Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Tanec démona

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Před mnoha lety, v hlubokém, lesnatém údolí, žili lidé a víly šťastně spolu. Avšak jednoho dne se do lesa dostal Tanec démona a s sebou přinesl strach a neštěstí. Tento tanec okouzlil všechny, kteří se ho dotkli, a brzy se stalo jasné, že toto bytost není z našeho světa. Léta uplynula a lidé se naučili žít s démonem, ale děti se stále bály vstoupit do lesa. To všechno se ale brzy změnilo, když se objevila mladá dívka s rozhodnutím zabít Tanec démona a osvobodit les od jeho zlého vlivu. Tohle je příběh o této odvážné dívce a jejím setkání s Tanec démona v lesích České republiky.

Once upon a time, in a small village situated on the outskirts of Prague, there lived a young girl named Anna. She was known for her beauty, her intelligence, and her passion for dancing. She loved nothing more than going out to dance with her friends every weekend, and she was well-respected in the community for her talent and grace on the dance floor.

However, one day, on her way home from a late-night dance party, Anna was accosted by a strange man. He was tall and thin, with long, spindly fingers and piercing red eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. He introduced himself as the Tanec démona, or the Demon’s Dance, and he challenged Anna to a dance-off.

Anna was a brave girl, but she knew that something was off about this stranger. She had heard the legend of the Tanec démona before, how he would lure young women into dancing with him and then steal their souls. But she was also proud of her dancing skills, and she couldn’t resist the challenge. So she agreed to the dance-off, determined to beat the demon and prove her worth as a dancer.

The Tanec démona led Anna to a dark, abandoned dance hall on the edge of the village. The room was musty and cobweb-covered, the floorboards creaking with age. But as soon as the demon began to play his music, Anna forgot about the creepy surroundings. The music was fast and wild, and Anna felt herself being swept up in its rhythm.

They danced and danced, Anna weaving her way around the demon with quick, graceful steps while the demon moved with an eerie, jerky fluidity that made her skin crawl. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to shake him off. The demon was always there, always one step ahead, always just out of reach. And as the night wore on, Anna began to realize that she was in real danger.

Finally, in a burst of desperation, Anna made a bold move. She spun around on one foot and kicked the demon hard in the knee, causing him to stumble and fall. And in that moment of weakness, Anna made her escape. She ran out of the dance hall and into the safety of the village, never looking back.

From that day on, Anna never danced again. She was too afraid of what might happen if she did. But she never forgot about the Tanec démona, and she warned all of her friends to be wary of strangers who offered them a dance. And as for the demon himself, some say that he still lurks in that old dance hall, waiting for his next victim to come along.


The legend of the Tanec démona is a cautionary tale about the dangers of trusting strangers and the power of music to bewitch and enchant us. It reminds us that even our greatest strengths can be used against us if we’re not careful, and that we must always be vigilant against the forces of darkness that lurk in the shadows. And though the demon may still be out there, waiting for his next dance partner, we can take comfort in knowing that as long as we stay smart and stay strong, we will always be able to triumph over evil.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Tato pohádka nás učí, že bychom měli být opatrní s tím, komu důvěřujeme, a připomíná nám, jak nebezpečná může být hudba, která nás může okouzlit a omámit. Anna byla statečná dívka, kterou lákali na taneční souboj, ale nakonec se musela bránit a utéct před démonem. Nikdy už nechtěla tančit a upozorňovala své přátele na to, aby byli opatrní na neznámé lidi, kteří je chtějí nalákat na tanec. Tato pohádka nám ukazuje, že i naše největší síla může být použita proti nám, pokud nebudeme opatrní, a že musíme být stále ostražití proti silám temnoty, které se skrývají v temnotách.

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