Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Šedá klisna na půdě (The Grey Mare in the Garret)

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Byla jednou jedna pohádka o Šedé klisně na půdě, která se vyprávěla v malé vesničce uprostřed českého lesa. Toto kouzelné zvíře se skrývalo v podkrovním prostoru jednoho starého statku a jen málokdo o ní slyšel. Nicméně ti, kteří o ní měli vědět, věřili, že Šedá klisna je zdrojem štěstí a svévoli, která nabízí své štědré dary těm, kdo si ji zaslouží. A tak začíná příběh o cestě mladé dívky hledající Šedou klisnu na půdě a setkání s magickými bytostmi, které ji přivedou k nalezení skutečného štěstí.

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a young girl named Anna. She lived a simple life with her parents in a quaint cottage on the edge of the village, surrounded by the rolling hills and lush forests of the countryside. Anna was a kind and gentle soul, and she spent her days exploring the woods and meadows, playing with her friends, and listening to the stories and folktales of her elders.

One day, as Anna was wandering through the village, she overheard a group of villagers talking excitedly about a Šedá klisna na půdě, a fabled mare said to live in a garret atop one of the village’s oldest and grandest mansions. According to legend, the mare was grey as the moon’s shadow and had the power to grant wishes to those who could successfully reach her.

Anna was both skeptical and intrigued by this tale. For weeks, she couldn’t get the idea of the mare out of her head. She sensed that the Šedá klisna na půdě was more than just a fairy tale, but a powerful symbol of hope and possibility.

One night, Anna slipped out of her family’s cottage and made her way to the mansion where the mare was said to reside. She climbed the winding staircase to the garret, her heart pounding with anticipation. As she approached the room where the mare was rumored to be, she heard the soft sound of hooves on the floor.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and a majestic grey mare appeared before her. Anna gasped in awe, marveling at the creature’s strength and beauty. She could sense that the mare possessed a great wisdom and had seen many wondrous things.

The mare spoke to Anna in a voice that sounded like musical bells. She told Anna that she had long been waiting for someone who possessed the courage, the kindness, and the purity of heart to come and visit her. She explained that she was not some magical being who could grant wishes at will, but a symbol of the power of imagination, the importance of dreaming, and the transformative nature of hope.

Anna listened to the mare’s words, feeling a sense of awe and wonder coursing through her veins. The mare told her that even though the world can sometimes seem dark and full of shadows, there is always light to be found. All one needs to do is look for it.

Anna realized that the Šedá klisna na půdě had shown her the way to find the light that existed within her, and that she would always carry it with her, no matter where life took her. She knew that the mare had given her a gift that was more precious than any wish could ever be.

As Anna left the mansion and made her way back to her humble cottage, she felt a sense of peace and contentment. She knew that she would never forget the lessons she had learned from the Šedá klisna na půdě, and that they would guide her for the rest of her days.

And so, the legend of the Šedá klisna na půdě lived on, inspiring generations of Czech children to seek out their own dreams and find the light that existed within them. For as long as the mare remained in the garret, the village would remain a place of magic and wonder, where anything was possible if you had the courage to believe in it.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V české krajině je malá vesnice, kde žije dívka Anna. Přestože žije prostým životem v chaloupce s rodiči, má v sobě touhu po dobrodružství a snění. Jednoho dne se dozvídá o legendární Šedé klisně na půdě, která prý dokáže splnit přání. Anna tuto legendu nejdříve nebere vážně, ale postupně se rozplývá v představách o setkání s touto mystickou bytostí a rozhodne se ji najít. Po cestě potkává mnoho překážek, ale díky své statečnosti, čistému srdci a správnému vztahu ke svému okolí nakonec přijde na půdu před krásnou klisnu. Anna se neovládne a vychrlí ze sebe svá přání, ale klisna jí ukáže, že ona sama je sama svým přáním a že stačí snít a věřit, že se vše stane.
Tento příběh nám ukazuje, že když máme odvahu snít a věřit, dokážeme překonat překážky a naplnit si své touhy. Klíčem k úspěchu je vnitřní síla, statečnost a láska k okolí.

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