Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Popelku (Cinderella)

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Byla jednou jedna dívka, která se jmenovala Popelka. Její matka zemřela, když byla malá, a její otec se znovu oženil s ženou, která byla nesnášenlivá a zlá k Popelce. Popelka byla donucena dělat veškerou práci v domě, zatímco její nevlastní sestry dostávaly vše, co si přály. Nicméně, během jedné noci se vše změnilo, když se Popelka setkala s kouzelnou bytostí. Toto je příběh o Popelce, jejíž život se otočil naruby a stal se více než kýženými sny.
Once upon a time, in a small village in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a beautiful girl named Popelka. She was known to all as a kind and gentle soul, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. However, despite her good nature and her stunning looks, Popelka did not lead a life of luxury. She was an orphan, and her stepmother and stepsisters treated her very poorly.

H2: Popelka’s Cruel Stepmother

Popelka’s stepmother was a bitter and selfish woman. She resented Popelka’s beauty and kind nature and often punished her for no reason at all. She ordered Popelka to do all the housework, from cooking and cleaning to mending and laundry. Popelka worked tirelessly, day in and day out, hoping one day her stepmother would reward her with a kind word or a smile. Unfortunately, that day never came.

H3: Popelka Meets the Prince

One day, the Prince of the land announced a grand ball at the palace. Every young woman in the land was invited to attend, and Popelka’s stepmother and stepsisters were no exception. They were thrilled at the thought of meeting the Prince and danced around the house all day, preparing their outfits and hairstyles.

Popelka was also excited about the ball but knew she had no chance of attending. Her stepmother forbade her from doing so, saying that her ragged clothes and unwashed hair would shame the family’s name. Popelka was heartbroken, but she didn’t give up hope.

H3: The Fairy Godmother

As the sun began to set on the day of the ball, Popelka sat alone in the kitchen, nursing her broken heart. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the room, and a beautiful old woman appeared before her. The old woman introduced herself as Popelka’s Fairy Godmother and promised to make all her dreams come true.

The Fairy Godmother waved her wand and transformed Popelka’s rags into the most beautiful gown anyone had ever seen. She put a pair of sparkling glass slippers on Popelka’s feet and said it was time to go to the ball.

H3: The Grand Ball

As Popelka entered the ballroom, all eyes turned to her. She was the most beautiful woman there, and, for a moment, the Prince was captivated by her beauty. They danced the night away, and Popelka felt as if she was on cloud nine. For a moment, she forgot all her troubles and was lost in the magic of the ball.

H3: The Stroke of Midnight

As midnight approached, Popelka began to get nervous. The Fairy Godmother had warned her that the magic would last only until midnight, and she had to be back home by then. Popelka knew she couldn’t stay any longer and began to make her way to the door.

However, as she ran down the stairs, she tripped on one of the steps and lost one of her glass slippers. She couldn’t go back for it, so she continued running, hoping no one would notice.

H3: The Prince Searches for Popelka

The next day, the Prince searched the countryside, trying to find the girl who had captured his heart. He went from village to village, asking every young woman in the land to try on the glass slipper, hoping to find a match.

When he arrived at Popelka’s door, her stepmother and stepsisters tried on the glass slipper, but it didn’t fit. As the Prince was about to leave, Popelka appeared, wearing the other glass slipper. It fit perfectly, and the Prince knew he had found his true love.

H2: Popelka Finds Her Happy Ending

Popelka and the Prince were married in a grand ceremony, and all of the land rejoiced. Popelka took her rightful place as the Princess, and her stepmother and stepsisters were ashamed of how they had treated her. Popelka forgave them and welcomed them into her new life with open arms. She lived happily ever after, knowing that true love and kindness always win in the end.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Popelka byla krásná a laskavá dívka, kterou všichni obdivovali, ale její nevlastní matka a sestry ji týraly a nutily dělat celou práci v domácnosti. Když princ vyhlásil grandiózní ples, Popelka se těšila, ale nevlastní matka jí to zakázala a sdělila jí, že by takto oblečená s hanbou přišla o rodinnou čest. Popelka byla zklamaná, ale najednou se před ní objevil kouzelnická netvor – víla, která ji začarovala na krásnou princeznu. Popelka se tak mohla zúčastnit plesu, tam se zamilovala do prince a on do ní. Musela však být doma do půlnoci, než na ni vypršela kouzla. Chtěla se vrátit co nejdříve, ale na jednom schodu ztratila skleněnou střevíci. Prince ji hledal a subjížděl celou zemi až se dostal i k Popelčiným nevlastním sestrám, ale která sestra ani jedna netušila, že by Popelka mohla být tou záhadnou dívkou s křišťálovou střevíci, až se ještě objeví Popelka, která sedává doma. Princeznin střevíček se jí perfektně hodil a ona tak dokázala princi prokázat svůj vztah.

Z této pohádky se máme co učit především to, že dobrá a laskavá duše nakonec vždy zvítězí a že když si člověk zachová svou křivdu, tak již jednou na ní bude vyzrálejší a statečnější.

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