Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Tanec démonů ve tmě

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Byla jedna malá vesnice obklopená lesy a horami, kde se traduje příběh o tanci démonů ve tmě. Lidé z vesnice často varovali své děti, aby se za soumraku nevzdálily příliš daleko od domova, protože právě v této době prý začínal nebezpečný tanec. Vítr silně vířil listím a větvemi a zvěř se schovala hluboko v lese. Avšak pro jednoho statečného chlapce, jehož zvědavost byla silnější než varování vesničanů, se stane tajemství tance démonů ve tmě skutečností.
There are a lot of myths and legends that have come out of Czech folklore. These tales have been passed down from generation to generation, and they continue to be an important part of Czech culture to this day. One of the most fascinating tales of Czech mythology is the Tanec démonů ve tmě, which tells the story of a group of demons who dance in the darkness.

The Tanec démonů ve tmě, which translates to „The Dance of Demons in the Darkness,“ is a story that has been told in various versions throughout Czech history. According to the legend, there was once a small village in the heart of the Czech countryside where a group of demons would gather at night to dance. These demons were said to be the spirits of the dead who had been cast out of heaven and forced to roam the earth for all eternity.

The people of the village were afraid of the demons and would lock themselves inside their houses when the sun went down. However, there was one young girl named Adela who loved to dance. Adela was fearless, and she longed to see the Tanec démonů ve tmě for herself.

One night, Adela snuck out of her house and followed the sound of music and laughter to a clearing in the woods. There, she saw the demons dancing in the darkness. They were beautiful and terrifying all at once, with their twisted horns and fiery eyes. But Adela was not afraid. She was captivated by their dance and joined in.

The demons welcomed Adela into their dance, and for hours, they twisted and spun around her. Adela danced like she had never danced before, and she felt alive with energy and passion.

As the night wore on, the demons grew tired, and one by one, they left the clearing until only one remained. This demon was different from the others, for he had a kind face and gentle eyes. He looked at Adela and smiled, then slowly vanished into the night.

From that day on, Adela was never afraid of the dark. She continued to dance in the clearing with the demons, but the kind demon never returned. Adela grew old and eventually passed away, but the legend of the Tanec démonů ve tmě lived on, inspiring generations of Czech people to face their fears and dance in the darkness.


The Tanec démonů ve tmě is an enchanting and inspiring tale from Czech folklore. It reminds us that sometimes the things we fear the most can also bring us the most joy and that courage is the key to unlocking our true potential. Whether we are dancing with demons in the dark or facing our daily struggles, we must always remember to stay true to ourselves and embrace the beauty of life.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Legenda Tanec démonů ve tmě je inspirující příběh, který nás učí, že někdy nás věci, které se zdají nejstrašidelnější, mohou přinést nejvíce radosti a že odvaha nám umožní odemknout náš pravý potenciál. Ať už tančíme s démony v temnotě nebo čelíme běžným výzvám života, musíme si vždy pamatovat, abychom zůstali věrní sami sobě a objevili krásu života.

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