Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kamenný poutník z Plouhinec

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Byl jednou jeden kamenný poutník z Plouhinec. Tento kámen nebyl obyčejný kámen, ale bylo v něm něco zvláštního – silná magická moc. Byl zde již po staletí a svou energií přitahoval lidi z daleka, kteří chtěli zažít jeho magickou sílu a dostat tak odpovědi na své nejtajnější touhy a sny. Jeho příběh se naplnil zatímco v Plouhinec dorážěl cizinec…
Once upon a time in the small village of Plouhinec, there lived a humble stonecutter named Jan. Every day, he would travel to the mountains and quarries to gather stones for his trade. Despite his dedication, he was barely able to make ends meet for his small family.

One day, as he was chiseling away at a particularly stubborn boulder, he was approached by an old man wearing a long, white robe. The man asked Jan why he worked so hard and what he wished for.

Jan sighed deeply and responded, „All I desire is to be able to provide for my family and to make a name for myself as a stonecutter.“

The old man nodded, and then reached into his pocket, pulling out a small, smooth stone. „I will give you this stone. It is a magical talisman that will help you in your work. But be warned, there is a price to pay for such a gift.“

Jan eagerly accepted the stone and bid the old man farewell. Over the next few weeks, he noticed that his work had become easier and more profitable. He was able to gather more stones in less time, and his reputation as a skilled stonecutter grew.

However, he also began to notice that his demeanor had changed. He became more arrogant and selfish, believing that he was better than his fellow villagers because of his newfound success. He neglected his family and became ruthless in his business dealings.

One day, while walking through the mountains, he stumbled upon a small shrine. The shrine was a simple circle of stones, with a small statue of a humble pilgrim at its center. It was said that this pilgrim would grant a wish to anyone who made an offering and prayed sincerely.

Jan scoffed at the idea, but decided to make an offering anyway. He placed a small stone at the base of the statue and began to pray. As he prayed, he felt a heavy weight on his chest, and suddenly realized the extent of his greed and selfishness.

He fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. „Please, forgive me,“ he cried. „I have been blinded by my own desires and have forgotten the true value of life.“

Suddenly, he felt a cool breeze and looked up to see the statue of the pilgrim glowing brightly. The statue spoke to him in a gentle voice. „I forgive you, my child. But you must make amends for your sins. Go back to your village and use your gift to help others, and always remember the importance of humility, generosity, and kindness.“

Jan returned to his village, a changed man. He used his gift to help others, and became known not for his wealth, but for his kindness and generosity. He built a shrine in honor of the pilgrim, and dedicated his life to helping those in need.

Years later, when he passed away, his statue was placed next to the pilgrim’s, and together, they watched over the village, reminding all who passed by of the importance of generosity, humility, and kindness.

Kamenný poutník z Plouhinec is a tale of greed, redemption, and the power of humility. It reminds us that no matter how successful or wealthy we become, we must never forget the value of kindness and generosity, and that true wealth is measured not in material possessions, but in the happiness and well-being of those around us.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V příběhu Kamenný poutník z Plouhinec žil skromný kameník Jan se svou rodinou. Jednoho dne se mu zjevil starý muž s bílým pláštěm a daroval mu magický kámen, který Janovi usnadnil práci a zviditelnil ho mezi lidmi. Avšak Jan se stal pyšným a arogantním, opomíjel rodinu a stal se krutým při obchodování. Po setkání s poutníkem si uvědomil své chyby a pokání před ním vyznal. Poutník ho ujistil, že mu odpouští, ale musí napravit své chování a pomáhat druhým. Jan se vrátil domů jako změněný a začal svůj dar využívat pro dobro druhých. Stal se známým ne pro své bohatství, ale pro svou laskavost a velkorysost. Příběh nás učí, že i když se stáváme úspěšnými a bohatými, nikdy nesmíme zapomínat na důležitost pokory, laskavosti a velkorysosti. Skutečné bohatství totiž není měřeno v materiálním majetku, ale v štěstí a pohodě těch kolem nás.

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