Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Podivný host

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Byl jednou jeden Podivný host, který se vždy objevoval, když to nejméně čekali. Jeho příchod byl záhadou, stejně jako jeho původ a účel. Lidé se báli jeho podivného vzhledu a nevěděli, zda je to dobrý nebo zlý duch. Ale jedno bylo jisté – jeho přítomnost vždycky něco znamenala. Tak pojďte se mnou poslechnout si příběh o Podivném hostovi a zjistit, co skrývá v srdci této záhadné bytosti.
Once upon a time in the Czech Republic, there was a small village deep in the forest. The people who lived in the village were happy and content with their simple lives. One day, a strange and mysterious traveler came to the village. He wore a long black coat and a wide-brimmed hat that cast a dark shadow over his face. The villagers had never seen anyone like him before, and they were immediately intrigued.

H2: The arrival of Podivný host

The traveler introduced himself as Podivný host, which meant „Strange Guest“ in Czech. He told the villagers that he was on a quest to find the most unusual and fascinating stories in the land. He said that he had traveled far and wide, but he had yet to find a village with more interesting stories than theirs.

H3: The villagers share their tales

The villagers were thrilled to hear this and took Podivný host in as their guest. They gathered around him and shared their most intriguing and mysterious stories. One villager talked about a tree that grew in the forest that would grant wishes to those who found it. Another villager spoke of a ghost that haunted the old mill on the outskirts of the village. As the night wore on, more and more villagers shared their stories.

H3: A strange request from Podivný host

As the villagers were sharing their tales, Podivný host remained silent, listening intently. Finally, after hours of listening, he spoke up. He told the villagers that he had heard many incredible stories in his travels, but he had yet to hear a story that was truly unique. He said that he needed something new and different, something that would set their village apart from all the others.

The villagers were taken aback by this request. They had shared their most interesting stories, and yet Podivný host still wasn’t satisfied. They began to wonder if he was really there to appreciate their stories or if he was just using them to find something more extraordinary.

H3: A plan to fool Podivný host

The villagers began to think about how they could fool Podivný host into thinking they had a truly unique story. They came up with a plan: they would create a story about a creature that lived in the forest, a creature that no one had ever seen before. They would make up all sorts of details, like how it had scales like a dragon and wings like a bat. They would tell Podivný host that the creature was impossible to catch, and that it only appeared to those who were pure of heart.

H2: The villagers‘ deception is revealed

The villagers told their story to Podivný host, and he was intrigued. He asked them questions about the creature and seemed genuinely interested. The villagers were pleased with themselves, thinking that they had fooled Podivný host with their made-up story.

However, the next morning, Podivný host announced that he would be leaving the village. The villagers were confused and asked him why he was leaving so suddenly. Podivný host replied that he had discovered their deception. He told them that he had traveled far and wide, and that he had heard many stories about creatures that no one had ever seen before. He said that their story was not unique, and that he could not stay in a village that would try to deceive him.

H2: The lesson learned

The villagers were ashamed of themselves for trying to deceive Podivný host. They realized that their desire to impress him had blinded them to the true value of their stories. They had been so focused on coming up with something new and different that they had forgotten the beauty and richness of the stories they already had.

Podivný host left the village, but he left a lasting impact on the villagers. They began to appreciate their stories in a new way. They realized that even if their stories were not unique, they were still important and worth sharing. From that day forward, they continued to tell their stories to anyone who would listen, knowing that their tales were a reflection of their rich and vibrant culture.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Vypráví se o malé vesnici v hlubokém lese v České republice. Lidé, kteří v ní žili, byli spokojení s jednoduchým životem. Jednoho dne dorazil do vesnice zvláštní cestovatel s dlouhým černým pláštěm a širokým kloboukem na hlavě. Představil se jako Podivný host a řekl, že hledá nejneobvyklejší a nejzajímavější příběhy v zemi. Vesničané byli nadšeni a vzali ho do svého středu, aby mu vyprávěli nejzajímavější a nejtajemnější příběhy. Když vyslechl všechny příběhy, požádal o něco jedinečného. Vesničané tedy vymysleli příběh o zvířeti, které žije v lese a nikdo ho nikdy neviděl. Chtěli Podivného hosta oklamat, ale byli odhaleni. Naučili se však, že chtít něco neobvyklého je méně důležité než ocenit a přenášet kulturu příběhů, které již pro ně jsou důležité.

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