Bylo nebylo, za sedmi horami a sedmi řekami žily čtyři bratři. Byli to velice šikovní řemeslníci – kovář, zámečník, tesař a holič. Žili spokojeně a pomáhali si navzájem v jejich práci. Ale pak se jeden den objevil pátý bratr, o kterém nikdo z nich předtím věděl. Jaký osud ho čekal a co ho čeká v této pohádce? To se dozvíte v Pohádce o pátém bratru holiče.
Pohádka o pátém bratru holiče
Once upon a time, in a small village in Czechia, there were four brothers who were all skilled in their own professions. The eldest was a blacksmith, the second was a tailor, the third was a carpenter, and the fourth was a baker. But the youngest brother, who was often forgotten and overlooked, was a barber. His name was Honza.
Honza was a quiet and unassuming boy who was content with his life as a barber. He spent his days cutting hair and trimming beards, listening to the stories of his customers and dreaming of one day having a fairy tale of his own.
One day, a stranger came to the village. He was tall and thin, with long gray hair and a pointed beard. He wore a cloak of black and carried a staff of oak. He approached the brothers and said, „I have come to ask for your help. I need a fifth brother, a holiče, to join me on a quest.“
The brothers were skeptical, but the stranger promised them a great reward if they succeeded. Finally, Honza stepped forward and said, „I will join you.“
The stranger led Honza into the forest, where they came upon a great castle made of glass. In the castle, there lived a beautiful princess who had been cursed to sleep for a hundred years. The prince from a neighboring kingdom had tried to wake her with a kiss, but he failed.
The stranger explained that Honza’s task was to wake the princess. So Honza set to work, using his barber’s tools to cut away the thorns and vines that grew around the castle. He washed the princess’s hair with scented water and trimmed her nails. Finally, he gave her a shave with his razor.
As he shaved her, the princess started to stir. A moment later, she opened her eyes and smiled at him. „Thank you,“ she said.
The stranger appeared and said, „You have done well, Honza. But your task is not yet done. You must travel to the ends of the earth to find the Golden Apple of Happiness, and bring it back to the castle.“
Honza was scared but determined. He knew that he had to find the Golden Apple of Happiness. He set out on his journey, traveling through forests and over mountains. He met many strange creatures on the way, but he was always polite and never lost his resolve.
Finally, he came to the end of the earth, where he found a tree that bore the Golden Apple of Happiness. He picked the apple and headed back to the castle.
When he arrived, he found that the stranger had turned into a handsome prince. The prince thanked Honza and said, „You have completed your task. I will marry the princess, and you will have a fairy tale of your own.“
And so Honza married a beautiful girl and opened his own barber shop. He became the most famous barber in all of Czechia, and his fairy tale was told for generations to come.
In this fairy tale, we learn that even the youngest and most overlooked son can achieve great things if given the chance. Honza’s bravery and determination helped him to complete his quest and find happiness in his own life. This is a lesson that we can all take to heart, no matter what our age or position in life.
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
Tato pohádka vypráví příběh Honzi, nejmladšího bratra, který byl holica. I když ostatní bratři měli vlastní řemesla, Honza byl vždycky trochu zapomenutý a přehlížený. Jednoho dne přišel cizí dlouhovlasý muž a požádal o pomoc. Hledal pátého bratra, který by mu pomohl splnit úkol – probudit krásnou princeznu, která spala sto let. Honza se přihlásil a začal pracovat na svém úkolu. Nakonec se mu podařilo princeznu probudit a obdržel další úkol – najít Zlaté jablko štěstí. Honza se vydal na cestu, překonal mnoho překážek a nakonec se mu podařilo najít Zlaté jablko štěstí a vrátit se zpět do hradu. Nakonec se ukázalo, že cizí muž byl princ a oženil se s princeznou. Honza se oženil s krásnou dívkou a stal se nejslavnějším holicím v celé Čechii. Z této pohádky se můžeme poučit, že i ten nejmladší a nejzapomenutější může dosáhnout velkých věcí, pokud dostane příležitost a má odvahu a odhodlání.
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