Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Slavné dědictví synů pro umírajícího otce

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Bylo jednou jeden muž, kterému se blížil konec jeho putování světem. Byl to bohatý a vlivný muž, který však cítil, že jeho čas se krátí a že přichází okamžik, kdy musí předat řídící otěže svého majetku někomu, koho si zaslouží. Tedy se rozhodl zavolat k sobě své syny a předat jim Slavné dědictví, které se rodině dlouho věnovalo. Avšak, nevěděl, že po něm touží i zlá síla…
Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there lived a wise and wealthy old man named Jindřich. He had three sons, Pavel, Jan, and Tomáš, who were loved dearly by their father. Jindřich owned vast amounts of land, and he was respected by all in the kingdom for his wisdom and generosity. Everyone looked up to Jindřich, and they admired him for his kindness and successful business empire.

As Jindřich grew older, his health started to deteriorate, and he knew that his days were numbered. He called upon his sons to his bedchamber and told them the news of his impending death. Jindřich was unhappy because he had not decided who would inherit his wealth and the responsibility of taking care of his businesses. He asked his sons to make him proud and not squander the legacy he had built. „I have watched you grow up and seen you become fine men. Each one of you has unique qualities that I admire. But my dear sons, I am torn and do not know to whom I should leave my vast riches as my legacy,“ said Jindřich.

Pavel, Jan, and Tomáš listened attentively, and they all felt sad that their father was dying. However, they understood that one of them would have to take on the responsibility of carrying on their father’s legacy.

Jindřich pondered for a moment and finally spoke, „Each of you has admirable qualities. Pavel, you are strong and courageous. Jan, you are wise and knowledgeable, and Tomáš, you are kind and compassionate. Each of you will be given a task, and the one who completes it with the most efficiency and excellence will inherit my legacy.“

Pavel, Jan, and Tomáš looked at their father, who smiled and said, „Remember, whoever completes their task the best deserves to inherit the wealth and businesses.“

H2: Pavel’s Task

Jindřich first called upon his eldest son, Pavel, and said, „Pavel, I want you to prove your strength and courage by bringing me the most beautiful horse in the kingdom. The horse has to be pure white, and it must have a black mane and tail. It also needs to have a beautiful red feather attached to its mane.“

Pavel nodded his head and set off on his quest. He searched high and low in the kingdom, and he finally stumbled upon a horse that met all the criteria. The horse was indeed beautiful, with its pure white body, black mane and tail, and a red feather that stood out in its mane. Pavel brought the horse back to his father, who was delighted with his choice.

Jindřich looked at his son and smiled before saying, „Well done, Pavel. You have proved your strength and courage, and you deserve this reward.“

H2: Jan’s Task

Next, Jindřich called upon his second son, Jan, and said, „Jan, I want you to prove your wisdom and intelligence by bringing me the most coveted possession in the kingdom. It has to be something that everyone desires and holds high value.“

Jan thought for a while and then started his quest. He went around the kingdom and spoke to numerous people, asking them about their most precious possessions. After a week, Jan returned with a silk cloth that had intricate embroidery and exquisite designs.

Jindřich looked at the cloth and was impressed, „Well done, Jan. You have proved that you are wise and intelligent. This silk cloth is truly a coveted possession.“

H2: Tomáš‘ Task

Lastly, Jindřich called upon his youngest son, Tomáš, and said, „Tomáš, I want you to prove your kindness and compassion by bringing me the most destitute and helpless person in the kingdom. This person must be suffering and in great distress.“

Tomáš thought about his father’s request and began his quest. He went around the kingdom, searching for a person who would fit the bill. Finally, he came across an old woman who lived alone in a small, shabby hut. She was weak and sick, and her house was in disarray.

Tomáš took her back to his father’s castle and helped her in every way possible. He gave her medicine, food, and clean clothes. Jindřich saw the kindness and compassion in Tomáš and smiled knowingly.

„Well done, Tomáš. You have proved your kind and compassionate heart,“ said Jindřich, seeing the effort that Tomáš had put in to help the old woman.

H2: The Inheritance

After receiving the three brothers‘ tasks, Jindřich knew who should inherit his wealth and businesses. He called upon his sons and announced, „My dear sons, I am extremely proud of each of you. You have proved that you have the qualities it takes to bear my legacy. Pavel, Jan, and Tomáš, I am delighted to tell you that all three of you will inherit my wealth and businesses.“

The sons were surprised and happy that they would share the inheritance together. They promised their dying father that they would work together and carry on his legacy in the best way possible. Jindřich closed his eyes and smiled peacefully, knowing that his sons would uphold his legacy through their combined efforts.

H3: Conclusion

And so, Jindřich lived out the rest of his days surrounded by his three loving sons, who worked together to maintain his legacy. The kingdom continued to prosper under their leadership, and they were loved and respected by all. The brothers continued to work together, each one contributing their unique qualities in the best way possible. They often remembered their father, Jindřich, and how he had taught them the importance of hard work, kindness, and compassion.

This fairy tale teaches us that true wealth lies not in one’s material possessions, but in the qualities of one’s character. The story also shows the importance of working together and using each other’s unique talents to achieve success.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Ve vzdálené zemi žil moudrý a bohatý starý muž jménem Jindřich s třemi syny Pavlem, Janem a Tomášem, které miloval nade vše. Jindřich vlastnil rozsáhlý majetek a byl respektován v celé říši pro svou moudrost a štědrost. Když se Jindřichovi blížila smrt, nevěděl, komu z synů zanechat své bohatství a zodpovědnost za své podnikání. Nakonec rozhodl, že každý syn dostane úkol, a ten, kdo ho splní s nejlepším výkonem, zdědí jeho bohatství. Pavel měl přinést nejkrásnějšího koně v království, Jan měl najít nejcennější předmět a Tomáš měl najít nejubohostřejšího člověka v království.

Synové Jindřicha nakonec ukázali své silné stránky, když Pavel přinesl úžasného koně, Jan přinesl cenný šátek a Tomáš pomohl staré, nemocné a osamělé ženě. Po splnění úkolů otec prohlásil, že všichni tři bratři zdědí jeho bohatství. Bratři slíbili, že spolupracují a podnikají společně, a díky tomuto způsobu vedení království prospělo. Příběh nás učí, že skutečné bohatství není v materiálním majetku, ale v kvalitách naší osobnosti a že spolupráce a využití kvalit ostatních lidí je klíčovou cestou k úspěchu.

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