Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Zlatý Hrom dobrého spánku (The Golden Thunder of Good Sleep)

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„Zlatý Hrom dobrého spánku“ byl příběh, který se přenášel po celé generace. Byla to legenda o zlatém kouzelném kladí, který dokázal uspat ty, kdo se ocitli v jeho dosahu. Tento kladívový kov byl chráněn mnoha kouzly a legendami. V tomto příběhu se dozvíte o statečnosti těch, kteří se snažili získat tento úžasný amulet a použít ho jako zbraň proti zlu. Vysoké hory, nebezpečné lesy a vlny mohutného oceánu byly pouhými překážkami na cestě za tímto zlým kladivem. Ale my budeme sledovat příběh jednoho mladého hrdiny, který nakonec dokázal získat kovový klín a použít ho tak, aby všem přinesl dobrý, zdravý a klidný spánek.

Once upon a time in a distant land, there was a magical treasure called Zlatý Hrom dobrého spánku or The Golden Thunder of Good Sleep. The treasure was the most precious and valuable commodity in the whole kingdom. The people of the land believed that whoever possessed the Golden Thunder of Good Sleep would have peaceful nights, sweet dreams, and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Legend says that the treasure was bestowed upon the land by the gods themselves. It was said that the gods were so impressed by the kindness and compassion of the people of the land that they decided to reward them with the Golden Thunder of Good Sleep. The gods hoped that the people of the land would cherish this blessing and use it wisely.

As time went by, the people of the land started taking the Golden Thunder of Good Sleep for granted. They stopped valuing its importance and started neglecting it. They started staying up late at night, watching movies, and playing games. They stopped going to bed early and stopped following a healthy sleep routine.

The gods, who were watching all of this from above, were disappointed by the people’s behavior. They had given them a precious gift, and they were not taking care of it. The gods decided that they needed to teach the people a lesson.

One night, a powerful storm struck the land. The thunder was so loud that it shook the ground beneath their feet. The lightning was so bright that it illuminated the darkness. The people were terrified, and they started praying to the gods for help.

Suddenly, they heard a voice from the heavens. The voice was deep and powerful, and it spoke in a language that the people could not understand. The voice was that of the gods, and they were angry.

The gods spoke, „People of the land, you have taken the Golden Thunder of Good Sleep for granted. You have neglected it and forgotten its importance. We have decided to take it away from you. You shall not have peaceful nights, sweet dreams, and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated until you learn to value the importance of the wealth that we have bestowed upon you.“

The people of the land were shocked and frightened. They realized that they had made a terrible mistake. They begged for forgiveness and promised to take care of the Golden Thunder of Good Sleep.

The gods were moved by the people’s apology, and they decided to give them one more chance. They granted the people a year to prove themselves. If the people started valuing the importance of sleep and followed a healthy sleep routine, then the gods would return the Golden Thunder of Good Sleep to them.

The people of the land started working hard. They started going to bed early, following a healthy sleep routine, and made sure that they got the required amount of sleep each night. They realized that a good night’s sleep was essential for a healthy and happy life.

The year passed quickly, and the people of the land had proved themselves worthy. They had learned the importance of sleep and had started taking care of the Golden Thunder of Good Sleep. The gods were pleased with their behavior and decided to return the treasure to them.

One night, the people of the land were awoken by a loud thunder. It was not a scary thunder, but a peaceful one. It was the Golden Thunder of Good Sleep, and it had returned to them. The people of the land were overjoyed. They realized that they had been blessed with a precious gift, and they would never take it for granted again.

From that day on, the people of the land followed a healthy sleep routine and valued the importance of sleep. They realized that a good night’s sleep was essential for a healthy and happy life. The Golden Thunder of Good Sleep had taught them a valuable lesson, and they had learned it well.


The legend of Zlatý Hrom dobrého spánku or The Golden Thunder of Good Sleep teaches us the importance of sleep. In today’s fast-paced world, we often neglect the importance of sleep and stay up late at night. We forget that sleep is essential for a healthy and happy life. We need to follow a healthy sleep routine and make sure that we get the required amount of sleep each night. We should value the precious gift of sleep and take care of it, just like the people of the land did in the legend. If we do this, we will be blessed with peaceful nights, sweet dreams, and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, just like the people of the land.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V pohádce „Zlatý Hrom dobrého spánku“ se učíme významu spánku. Lidé si obvykle neváží spánku a zůstávají dlouho vzhůru. Zapomínají, že spánek je důležitý pro zdravý a šťastný život. Potřebujeme dodržovat zdravé spánkové návyky a zajistit si dostatek spánku každou noc. Měli bychom si vážit této vzácné dary spánku a pečovat o něj, stejně jako lidé v této pohádce. Pokud to uděláme, budeme požehnání klidnými nocemi, sladkými sny a budeme se cítit svěží a obnovení, stejně jako lidé v pohádce.

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