Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Polynin milý

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Byla jednou jedna země, kde žil král s královnou a jejich jediným synem, princem Polyninem milým. Princ byl velice pohledný, milý a spravedlivý k lidem své země. Jenže jednoho dne se stal nečekaný příběh, který zasáhl celé království a prinče Polynina milého.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a young boy named Polynin milý. He lived in a small village with his parents and his younger sister, Kačenka.

Polynin milý was known as a kind-hearted and adventurous boy. He loved exploring the woods, climbing trees, and swimming in the nearby river. However, he had one big dream – to become a knight and protect the kingdom from all the dangers.

H2: The King’s Request
One day, the king of the kingdom sent out a request to all the young men of the land. He wanted to find a brave knight who would protect the kingdom from the dragon that had been terrorizing the countryside.

Polynin milý saw this as the perfect opportunity to prove himself and set out on a journey to the kingdom’s castle. He left his family behind and packed his things, including his lucky sword that had been passed down from generation to generation in his family.

H2: The Journey
The journey was long and challenging, but Polynin milý did not give up. He crossed through dark forests infested with wolves, climbed steep mountains, and faced the unforgiving weather.

After many days of travel, he finally reached the castle where he was greeted by the king himself. The king was impressed by Polynin milý’s bravery and courage and decided to give him a chance to prove himself.

H2: The Dragon’s Lair
Polynin milý was given a horse and a map that led him to the dragon’s lair. It was located deep in the mountains, and he knew that it would not be an easy task to defeat it.

He reached the lair after several days of travel and started preparing for the battle. He sharpened his sword, donned his armor, and prepared for the fight of his life.

H2: The Battle
The battle was long and fierce. The dragon was enormous, and its fiery breath was terrifying. However, Polynin milý did not give up. He fought bravely, dodging the dragon’s flames and striking with his sword.

Finally, after many hours of fighting, Polynin milý managed to strike the final blow. The dragon fell to the ground, defeated, and the kingdom was free from its terror.

H2: The Return
Polynin milý returned to the castle, where the king and the people of the kingdom were waiting for him. They hailed him as a hero and gave him a warm welcome. The king was so impressed by Polynin milý’s bravery that he offered him a place in the royal guard.

But Polynin milý politely declined. He knew that his true calling was to be a knight, traveling from place to place and helping people in need.

H2: Conclusion
And so, Polynin milý continued his adventures. He traveled from village to village, helping people and protecting them from danger. He became a legendary figure, known as the greatest knight in the kingdom.

And even to this day, his name is still spoken in the land, telling the tale of his courage and bravery.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Pohádka o Polynin-milém nás učí o odvaze, statečnosti a snažení se splnit si svůj sen. Polynin milý toužil stát se rytířem a ochránit království před drakem, který napadal vesnice a pole. Nakonec se mu podařilo draka porazit a stát se hrdinou. Nicméně Polynin milý si nevybral cestu, kde by byl jen v královské gardě a splnil svůj sen stát se rytířem, cestovat a pomáhat lidem po celém království. Hlavní myšlenkou pohádky je vytrvat a snažit se, dokud nenaplníme své sny.

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