Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

1) Syn Krále Erinu a Troufalá Cesta

Datum vydání:

Aktualizace pohádky:

„Byl jednou jeden král v daleké zemi Eirinu, jeho jméno bylo Syn. Tento král měl všechen majetek pod sluncem, ale stále byl nešťastný, jelikož toužil po dobrodružství. Jednoho dne se rozhodl vydat na cestu, kterou mnozí považovali za nemožnou a nebezpečnou – cestu do temného lesa, kde se měl nacházet poklad. Syna plnila odvaha a odhodlání a tak se neohlížel ani na varování moudrých lidí z jeho okolí. A tak začala jeho troufalá cesta, na které se setkal s mnoha nebezpečími, ale také s nevšedními bytostmi a překrásnými pohádkovými scenériemi.“
Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom named Erin, there lived a powerful and wise king named Karel. His reign was marked by prosperity and happiness, but there was a problem. The king had no heir to his throne. This worried him a lot because he didn’t want his kingdom to be left without a ruler after him. So, the king summoned all the wise men in his kingdom to gather and find a solution to his problem.

After weeks of brainstorming and research, the wise men found a solution. They told the king that he needed to complete a task to find a worthy heir to his throne. The task was called „Syn Krále Erinu a Troufalá Cesta,“ which means „Son of the King of Erin and the Bold Journey.“

King Karel was intrigued by the task and asked the wise men to explain it to him. They said that the king had to send out a decree all over his kingdom, announcing a challenge. The challenge was that any young and brave man in the kingdom who could complete the difficult journey to the summit of the highest mountain in Erin would be declared the heir to the throne.

The king was pleased with the suggestion, and the decree was sent out all over Erin. Many young men tried, but they failed. The journey was treacherous, and the mountain was full of hazards. But one day, a young man named Jan stepped forward. Jan was a poor but brave man who lived in a small village in Erin. He took up the challenge, and the king and the wise men were impressed with his courage.

The journey was long and arduous. Jan had to cross many rivers and climb steep mountains, but he persevered. On his way up the mountain, he came across many obstacles that tested his strength and courage. But he successfully overcame them, and finally, after days of travel, he reached the summit of the mountain.

At the peak, Jan found a small hut, and in it, he found a message from the king. The message read: „Dear Jan, you have shown great courage and determination on your journey. You have proved yourself to be worthy of being the heir to my throne. Please come down and claim your place as the Son of the King of Erin.“

Jan was overwhelmed with joy and relief. He knew that his journey was not in vain, and he had proved himself a true hero. He descended the mountain and went to the king’s palace, where he was crowned as the rightful heir to the throne.

Jan ruled Erin with wisdom and justice, just like his father before him. His people loved him, and his kingdom thrived under his leadership. And the tale of „Syn Krále Erinu a Troufalá Cesta“ was passed down from generation to generation as a tale of bravery and courage.

In conclusion, „Syn Krále Erinu a Troufalá Cesta“ is a tale that reminds us of the importance of perseverance, courage, and determination. It teaches us that even the most challenging tasks can be accomplished if we believe in ourselves and strive hard to achieve our goals. And it is these qualities that make us true heroes and worthy of great accomplishments and rewards.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byl jednou jeden mocný a moudrý král Karel, který vládl ve šťastném království jménem Erin. Nicméně měl problém – neměl žádného dědice. Proto svolal všechny moudré muže v království, aby mu poradili, jak najít důstojného nástupce na trůn.

Moudří muži navrhli úkol jménem „Syn Krále Erinu a Troufalá Cesta“, který spočíval v tom, že by každý mladý a statečný muž v království, který dokáže zdolat nebezpečnou cestu na nejvyšší horu Erinského pohoří, byl uznán jako hodný nástupce na trůn.

Po mnoha neúspěšných pokusech se přihlásil chudý, ale statečný Jan, který dokázal zdolat náročnou cestu a na vrcholu hory našel odkaz od krále, v němž byl uznán jako jeho nástupce.

Tato pohádka nás učí, že důležité jsou vytrvalost, odvaha a determinace. Poukazuje na to, že i nejtěžší úkoly mohou být splněny, pokud věříme v sebe a snažíme se tvrdě pracovat na dosažení našich cílů. Tyto vlastnosti nás dělají hrdiny a hodny velkých úspěchů a odměn.

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