Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Květiny malých trpaslíků (Little Ids‘ Flowers)

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Bylo nebylo, za sedmi horami, za sedmi řekami, žili malí trpaslíci se svými magickými květinami. Tyto květiny nesly nevšední kouzlo a umožňovaly trpaslíkům udržet harmonii vždycky a všude. Jednoho dne se však objevila zlá čarodějnice, která je chtěla ukrást a použít pro své zlé záměry. Co se stane, když se proti sobě postaví magie dobra a zla? O tom vypráví naše pohádka o Květinách malých trpaslíků.
Once upon a time, in a small village in the Czech Republic, there lived a group of little dwarves. They were called malí trpaslíci, and they were known for their unique love for flowers.

H2: The Secret Garden

The malí trpaslíci had a secret garden, hidden deep in the forest. It was a place where they could grow all kinds of flowers. Each dwarf had its own special flower that they took care of. There were tulips, daffodils, roses, and many more.

H3: The Beautiful Tulip

One of the dwarves, named Petr, was in love with the tulip. He would spend hours tending to his tulip, making sure it had enough water and sunlight. One day, he noticed that his tulip wasn’t growing as it should. He tried everything he could think of, but nothing seemed to work.

H3: The Mysterious Illness

Petr soon realized that all of the malí trpaslíci’s flowers were suffering from the same mysterious illness. They were drooping and wilting, and nothing could cure them.

H3: The Fairy’s Visit

One day, a fairy appeared in the malí trpaslíci’s garden. She saw the sad state of the flowers and knew exactly what was causing the illness. She told the dwarves that they needed to sprinkle a special fairy dust on their flowers.

H2: The Magical Fairy Dust

The malí trpaslíci had never heard of fairy dust before, but they were willing to try anything to save their precious flowers. They asked the fairy where they could find the dust.

H3: The Quest for Dust

The fairy told them that the dust could only be found in a special cave, deep in the mountains. The malí trpaslíci knew it would be a dangerous journey, but they were determined to save their flowers.

H3: The Mountain Journey

The journey to the cave was long and treacherous. They had to cross raging rivers, climb steep mountains, and fight off fierce creatures. But they kept going, knowing that their flowers needed them.

H3: The Cave of Wonders

Finally, they arrived at the cave of wonders. Inside, they found the fairy dust they had been searching for. They carefully scooped up the dust and started their journey back home.

H2: The Miracle of the Fairy Dust

When they returned to their garden, they sprinkled the dust on their flowers. To their amazement, the flowers started to perk up and bloom again. They were more beautiful and vibrant than ever before.

H3: The Grateful Malí Trpaslíci

The malí trpaslíci were so grateful to the fairy for her help. They invited her to their garden, where they showed her their special flowers. The fairy was touched by their kindness and promised to return whenever they needed her.

H2: The End of the Tale

From that day on, the malí trpaslíci took extra care of their flowers, never forgetting the lesson they had learned. And the fairy continued to visit them, bringing magic and wonder to their lives.

This fairy tale about Květiny malých trpaslíků (Little Ids‘ Flowers) teaches us the importance of caring for nature and the value of seeking help when we need it. With a little bit of fairy dust and a lot of determination, even the most delicate flowers can bloom beautifully again.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Bydlili jednou malí trpaslíci v malé vesnici v České republice. Proslavili se svou láskou k květinám a měli tajnou zahradu v hlubokém lese, kde každý trpaslík pečoval o svůj vlastní druh květin.

Jeden z trpaslíků jménem Petr měl zvláštní lásku k tulipánům. Jednoho dne zjistil, že všechny květiny v jejich zahradě onemocněly z tajemné nemoci, kterou nebyly schopny vyléčit. Navštívila je však víla, která jim poradila, že musí nasypat na květiny speciální kouzelný prášek, který jim pomůže.

Trpaslíci nevěděli, kde prášek najdou, ale víla jim sdělila, že je v jeskyni hluboko v horách. Odhodlali se najít prášek, i když to byla nebezpečná cesta plná překážek. Nakonec se jim podařilo prášek najít a vrátit se zpět do zahrady malých trpaslíků. Květiny následně opět začaly kvést a byly ještě krásnější než kdy dříve.

Tento příběh nám ukazuje, jak je důležité pečovat o přírodu a hledat pomoc, když ji potřebujeme. I ty nejcitlivější květiny mohou znovu krásně kvést s trochou kouzla a odhodlání.

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