days collecting new pictures and listening to the magical stories they told. And to this day, whenever she gazes up at the starry, night sky, she is reminded of the amazing gift she was given and the incredible stories she was told.

Ponaučení z A večernice obrázky pohádky

Díky večernici se Adéla splnil sen o magických obrázcích, které mohou oživnout a vyprávět příběhy. Tyto pohádkové obrázky jí ukázaly svět plný kouzel a zázraků, který ji unášel do dálek fantazie a byla fascinována nejen tím, co viděla, ale především tím, co slyšela. Díky večernici mohla splnit svůj sen a prozkoumat nový svět, plný neobyčejných příběhů a neuvěřitelných zážitků.

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