Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Zlatonosnářova štěstí – The Goldsmith’s Fortune

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Byla jednou jedna zlatná šperkařka jménem Zlatonosnářova. Její práce byla obdivována v celé zemi a byla vyhledávanou umělkyní. Avšak jedné noci se jí zdál sen, ve kterém se jí zjevil kouzelný pramen zlata. Pro Zlatonosnářovou to byla výzva, aby se vydala na cestu za svým štěstím. Co při této cestě zažije a zda najde to největší bohatství svého života, se dozvíte v pohádce o Zlatonosnářově štěstí.
Once upon a time, in a small Czech village, there lived a talented goldsmith named Jan. He had a small workshop where he crafted beautiful jewelry and intricate gold designs that were the envy of all the neighboring towns. One day, Jan decided to create a necklace of pure gold that would be so magnificent it would bring him fame and fortune.

H2: Jan’s Dream

Jan worked for many days and nights on the necklace, pouring his heart and soul into each and every detail. When he was finally finished, he stood back to admire his work. The necklace was truly stunning, with hundreds of tiny gold links carefully crafted by hand. Jan’s dream was within reach, but he had one final touch to add to his masterpiece.

H3: The Missing Gem

Jan knew that the necklace needed a centerpiece, a gem that would make it truly special. He set out on a journey to find the perfect stone, traveling far and wide across the countryside. He searched high and low, but could not find the right gem for his necklace. Jan was discouraged and tired, and decided to take a break in a small tavern he stumbled upon in the forest.

H3: The Mysterious Stranger

While sitting in the tavern, Jan noticed a stranger across the room who was wearing a large, glittering gold ring. He struck up a conversation with the stranger, who introduced himself as a magický alchymista – a magical alchemist. Over drinks, the two talked about their crafts, and Jan confided in the alchemist his desire to find the perfect gemstone for his necklace. The alchemist revealed a secret to Jan – he had a rare and valuable gemstone that he would sell to him for a high price. Jan knew he could not afford it, but the alchemist made him a deal – if he could solve the riddle that he would give him, he could have the gemstone for free.

H2: The Riddle

The alchemist presented Jan with the riddle – „What is light as a feather, yet the strongest man cannot hold it more than five minutes?“ Jan thought hard for a few minutes, and then the answer came to him – his breath! The alchemist was impressed with Jan’s answer and handed him the gemstone. Jan was elated, holding the gemstone in his hand was like holding the whole of the universe. He knew his necklace was complete, and he could finally achieve his dream.

H2: The Necklace

Turning the gemstone over in his hands, Jan knew that he had to be careful when adding it to the necklace. He worked meticulously, and when he was done, he held up his masterpiece – a stunning necklace with a center gem that sparkled like the sun on a clear day. Jan could hardly believe his eyes, his dream had come true.

H2: The Fortune

Word of Jan’s necklace quickly spread, and it wasn’t long before he was the most sought-after goldsmith in the land. Royalty and nobility alike came to him for their jewelry, knowing that no one could craft a piece as perfect as Jan. He became the most successful goldsmith in the land, creating jewelry for the rich and famous. Jan knew that he had the magický alchymista to thank for his fortune and dedicated each piece he crafted to the alchemist who had given him the gift of the gemstone. Jan had found his fortune, and he knew that this was Zlatonosnářova štěstí.

The End.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Tento pohádkový příběh vypráví o šperkaři Janovi, který se rozhodl vytvořit šperk se zlatým řetězem a diamantem, který by mu přinesl slávu a bohatství. Musel však najít dokonalý kámen, což se mu nepodařilo, dokud nepotkal magického alchymistu. Ten mu nabídl diamant, ale jen pod podmínkou, že rozluští jeho hádanku. Jan byl schopen zodpovědět otázku a získal diamant zdarma. Poté vytvořil dokonalý náhrdelník a stal se nejúspěšnějším šperkařem v zemi. Tento příběh ukazuje, že důležité je hledání dokonalosti a nevzdávat se snů, ale i to, že je třeba být opatrný a cenné věci si zasloužit.

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