Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Malá Idy a květiny

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Byla jednou jedna krásná princezna jménem Malá Idy. Zahrála si s kouzelnou květinou a najednou se ocitla v tajemné říši plné neznámých tvorů a magických rostlin. Pustíte se s námi do jejího dobrodružství?
Once upon a time, in a small village in the Czech Republic, there was a girl named Malá Idy. She lived with her parents in a small cottage near the forest. Malá Idy loved spending her time in the forest, surrounded by flowers and nature. She had a special bond with the flowers and they always seemed to respond to her presence.

One day, while Malá Idy was wandering in the forest, she stumbled upon a group of flowers that were different than any she had ever seen before. They were larger and more vibrant than any other flowers she had seen in the forest. They seemed to glow in the sunlight and emit a soothing fragrance that filled the air.

As Malá Idy approached the flowers, she noticed that they were wilted and dying. She felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she looked at the drooping petals of the once beautiful flowers. Determined to save them, Malá Idy decided to take the flowers back to her cottage and try to revive them.

Upon her return home, Malá Idy immediately got to work. She researched and experimented with various ways to bring the flowers back to life. She tried everything from watering them to singing to them, but nothing seemed to work.

One day, while sitting amongst the wilted flowers, Malá Idy noticed a tiny fairy hovering above them. The fairy introduced herself as Květy, the fairy of flowers. Květy explained that the flowers were under a curse from an evil witch who despised the beauty and joy that the flowers brought to the forest. She had cast a spell on the flowers, causing them to wither and die.

Determined to lift the curse, Malá Idy and Květy came up with a plan. They would gather the most beautiful and colorful flowers from all over the forest, and using their magical powers, they would create a powerful potion that would break the curse on the wilted flowers.

Together, Malá Idy and Květy embarked on a journey through the forest, collecting different flowers and ingredients for their potion. They climbed to the highest mountaintops and delved deep into the darkest corners of the forest, searching for the perfect ingredients.

Finally, after collecting all the necessary ingredients, Malá Idy and Květy began working on the potion. They mixed the ingredients together, chanting magical spells under the moonlight. As the potion brewed, it began to glow, emitting a warm and soothing light.

With the potion complete, Malá Idy and Květy returned to the wilted flowers. Květy sprinkled the potion over the flowers, and instantly, the wilted petals began to plump up and turn vibrant once again. The flowers bloomed into their full glory, and emitted an even more enchanting scent than before.

From that day on, Malá Idy was known throughout the forest as the Flower Savior. She had brought life back to the wilted flowers and had proven that love and determination could overcome even the darkest of curses.

And so, Malá Idy continued to spend her time in the forest, surrounded by the beauty and wonder of nature. She would often sit amongst the flowers, singing and dancing with them, knowing that she had been the one to save them from eternal darkness.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Dříve než se toho Malá Idy dozvěděla, vydala se do lesa plného květin a pečovala o ně. Jednoho dne objevila skupinu neobyčejných květů, které ji okouzlily svými barvami a vonným aroma. Když se k nim přiblížila, zjistila, že květiny vadnou.

Malá Idy se rozhodla zachránit tyto květiny před smrtí a donést si je do svého domu, aby je mohla oživit. Snažila se všechno, od zalévání po zpívání písní, ale nic nefungovalo.

Poté, co tuto situaci řešila několik dní, jednoho dne narazila na malou vílu jménem Květy. Byla to víla květin, která Malé Idy řekla, že květiny byly pod kletbou zlé čarodějnice, která nenáviděla krásu a radost, kterou tyto květiny přinášely do lesa.

Malá Idy a Květy se rozhodli postavit se kletbě a vymysleli plán. Vydali se do lesa, aby našli nejkrásnější květiny a složky pro kouzelný lektvar, který zrušil kletbu.

Nakonec se jim podařilo sebrat všechny ingredience a smísit je podle návodu. Lektvar začal zářit a vyzařoval teplou a uklidňující světelnou sílu.

Květy posypala květiny lektvarem a okamžitě se začaly probouzet a rozkvést a vyzařovat více kouzelného aroma.”Malá Idy” se stala hrdinkou lesa a zachránila květiny od věčné tmy. Díky své lásce a odhodlání dokázala porazit i tu nejtemnější kletbu.

Jako malý a citlivý člověk, vyrostl Jidu s velkou láskou k přírodě a květinám, což jí později umožnilo zachránit květiny od smrti.

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