Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Uhlička a tři prasátka (The Coal and Three Little Pigs)

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Byla jednou jedna záhadná kouzelná země plná podivných tvorů a neuvěřitelných dobrodružství. V této zemi žili tři malí prasátka, kteří snili o dokonalém a bezpečném domově. Jednoho dne se však jejich životy dostaly do hrozivého nebezpečí, když se na scéně objevilo zlomyslné a neústupné stvoření – Uhlička! Tento nepřítel pocházející ze země ohně a země síry se rozhodl zničit domy prasátek, což znamenalo, že se museli bránit za každou cenu. Jak to dopadlo? Přečtěte si tuto kouzelnou pohádku plnou napětí, dobrodružství a naděje!
Once upon a time in a small Czech village, there were three little pigs named Pihno, Špíno, and Sliník. They lived in a cozy house made of straw, but they always dreamed of building a stronger and more secure house.

One day, they heard about a magical substance called uhlička, which could make any house indestructible. They decided to travel to a nearby mine and search for this magical substance.

Hledání Uhličky v Šachtách (Searching for Coal in the Mines)

The journey to the mine was long and arduous, but the little pigs were determined to find the uhlička. Finally, after many hours of walking, they arrived at the entrance to the mine.

They entered the dark, damp, and eerie mine full of enthusiasm, yet also trepidation. After walking for some time, they stumbled upon a giant pile of coal.

Špíno cried out joyfully, „Toto musí být uhlička, po které hledáme!“ (This must be the coal we’re searching for!“)

They quickly began collecting the coal and loading it into their respective baskets. Pihno, Špíno, and Sliník collected all the coal they could carry, determined to build the greatest and strongest houses they could.

Stavba Prasátek (Building the Pigs’ Homes)

Upon returning to their village, the three little pigs set to work building their new homes. Pihno, the eldest of the pigs, wanted to build his house with the hardest walls possible.

„Pro můj dům,“ (For my house), said Pihno, „budu používat z nejtužšího kamene a uhličky, kterou jsme našli v dole.“ (I will use the hardest stone and the uhlička we found in the mines for my house.)

Špíno, the middle pig, wanted a more unique and modern house. He decided to build his house with bricks and uhlička, which would make his house special and stand out from the other houses in the village.

Sliník, the youngest of the pigs, decided to opt for a simple and easy-to-build house. He chose to make his home out of wood, but he made sure to coat the wood with uhlička to ensure maximum strength and durability.

The Three Little Pigs‘ Houses are Tested

The houses were finally ready, and each pig moved into their new home. However, their peace was short-lived as the notorious big bad wolf decided to pay them a visit.

The wolf arrived at Pihno’s house, and with one blow of its powerful breath, he toppled the wall easily. The pig ran away and took shelter in Špíno’s brick house. The wolf tried to blow the house away, but the strong walls of the house made of bricks and uhlička prevailed.

The wolf then turned towards Sliník’s house, which was made of wood. The wolf tried to blow the house down, but to its surprise, the house remained standing.

Sliník explained to the wolf, „Mléčná omalovánka uhličkou jsem potřel dům a posílil ho.“ (I coated the wood with uhlička paint, which increased the strength and durability of my house.)

The wolf realized he had finally met his match as the hard and durable walls made of timber and uhlička could not be blown down, and he retreated into the forest with his tail between his legs.

All the little pigs rejoiced and thanked the magical uhlička for protecting them from the ferocious wolf.

The Moral of the Story

Uhlička a tři prasátka, or The Coal and Three Little Pigs, teaches us the importance of resilience and determination while also demonstrating the benefits of using modern technology to build stronger, more durable homes. It also shows that in the face of challenges, one can triumph with creative thinking and the help of magical substances like uhlička as used by the clever little pig, Sliník.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Tento pohádkový příběh o třech prasátkách, kteří hledají nezničitelný materiál, aby si postavili pevné domy, nás učí důležitosti odolnosti a odhodlání a zároveň ukazuje výhody používání moderní technologie k výstavbě silnějších a trvanlivějších domů. Tento příběh také ukazuje, že v tváři výzev může jedinec zvítězit s tvůrčím myšlením a pomocí magických látek, jako je uhlička, kterou použil chytrý prasátko Sliník.

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