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Zlatá větev: The Golden Branch

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„Zlatá větev“ – zlatá jako zlato a větev jako větev stromu. Toto je pověst o hledání zlatého klíče, který otevře bránu ke zlatému světu. Naše hrdinka se vydá na nebezpečnou cestu, aby našla legendární „Zlatou větev“. Toto kouzelné stvoření je klíčem k otevření brány a odemknutí cesty ke štěstí a nekonečnému blahobytu. Mnoho dobrodružství a překážek bude čekat na ni, ale s odhodláním a statečností dokáže překonat všechny výzvy. Bude to nádherná příběh o lásce a odvaze, která inspirovala mnoho generací.

Once upon a time in a land far away, there was a young prince named Jan. The kingdom he ruled was one of the most beautiful in the world, filled with towering mountains, sprawling forests, and sparkling rivers. However, despite his kingdom’s wealth and beauty, the prince was unhappy. He felt as though something was missing from his life, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what.

One day, while wandering in the forest, Prince Jan stumbled upon a group of fairies dancing around a tree. When he approached them, they stopped and stared at him in silence. After a few moments, one of the fairies stepped forward and asked him what brought him to their forest.

„I’m… I’m not sure,“ the prince replied, feeling rather foolish.

The fairy smiled at him kindly. „That’s okay, my prince. Come, sit with us and take a rest. Perhaps we can help you find what you seek.“

And so, Prince Jan sat down with the fairies, who offered him food and drink. As they talked, the prince told them how unhappy he was, despite his kingdom’s beauty. The fairies listened intently and nodded, as though they understood exactly what he was feeling.

„You seek the Zlatá větev, the Golden Branch,“ said the fairy who had spoken to him earlier. „It is said that this branch has the power to bring happiness to those who find it. But be warned – it is not easy to find.“

„I’ll do anything to find it,“ said the prince, feeling determined.

The fairies smiled at him, and the same fairy who had spoken to him earlier instructed him to travel to the underworld. „There you will find Baba Yaga, who will tell you the way to the Golden Branch. But be warned – she is not an easy creature to deal with.“

The prince thanked the fairies and set out on his journey to the underworld. It was a long and treacherous journey, but finally he arrived at Baba Yaga’s hut deep in the woods. Baba Yaga was an old and fearsome woman who spent her days cooking and cleaning, surrounded by her many pets.

„Why have you come to me?“ she cackled when the prince explained his mission.

„I seek the Zlatá větev,“ said the prince.

Baba Yaga nodded slowly. „Ah, yes. The Golden Branch. Very well. I will tell you how to find it – but on one condition. You must bring me a piece of the sun.“

The prince was taken aback. „The sun? How am I supposed to bring you a piece of the sun?“

Baba Yaga cackled again. „That is for you to figure out. If you want the Golden Branch, you must bring me the sun. Otherwise, you will never find it.“

The prince left Baba Yaga’s hut feeling defeated. How was he supposed to bring her a piece of the sun? But the thought of the Golden Branch drove him on, and he continued his journey until he came across a wise old owl in the forest.

„I seek the Zlatá větev,“ said the prince to the owl. „But I must bring Baba Yaga a piece of the sun in order to find it.“

The owl looked at him thoughtfully. „Ah, yes. Baba Yaga is always playing games. But fear not, my prince. I know how you can bring her a piece of the sun. You must capture a sunbeam.“

„A sunbeam?“ repeated the prince incredulously.

„Yes, a sunbeam. But be warned – they are elusive creatures. You must be patient and persistent if you wish to catch one.“

And so, the prince set out to catch a sunbeam. It was a difficult task, and he had many setbacks. But finally, after weeks of trying, he managed to capture one in a jar. He took it back to Baba Yaga’s hut, and she cackled with delight when she saw it.

„Very good, my prince,“ she said. „Very good indeed. Now, the way to the Golden Branch is this: you must travel to the river of gold. Once you get there, you must find the boatman who will take you across. But be warned – he will only take you if you can pay the price.“

„And what is the price?“ asked the prince.

„The price is simple,“ said Baba Yaga. „You must give up all your worries and fears. You must leave them behind, and trust that everything will be as it should be.“

The prince felt a pang of fear at this. How could he give up his worries and fears?

But he knew there was no other way. And so, he set out once again, this time to the river of gold. It was a long and grueling journey, but finally he arrived at the river’s edge. There he saw the boatman, a mysterious figure with an oar in his hand.

„I seek passage across the river,“ said the prince.

The boatman looked at him sternly. „And what do you offer in return?“

The prince hesitated, but then he remembered Baba Yaga’s words. He took a deep breath and said, „I offer all my worries and fears.“

The boatman nodded at this, and the prince climbed into the boat. As they traveled across the river, he felt a weight lifting off his shoulders. He knew that he was leaving all his troubles behind, and that he was on his way to find the Golden Branch.

Finally, they arrived at the other side of the river. There, in a clearing, he saw the Golden Branch. It was glittering in the sunlight, and he knew that he had found what he was looking for.

As he reached for the branch, he heard a voice behind him.


He turned to see Baba Yaga standing there, looking even more fearsome than before.

„That is not for you,“ she said. „The Golden Branch is not for those who seek happiness selfishly. It is for those who seek to bring happiness to others. Do you understand?“

The prince nodded slowly. He knew that he had been selfish in his desire to find the Golden Branch.

„Here,“ said Baba Yaga, handing him a small pouch. „Take this with you. It contains the power to bring happiness to all those around you. Use it wisely.“

And with that, the old woman disappeared into the forest.

The prince returned to his kingdom a changed man. He no longer sought happiness for himself; instead, he sought to bring happiness to all those around him. And wherever he went, he carried the pouch Baba Yaga had given him.

And so, the kingdom was filled with happiness and love. The prince had found the Golden Branch after all, but not in the way he had expected. It was not a physical object, but the power of love and kindness that he carried with him always. And he knew that he would never be unhappy again.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V téhle pohádce se dozvídáme o králi Janovi, který vládne krásnému království, ale přesto se necítí šťastně, chybí mu něco, ale neví, co přesně. Jednoho dne potká skupinku víl, které mu poví o Zlaté větvi, co dokáže přinést štěstí tomu, kdo ji najde. Vydá se tedy na cestu do podsvětí, kde najde Baiju Jagu, která mu poví, že mu poradí cestu k Zlaté větvi, ale pouze pokud jí přinese kousek slunce. Po radě moudré sovy nakonec chytí paprsek slunce a vrací se k Baji Jaze, ta mu řekne cestu ke Zlaté větvi, ovšem bude potřebovat přejít řeku zlatem a cenu za převoz bude muset zaplatit tím, že se vzdá všech svých obav a strachů.

Po překonání řeky konečně najde Zlatou větev, ale Baija Jaga mu připomene, že není pro ty, kteří hledají pouze štěstí pro sebe, ale pro ty, kteří hledají štěstí pro druhé. Nakonec dostane od Baji Jagy kouzelnou taštičku, kterou použije pro šíření štěstí a lásky kolem sebe. Král Jan se vrací zpět do svého království jako změněný člověk, který hledá štěstí pro všechny své poddané a pomocí taštičky od Baji Jagy šíří lásku a radost po celém království. Tento příběh nás učí, že štěstí nenajdeme v hmotných věcech, ale v lásce a obětování se pro ostatní.

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