Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Syn Ktěsna Proroka (The Soothsayer’s Son)

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Byla jedna soothsayerka, která měla syna jménem Syn Ktěsna Proroka. Ten se narodil s neobyčejným darem předvídání budoucnosti. Jeho matka věděla, že bude mít důležitou roli v osudu lidí, ale netušila, jakou cestou se Syn Ktěsna Proroka vydá. Tak začíná krásná pohádka o Synu Ktěsna Proroka.
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of Bohemia, there lived a powerful soothsayer named Ktěsna. He was known throughout the land for his abilities to look into the future and make predictions that always came true. However, despite his great power, Ktěsna was a humble man who lived a simple life with his wife and children.

Ktěsna was blessed with three children, a daughter named Adelheid, and two sons, Josef and Syn. Adelheid was the eldest and the most beautiful of the siblings, while Josef was strong and brave, always eager to prove himself in the eyes of his father. Syn, meanwhile, was the youngest of the three and the most gentle. He spent most of his days wandering the countryside, lost in thought and dreaming of the world beyond the village.

One day, Ktěsna was approached by a group of travelers who were passing through the village. They had heard of his powers and had come to seek his advice. Ktěsna welcomed them into his home and, after reading their palms and staring into the flames of his hearth, he revealed to the travelers a great danger that lay ahead.

„The kingdom is in peril,“ Ktěsna warned. „An evil sorcerer has risen to power and seeks to destroy all that we hold dear. He has built an army of monsters and witches, and he marches as we speak, towards the heart of our land. The only hope for our survival is to find the one who is destined to defeat him.“

The travelers were stunned by Ktěsna’s prophecy, and they begged him for guidance. „Who is the one?“ they asked. „Who can save us from this evil sorcerer?“

Ktěsna furrowed his brow, deep in thought. He knew the truth, but it was a difficult truth to accept. „The one who can defeat the sorcerer is my youngest son, Syn,“ he said eventually. „But he is only a boy, and he is not yet strong enough to face such a foe.“

The travelers were skeptical. A young boy, barely into his teenage years, to take on an army of monsters and witches? They shook their heads and prepared to leave, dismissing Ktěsna’s warning as the ramblings of an old and foolish man.

But Ktěsna knew the truth. He knew that his son was the one who could save the kingdom. And so he called Syn to his side and told him of the danger that lay ahead. „The fate of the kingdom rests on your shoulders,“ he said. „You must leave this village and travel to the capital, where the king and his army are waiting. You must convince them that you are the one who can defeat the sorcerer, and you must lead them into battle.“

Syn was hesitant. He had always been a quiet and introspective boy, and the thought of leading an army into battle was daunting. But he trusted his father, and he knew that he had a duty to protect his home and the people he loved.

And so Syn set out on his journey, armed with nothing but his wits and his courage. He traveled for days on foot, passed through dark and dangerous forests, and crossed rivers that were raging with stormwater. But he pressed on, driven by the knowledge that he was the only one who could save the kingdom from destruction.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Syn arrived at the gates of the capital. He was dirty, worn out, and his clothes were in tatters, but he stood tall and proud, determined to convince the king and his army that he was the one they had been waiting for.

At first, the king and his advisors were skeptical. They laughed at the young boy who stood before them and dismissed him as a foolish dreamer. But as Syn began to speak, something in his voice and his mannerisms convinced them that he was more than just a boy.

He told them of the evil sorcerer and his army of monsters and witches. He spoke of the danger that lay ahead and the need for a hero to rise. And as he finished his speech, he looked the king and his advisors square in the eyes and said, „I am that hero.“

There was a moment of stunned silence. No one spoke or moved, for they all felt the weight of Syn’s conviction and the force of his words. Finally, the king nodded slowly and said, „Very well. You have convinced us. The fate of the kingdom is in your hands.“

And so Syn led the army into battle. He fought with bravery and cunning, his heart filled with a fierce determination to protect his home and the people he loved. And though the battle was long and difficult, in the end, Syn emerged victorious.

The evil sorcerer was defeated, and the kingdom was saved. And as the people cheered and sang, Syn realized that he had found his place in the world. He was not just his father’s son, or a boy lost in thought and dreaming of the world beyond the village. He was a hero, a soothsayer’s son, destined to save the world.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Jednou žil v malé vesničce v srdci Čech mocný věštec jménem Ktěsna. Byl znám po celé zemi pro své schopnosti předvídat budoucnost a jeho předpovědi se vždy splnily. Navzdory jeho velké síle byl Ktěsna skromný muž, který žil jednoduchý život se svou manželkou a dětmi. Měl tři děti, dceru Adelheid a dva syny, Josefa a Syna. Josef byl silný a odvážný, zatímco Syn byl nejmladší, nejtišší a většinu dne trávil sněním o světě za vesnicí. Jednoho dne navštívila vesnici skupina cestovatelů, kteří se obrátili na Ktěsnu o radu. Ktěsna je varoval, že se krbem něco děje a jedinou nadějí pro jejich přežití je najít toho, kdo bude moci porazit zlomyslného čaroděje. Ktěsna je ujistil, že to bude jeho nejmladší syn, Syn. Navzdory jeho věku Syn vedl armádu do bitvy a nakonec vyhrál, což ukázalo, že je hrdinou a osudem jeho otce, Ktěsny.

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