Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Princezna v truhle

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Byla jednou jedna krásná Princezna, která žila v zlatém paláci. Avšak, jednoho dne byla ona a její rodina napadena zlými bandity a Princezna byla uvězněna v truhle hluboko v lese. Po mnoha letech uvnitř truhly, někdo konečně přišel a otevřel ji. Co se stalo s Princeznou? To se dozvíte v naší pohádce o Princezně v truhle.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Princezna. She lived in a magnificent castle with her parents, the king and queen. Princezna was known throughout the kingdom for her kindness and beauty. Many princes from neighboring kingdoms came to ask for her hand in marriage, but the princess refused them all.

Jediná podmínka pro rozdání Princezny

Princezna had only one condition before she would agree to marry anyone. She wanted the suitor to bring her a chest filled with precious jewels and treasures. „Princezna v truhle“ was the name that the people of the kingdom gave to her because of this condition.

The news of Princezna’s condition spread rapidly, and many princes set out to find these treasures. They traveled far and wide, crossing mountains and oceans, but returned empty-handed. None of them could find a chest that met Princezna’s standards.

Jeden mladík našel své štěstí

One day, a young prince named Jan set out on a journey to find the perfect chest for Princezna. He was different from other princes, for he had a kind heart and a keen eye for beautiful things. Jan traveled for days and nights, exploring every nook and cranny of the land.

Finally, he stumbled upon a hidden cave that was filled with treasures beyond his wildest dreams. At the center of the cave, there was a chest made of solid gold, encrusted with diamonds and rubies. Jan knew that he had found the perfect chest for Princezna.

Chytil se pasti

As he picked up the chest, he heard a loud noise. Suddenly, a giant rock fell, trapping Jan inside the cave. He was afraid and alone, with no one to help him. But Jan did not lose hope. He knew that he had to find a way out of the cave, for he had promised to bring the chest to Princezna.

Po několikerých dnech v jeskyni Jan našel cestu ven

Jan searched the cave for days, nourishing himself with water from a nearby stream and eating the fruits that grew inside the cave. He finally found a hidden passage that led to the outside world. Jan emerged from the cave, weak and tired, but with the chest in his hand.

Když Jan dorazil do Princeznina kraje, byl už velice oslabeny

Jan reached Princezna’s kingdom, but he was weak and exhausted from the journey. He collapsed on the ground, unable to move. The people of the kingdom saw him lying there and rushed to help him. They took him to the castle, and the king and queen welcomed him with open arms.

Princezna si prohlédla truhlu a rozhodla se vdát

Princezna came to see Jan, and she was amazed by his bravery and determination. She looked at the chest he had brought and realized that Jan was the one she had been waiting for all along. She decided to marry him on the spot, and they were wed in a grand ceremony that was attended by the people of the kingdom.

Jan a Princezna žili šťastně až do smrti

From that day on, Jan and Princezna lived happily ever after. They ruled the kingdom with kindness and compassion, and their love for each other grew stronger with each passing day. Jan had proven that true love could overcome any obstacle, and Princezna had finally found the one she had been waiting for.

Konec dobrý, všechno dobré

And so, the story of „Princezna v truhle“ came to an end. It was a tale of bravery, determination, and true love that had captured the hearts of the people of the kingdom for generations to come.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V pohádce Princezna v truhle se dozvídáme o princezně, která žila v krásném zámku s rodiči, králem a královnou. Princezna byla proslulá svou krásou a laskavostí, a mnoho princů z okolních království přišlo žádat o její ruku, ale Princezna je odmítala. Měla jedinou podmínku – pravý nápadník musí splnit její přání a donést jí truhlu plnou drahokamů a pokladů.

Jeden den se na cestu vydal mladý princ Jan, který měl velké srdce a byl zručný. Hledal a pátral po pokladu pro Princeznu, a nakonec najde truhlu zlatou a se drahokamy a plní Princezninu podmínku. Nicméně, když si truhlu bere, spadne na něj kámen, který ho uvězní v jeskyni.

Po několika dnech hledání Jan najde cestu ven a donese truhlu Princezně, ale je velmi oslaben. Když Princezna vidí Janovu odvahu a hrdinství, uvědomí si, že Jan je ten pravý pro ni. Rozhodne se za něj vdát a jsou oddáni v krásné svatbě.

Tato pohádka nás učí o odvaze, hrdinství a pravé lásce. Jan dokázal, že pravá láska dokáže překonat jakoukoli překážku, a Princezna konečně našla toho pravého, za kterého se může vdát.

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