Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Malá Idova Kvetina a kouzla lesa (Little Ids’s Flower and the Magic of the Forest)

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Byla jednou malá dívka jménem Ida, která milovala procházky v lese. Jedné krásné jarní noci se vydala do lesa hledat stromeček, který jí ukázala babička. Našla ho, ale když si chtěla odtrhnout květy, zaslechla zvláštní šumění. Byla to Malá Idova Květina, která ji vyzvala, aby ji nechtěla trhat. Ida ji poslechla a od té chvíle se jí otevřely dveře do kouzelného světa lesa, kde se odvíjejí nejzvláštnější příběhy…
Once upon a time in the Czech forest, there was a small village where a little girl named Id lived. She was known for her love of nature and her fascination with the beauty of the forest. Every day, she went on a walk to admire the trees and the flowers, and it was on one of these walks that she stumbled upon a magical flower.

H2: The Discovery of the Magical Flower

One day, while wandering in the forest, Id found a small flower that glowed with a bright light. It was the most beautiful flower she had ever seen. As she approached the flower, she heard a soft voice calling her name. She was curious and touched the flower, upon which she felt a sudden rush of energy. The flower’s radiance intensified, and she felt a powerful magic coursing through her veins.

H2: The Power of the Flower

The magical flower had the power to grant wishes, and it could transform the forest with its magical energy. Rejoicing at its discovery, Id vowed to use this power for good and help her village with its magic. Over time, people became aware of the powers of the flower and started visiting Id for their wishes.

H2: The Jealous Witch

However, not everyone was happy about the developments of the village, including an evil witch who lived on the other side of the forest who was jealous of the flower’s power. She detested Id and her usage of the flower for the good and wanted to take it away for herself.

H3: A Smokescreen of Deceit

To achieve this, the witch lured Id away from the village by pretending to be in distress. As Id came to the witch’s aid, she was taken into a spell, and her magical powers were taken away. The witch then destroyed the flower and locked Id in her castle.

H3: The Rescue

Days went by, and Id had no hope of ever seeing the village or the forest again. However, one of Id’s trusted friends in the village, a wise old woman, had realized the witch’s deceit and went to rescue Id. She entered the castle, freeing Id from the clutches of the wicked witch.

H3: The Reunion

Id was delighted to be free, and her energy returned as she was re-united with her magical flower, which had grown once again with her coming back close to it. She used its power to heal the forest by making everything bloom again with its magic, and she granted the wishes of the people who came to her. She made sure that no longer was the witch’s jealousy a hindrance to the well-being of the village.

H2: The Moral of the Story

Thus, Id proved to everyone that the power of magic is not to be taken too lightly, and it comes with great responsibility. Had the village known about the witch’s intentions from the start, such a tragedy would have been averted. And yet, there are always others who will try and hinder your efforts. May the tale of Malá Idova kvetina a kouzla lesa be a lesson that with great power, comes great responsibility.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V pohádce Malá Idova květina a kouzla lesa se setkáváme s Id, dívkou z vesnice, která milovala přírodu a lesy. Jednoho dne na svých procházkách lesy objevila kouzelnou květinu, která jí dokázala splnit přání a měla neuvěřitelné kouzelné síly. Lidé z vesnice se o její schopnosti brzy dozvěděli a chodili za ní s prosbami. Bohužel však na to přišla i závistivá čarodějnice, která chtěla květinu ukrást a získat tak neomezenou moc.

Proto podvodem Id omámila a unesla jí do svého hradu, kde jí vzala kouzla a zničila květinu. Naděje na záchranu se zdála být zapomenuta, ale kouzlem moudré starší ženy Id nakonec byla zachráněna a vrátila se zpět do vesnice, kde opět získala své kouzla. S její pomocí se les znovu rozkvetl a lidé mohli znovu využívat její kouzelné síly.

Pohádka nám připomíná, že moc přináší velkou zodpovědnost a že závist může být nebezpečná. Lekce z pohádky Malá Idova květina a kouzla lesa nás učí, že s mocí přichází velká zodpovědnost a že musíme být obezřetní, abychom nepodlehli závisti.

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