Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

O Polly a Její Láska

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Byl jednou jeden statečný rybář z malé vesnice na břehu řeky Vltavy. Jeho jméno bylo Ondřej, ale všichni ho znali pouze jako O Polly, kvůli jeho zvláštnímu způsobu, jakým lovil ryby. Jednoho dne při své obvyklé rybařině O Polly zahlédl na břehu nádhernou dívku, která hledala něco v trávě. Byla to Láska, dívka jemuž kromě krásy chybělo jen srdce plné lásky. Horoucí láska mezi těmito dvěma lidmi měla být zdrojem kouzelného příběhu.
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a beautiful young maiden named Polly. She spent her days tending to the gardens and fields, taking care of the animals, and helping her mother with the household chores. Despite her modest upbringing, Polly was known far and wide for her kind and generous heart, her gentle spirit, and her undeniable beauty.

As the years went by, Polly began to dream of finding true love and starting a family of her own. She longed for a man who would appreciate her for who she was, who would cherish her and protect her, and who would share her hopes and dreams. But try as she might, Polly could not seem to find the right man.

Many suitors came to court her, but none of them quite fit the bill. Some were too arrogant and self-absorbed, others were too meek and timid. Some were too focused on their own wealth and status, while others were too interested in other women. But Polly remained patient and hopeful, knowing that someday, the right man would come along.

One day, to her great surprise, Polly met a man unlike any she had ever known before. His name was Jiri, and he was a handsome and rugged young farmer, known for his hard work, his bravery, and his kind heart. Polly was immediately drawn to Jiri’s easy smile and his gentle nature, and the two quickly became friends.

As their friendship deepened, Polly and Jiri began to realize that they were falling in love. They spent all their free time together, taking long walks in the countryside, picking wildflowers, and exchanging heartfelt confessions of their feelings for each other. They knew that they had found something special, something that they had both been searching for their whole lives.

But as happy as they were, Polly and Jiri knew that their love would not be easy. For one thing, Polly’s parents were skeptical of Jiri’s intentions, believing that he was not good enough for their daughter. For another, Jiri’s family was deeply divided over his relationship with Polly, with some members believing that he should marry someone of higher social standing.

Despite these challenges, Polly and Jiri remained steadfast in their love for each other. They knew that they could overcome any obstacle if they had each other. And so, they continued to spend every moment together, building their relationship and their dreams for the future.

In the end, Polly and Jiri’s love proved to be stronger than any outside force could break. They married in a beautiful ceremony on a sunny day, surrounded by their friends and family, and vowed to spend the rest of their lives together. They built a happy home together, filled with love, laughter, and the sound of children’s laughter.

As Polly looked back on her life, she knew that she had found her true love in Jiri. And she lived happily ever after, content in the knowledge that the love that they had found would endure for all eternity.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Pohádka o Polly ukazuje, že trpělivost a víra v lásku přináší štěstí. Polly byla milou a krásnou dívkou, toužila najít pravou lásku a rodinu. I když měla mnoho nápadníků, nenašla si toho pravého muže, protože nebyli pro ni dost dobrí. Jednoho dne se seznámila s Jirim, přestože byli z různých vrstev, zamilovali se. I když jejich vztah byl vystavěn proti některým výhradám jejich rodin, Polly a Jiri zůstali pevní v lásce druhého a věřili, že spolu překonají všechny překážky. Nakonec se dokázali vzít a postavit si vlastní rodinu plnou lásky a spokojenosti. Tato pohádka nám ukazuje, že věřit a nevzdávat se je klíčem k nalezení skutečné lásky.

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