Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Sůl pro Smrt Bree (Salt for Death Bree)

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„Dávno dávno v zemi plné tajemství a kouzel žila mladá dívka jménem Bree. Byla to obvyklá dívka, jenž prahla po dobrodružství a poznání světa. Avšak ani v jejích nejsmělejších snech by jí nenapadlo, že jednoho dne bude cestovat temnými lesy, plnými nebezpečí, aby zachránila svého milovaného. Tato pohádka se právě začíná – je to příběh o Sůl pro Smrt Bree.“

Once upon a time, in a small village in the Czech Republic, there lived a girl named Bree. She was known for her kind heart and gentle spirit, but unfortunately, fate had something else in mind for her.

Chapter 1: Úvod (Introduction)

Bree had always been fascinated by the stories of witches, spells, and magic. She believed that there was more to life than just what she could see, and she longed to discover the secrets of the universe.

One day, as she was walking through the forest, she happened upon a mysterious old woman. The woman was stooped and wrinkled with age, but she had a twinkle in her eye that spoke of a fierce intelligence and hidden power.

Chapter 2: Strýček Smrt (Uncle Death)

The old woman introduced herself as a witch, and Bree could hardly contain her excitement. She begged the witch to teach her everything she knew about magic.

The witch nodded solemnly and said, „Very well, but first you must help me collect a special ingredient for a spell I am working on. It is a rare and dangerous substance called Sůl pro Smrt.“

Bree had never heard of this substance but was eager to learn more. The witch explained that Sůl pro smrt was a kind of salt that had the power to summon the Grim Reaper himself. It was said that whoever possessed this salt could call upon the Reaper to do their bidding.

Chapter 3: Hledání (The Search)

Bree agreed to help the witch find the Sůl pro Smrt. The old woman provided Bree with a map and told her that the salt could only be found deep within a dangerous and haunted forest.

Bree set off on her quest, excited but nervous. As she walked deeper into the forest, the trees grew darker and more menacing. Strange noises filled the air, and Bree felt as if she was being watched.

Chapter 4: Nebezpečí (Danger)

Suddenly, Bree heard a rustling in the bushes. She drew her sword, ready to defend herself, but as the bushes parted, she saw a man.

He was tall and pale, with dark eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight. He introduced himself as Strýček Smrt, or Uncle Death.

Bree was frightened but intrigued. She asked him if he knew anything about the Sůl pro Smrt.

Chapter 5: Rada (Advice)

Uncle Death told her that the salt was indeed real and that he knew where to find it. However, he warned her that the salt was powerful and dangerous, and that whoever possessed it would risk attracting unwanted attention.

Bree was hesitant but determined. She asked Uncle Death to guide her to the salt.

Chapter 6: Nález (Discovery)

Uncle Death led Bree to a hidden cave deep within the forest. The walls of the cave were covered in strange markings and symbols, and in the center lay a small pile of salt.

Bree approached the salt cautiously, feeling its power radiating off of it. She carefully collected a small handful and placed it in a pouch.

As she turned to leave, she heard a noise behind her. She whirled around, sword at the ready, but saw nothing.

Chapter 7: Návrat (Return)

Bree returned to the witch and gave her the Sůl pro Smrt. The witch began to mix the salt with other ingredients, chanting softly as she worked.

As the spell began to take hold, Bree felt a chill run down her spine. She realized too late that she had made a grave mistake.

Chapter 8: Oplácení (Revenge)

The witch had tricked Bree. The Sůl pro Smrt was not for a harmless spell, but for revenge. As the witch finished the incantation, the Grim Reaper appeared, summoned by the power of the salt.

Bree pleaded with the witch to stop, but it was too late. The Reaper took hold of Bree’s soul and pulled her into the underworld.

Chapter 9: Smrt (Death)

Bree realized too late the true power of the Sůl pro Smrt. She had been foolish to think that magic was something to be trifled with. In the end, she paid the ultimate price.

Chapter 10: Moralita (Moral)

The tale of Bree and the Sůl pro Smrt is a cautionary one. It reminds us that magic is not to be taken lightly, and that there are consequences for every action.

In the end, we are all at the mercy of Uncle Death, and it is up to us to choose our own path. Will we follow the path of light and goodness, or will we succumb to the darkness and the lure of power? That is a choice that only we can make.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Pohádka vypráví o Bree, dívce, která toužila po objevování tajů světa. Jednoho dne narazila na čarodějnici, která jí slíbila naučit ji magii, ale aby ji naučila, potřebovala zvláštní ingredienci – Sůl pro Smrt. Bree se vydala hledat tuto sůl do temného a nebezpečného lesa a potkala Strýčka Smrti, který ji varoval, že sůl přitahuje nežádoucí pozornost. Nakonec sůl našla a vrátila ji čarodějnici, ale ta ji napálila, že ji získala pro pomstu a Sůl pro Smrt použila na přivolání Smrti. Smrt Bree si uvědomila chybu a připomněla nám, že magii nelze brát na lehkou váhu a že každá akce má následky.

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