Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Syn Vědmařův a podmíněný slib

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Byl jeden mladý muž, Syn Vědmařův, který toužil po větším bohatství. Jednoho dne potkal záhadného muže a ten mu nabídl bohatství, pokud splní jeden podmíněný slib. Ale co Syn Vědmařův obětoval, aby získal své bohatství? To se dozvíte v této klasické české pohádce „Syn Vědmařův a podmíněný slib“.

Once upon a time in a small village nestled in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a young girl named Syn. Syn was a bright and curious girl who lived with her mother and sister. Her mother, a kind and loving woman, was a healer who helped people with her magic. However, this magic had caught the attention of the local Vědmař, a powerful witch who lived on the outskirts of the village.

One day, Syn’s mother fell ill, and despite all her efforts, she could not heal herself. In desperation, Syn went to see the Vědmař, hoping that she could help her mother. However, the Vědmař was not a kind-hearted witch, and she demanded a high price for her services.

„What do you want in exchange for curing my mother?“ Syn asked nervously.

„The price for my services is steep, young girl. I require a promise from you. A promise that you will never marry or have children,“ the Vědmař said with a wicked gleam in her eye.

Syn was shocked by this demand, but she loved her mother dearly, and she knew that she needed the Vědmař’s help. So she reluctantly agreed, and the witch cured her mother. In her relief and gratitude, Syn promised to honor her part of the bargain.

Years went by, and Syn lived up to her promise. She never married, nor did she ever have children. She devoted herself to helping others, like her mother had before her. However, as she grew older, she began to regret her decision. She longed for love and companionship, and the thought of spending the rest of her life alone filled her with sadness.

Desperate and alone, Syn went to see the Vědmař once more. „Please, is there any way to break the promise I made to you?“ Syn asked.

The Vědmař cackled, „Of course not, my dear. A promise made to a witch is binding for life. You should have thought of that before you agreed to my terms.“

Syn felt hopeless, but she refused to give up. She searched high and low for a solution, but nothing seemed to work. Until one day, a kind-hearted prince came to the village. His name was Tomáš, and he was known for his fairness and kindness. Syn felt an instant connection with him, and soon, they fell deeply in love.

However, when Syn told Tomáš about her promise to the Vědmař, he was heartbroken. He refused to give up on their love and sought out the guidance of a wise old man in the nearby forest. The old man was known for his wisdom and his ability to break curses.

Tomáš and Syn went to see the old man, and he listened to their plight. After much thought and consideration, he told them that the only way to break the curse was to make a promise under the same conditions as the original promise.

„You must offer the Vědmař something of equal value to what she gave you,“ the old man said.

The couple was skeptical and wondered what they could possibly offer. They thought long and hard, but nothing seemed to be enough. Until, one day, a miracle happened. Syn’s sister, who had been barren her entire life, announced that she was pregnant.

Syn saw this as a sign and went to the Vědmař. „I have a new promise to offer you. My sister’s child will never marry nor have children,“ Syn said.

The Vědmař considered the offer, and after much deliberation, she agreed to the terms. The curse was broken, and Syn was free to build a life with Tomáš, something she had never thought possible.

From that day on, Syn lived happily ever after with Tomáš, grateful for the love they shared and the sacrifice made by her sister. She never forgot the power of promises and the consequences that came with them. She continued to live a life of kindness, promise, and love, leaving behind a legacy that would be remembered for generations to come.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V malé vesničce na území České republiky žila dívka jménem Syn. Její matka byla léčitelkou a Syn byla zvědavá a bystrá dívka. Vědmařka, mocná čarodějnice, která žila na okraji vesnice, však pozorovala schopnosti Syniny matky používat magii. Jednoho dne se Synina matka onemocněla a Natrelský, Vědmařka, požadovala za své služby cenu: Synova věčná slib, že se nikdy neožení a nebudou mít děti. Syn tuto podmínku nakonec s nelibostí přijala, protože chtěla zachránit svou matku.

Po letech Syn začala své rozhodnutí litovat a toužila po lásce a společnosti. Vrátila se tedy k Natrelské, aby se zeptala, zda existuje nějaký způsob, jak porušit slib. Natrelská však řekla, že slib pod danými podmínkami platí navždy a Syn se cítila beznadějně.

Jediné východisko však spatřil prince Tomáš, který přišel do vesnice a zamiloval se do Syn. Společně se vydali za moudrým starým mužem žijícím v nedalekém lese. Starý muž je informoval, že jediný způsob, jak zlomit kletbu, je nabídnout něco stejně cenného jako synova přísaha. Syn a Tomáš přemýšleli, co by takovéto cenné zboží mohlo být, ale nic nenacházeli. Až do dne, kdy Synina sestra, která byla celý život neplodná, oznámila, že je těhotná. Syn se rozhodla nabídnout Natrelské nový slib, kterým by se Synina sestra a její dítě nikdy nevdali a neměli děti. Po dlouhém zvážení Natrelská souhlasila a Syn se nakonec mohla žít šťastně až do smrti s Tomášem. Toto pohádkové poučení ukazuje, že sliby mají své důsledky a že bychom měli všechny své přísahy pečlivě zvažovat.

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