Bylo nebylo, za sedmero horami a sedmero řekami, žila si mladá dívka jménem Polly. Byla malá, ale statečná, šikovná, ale skromná a moudrá, ale stále se učila. Jednoho dne, když šla pro vodu k řece, potkala zvláštního kouzelníka, který jí předal tajemnou knihu. Od té chvíle začala Pollyina neuvěřitelná dobrodružství se svým nejlepším přítelem, kouzelným zvířátkem, kterého si pojmenovala Miláček. Připojte se k Polly na jejím fantastickém putování, plném nevídaných záhad a kouzel. Toto je příběh o Miláčku Polly, o hrdinské dívce, která dokázala změnit svět s pomocí svého srdečného přítele.
Once upon a time in a small village in the Czech Republic, there was a little girl named Polly. She was known by everyone in the village as „Miláček Polly“ which meant Polly’s Darling. Polly was an orphan and was raised by her grandparents who lived in a small cottage on the outskirts of the village. Despite her difficult upbringing, Polly was a happy and content child.
Chapter 1: Polly’s Love for Nature
One of Polly’s favorite pastimes was exploring the beautiful countryside that surrounded her village. She loved wandering through the meadows, picking wildflowers, and listening to the birds chirping. Polly had a deep connection with nature and always felt at peace when she was surrounded by it.
Chapter 2: The Jealous Neighbor
Unfortunately, not everyone in the village was as kind-hearted as Polly. One of their neighbors, a woman named Dagmar, was filled with jealousy towards the little girl. Dagmar resented Polly’s beauty and the way she was loved by everyone in the village. She was always looking for ways to bring Polly down.
Chapter 3: The Mysterious Fairy
One day, while Polly was wandering through the woods, she stumbled upon a clearing that she had never seen before. In the center of the clearing was a small pond, and in the pond, there was a beautiful fairy. The fairy was small, no bigger than a butterfly, but she radiated a warm glow that lit up the entire clearing.
Chapter 4: The Fairy’s Gift
The fairy spoke to Polly in a soft, melodious voice. She told the little girl that she was impressed with her kind heart and her deep connection with nature. As a reward for her good nature, the fairy gifted her a magical flower. The flower had the power to cure any ailment and to bring happiness to whoever held it.
Chapter 5: The Jealous Neighbor’s Plot
Dagmar, the jealous neighbor, had been watching Polly from afar. She had seen her talking to the fairy and had overheard their conversation. Dagmar saw an opportunity to bring Polly down once and for all. She snuck into Polly’s grandparents‘ cottage and stole the magical flower.
Chapter 6: The Quest to Retrieve the Flower
When Polly discovered that the magical flower was missing, she was devastated. She knew that the flower had the power to heal any ailment and bring happiness to whoever held it. She also knew that Dagmar was the only person who could have taken it. Polly decided to embark on a quest to retrieve the flower.
Chapter 7: The Final Confrontation
Polly tracked Dagmar down to her home on the edge of the village. She confronted her neighbor and demanded that she return the magical flower. Dagmar refused, claiming that the flower was rightfully hers. The two engaged in a heated argument, but in the end, Polly emerged victorious.
Chapter 8: Polly’s Happy Ending
Polly returned the magical flower to its rightful place at the center of the clearing. As soon as she did, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky, and the entire clearing was filled with a warm, golden light. From that day on, Polly’s reputation as Miláček Polly grew even stronger, and she became known as the protector of nature and all that was good and pure in the world.
In conclusion, the story of Miláček Polly is a beautiful tale of kindness, perseverance, and love for nature. It serves as a reminder that, no matter how difficult life may be, there is always hope, and goodness ultimately triumphs over evil. Polly’s story will always be remembered in the Czech Republic as a symbol of all that is good and pure in the world, and her legacy will live on for generations to come.
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
Tato pohádka vypráví o dívce jménem Polly, která vyrůstala u svých prarodičů na okraji vesnice a měla hlubokou lásku k přírodě. Bohužel však v obci byla také jedna žena, která záviděla Polly a snažila se ji potopit. Jednoho dne Polly narazila na kouzelnou vílu, která ji za to, že má srdce plné dobra, darovala kouzelný květ, který léčil všechny nemoci a přinášel štěstí. Vzácný květ však ukradla závistivá sousedka a Polly musela podniknout nebezpečnou cestu, aby ho získala zpátky. Nakonec se jí podařilo zvítězit nad závistivou sousedkou a vrátit květ na své místo. Pohádka miláčka Polly připomíná, že naděje a dobro vítězí nad zlem a nás učí, že láska k přírodě a srdečnost jsou klenoty, díky nimž můžeme spokojeně žít.
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