Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

1) Příběh Passaconawayho na cestě do nebe

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Bylo jednou jeden mocný náčelník jménem Passaconaway, který žil v pokojném indiánském kmeni. Jeho silná osobnost a moudrost uctívala nejen jeho lid, ale i celé okolí. V jednu noc se Passaconawayovi zjevil duch se zprávou, že se blíží jeho poslední čas na Zemi. Náčelník se rozhodl, že bude hledat cestu do nebe, kde se setká se svými předky a spojí se s duchem Velkého Ducha. Tak začal nebezpečnou cestu skrze kouzelné lesy a nekonečná pole, kterou vám rozprávím v Příběhu Passaconawayho na cestě do nebe.
Once upon a time, in the beautiful region of New Hampshire, lived a wise and respected leader named Passaconaway. He was known among his people as a man of great insight, compassion, and humility. The Algonquian people of the area honored him as their Sachem, or chief, and looked up to him for guidance and direction. It is said that Passaconaway was not only a great leader of his people, but he was also a spiritual man who had a deep connection to the natural world around him.

H2 – Passaconaway’s Journey to Heaven

One day, Passaconaway had a powerful vision that changed the course of his life. He dreamt that he was walking through a dense forest, and he felt a great sense of purpose and urgency. As he walked deeper into the woods, he felt his spirit lift up and soar high above the trees, and he was surrounded by a bright light that filled him with peace and contentment.

H3 – The Dream That Changed Everything

Passaconaway could not shake the vivid memory of his dream, and he felt compelled to share it with his people. He called a council and explained his vision, telling them that he believed it was a sign from the Great Spirit. He said that he must follow the path that was laid out before him and go on a journey to Heaven, where he would receive further guidance and carry out the will of the Great Spirit.

H3 – The Decision to Follow the Vision

Despite the objections of some of his people, Passaconaway was resolved to follow his dream. He gathered his closest confidants and set out on a perilous journey to the top of Mount Washington, the highest peak in the region. The journey was long and steep, but Passaconaway’s spirit was unwavering, and he refused to let anything deter him from his goal.

H3 – The Journey to the Top

At the summit of the mountain, Passaconaway began a ritual of fasting and prayer, seeking to purify his body and mind in preparation for his journey to Heaven. On the third day of his fast, he felt his spirit lifted once again, and he saw a vision of a great eagle descending from the sky. The eagle landed beside him and looked deep into his eyes, conveying a sense of peace and confidence.

H3 – The Eagle’s Visit

Passaconaway knew that the eagle was a sign of the Great Spirit, and he felt honored to receive such a visitation. The eagle spoke to him in a language that he did not understand, but Passaconaway could feel the power and wisdom of the words. The eagle then spread its wings and lifted Passaconaway up, carrying him through the clouds and into the realm of the Great Spirit.

H3 – The Journey to Heaven

Passaconaway found himself in a place of incredible beauty and peace, surrounded by a vast expanse of stars and galaxies. He saw the Great Spirit before him, a being of immense power and wisdom that radiated a warm light that filled the entire universe. The Great Spirit spoke to Passaconaway, telling him that his vision was a sign that he was to become a bridge between the natural world and the spirit world, and that he was to use his knowledge and wisdom to guide his people towards a more harmonious future.

H2 – Passaconaway’s Return

Passaconaway spent seven days with the Great Spirit, learning the secrets of the universe and receiving the wisdom that he would need to carry out his mission. The eagle returned him to the top of Mount Washington, where he emerged from his spiritual journey renewed and invigorated. He returned to his people and shared his vision, telling them of his journey to Heaven and the message that he had received from the Great Spirit.

H3 – The Message from the Great Spirit

Passaconaway told his people that they were to live harmoniously with the natural world and to respect all living things as sacred beings. He instructed them to live in balance with the cycles of the earth and the rhythms of the cosmos, and to honor the Great Spirit in all that they did. His message resonated deeply with his people, and they followed his teachings for generations to come.

H2 – Conclusion

Passaconaway’s journey to Heaven became a powerful symbol of the connection between the physical and the spiritual world, and his message of harmony and respect for the natural world still reverberates among the people of New Hampshire today. His wisdom and guidance have been passed down through the generations, reminding us all of our responsibility to be caretakers of the earth and stewards of the sacred relationship between humans and the natural world.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Tento pohádkový příběh vypráví o moudrovi a respektovaném vůdci oblasti New Hampshire jménem Passaconaway. Jednoho dne měl silnou vizi, ve které se mu zdálo, že letí vysoko nad stromy a je obklopen jasným světlem. Tato vize změnila průběh jeho života. Rozhodl se vydat se na cestu na horu Mount Washington, nejvyšší vrchol v oblasti, aby se očistil a připravil se na svou cestu do nebe. Tam se setkal se Velkým duchem a získal moudrost a znalosti, jak vést svůj lid k harmoničtější budoucnosti. Jeho zpráva o respektu k přírodě a životu se dodnes rozléhá mezi lidmi New Hampshire a připomíná nám, že jsme zodpovědní za pečování o zemi a svěřenou úlohu být jejími strážci.

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