Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pekelný tančírna – The Devil’s Dance-Chamber

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Byla jednou jedna hora, na které stával zřícenina zámku. Pod zříceninou se nacházela jeskyně, do které se nikdo neodvážil jít. Lidé tvrdili, že v této jeskyni se nachází Pekelný tančírna, místo, kde se lidé scházeli s čertem, aby tancovali celou noc. Legenda vypráví o tom, že kdo se odváží vstoupit do této jeskyně, nedopadne dobře. Pekelný tančírna se stane jeho osudem. Tato pohádka je o odvaze a následcích, kdy se jeden odvážlivý bojovník rozhodne riskovat a vstoupit do jeskyně.
Once upon a time, in a small village in the Czech Republic, there was a legend about the Pekelný tančírna, also known as the Devil’s Dance-Chamber. The villagers spoke of it only in hushed tones, for they believed that anyone who entered the dance-chamber would never return.

Legend of the Pekelný tančírna

H2: Původ legendy

The legend of the Pekelný tančírna can be traced back to the Middle Ages, when the villagers believed that the Devil himself would come to the dance-chamber to lure them to their doom. According to the legend, the Devil would come to the village once a year, during the Spring Equinox, to hold a grand ball in his dance-chamber. He would invite all the villagers to attend, promising them food, drink, and entertainment beyond their wildest dreams. But the price for attending was steep—the villagers had to dance with the Devil all night long.

H3: Účastníci

The villagers who attended the dance-chamber were a curious mix of people, from young children to old men and women. Some attended out of sheer curiosity, while others were lured by the promise of riches and pleasure. But no matter why they attended, they all had one thing in common—they were all afraid.

H3: Tančení s Ďáblem

The dance with the Devil was not like any other dance the villagers had ever experienced. The music was dark and haunting, and the Devil himself was a masterful dancer, leading his partners in intricate and dangerous steps. The villagers soon found themselves becoming dizzy and disoriented, unable to keep pace with their demonic partner. Some began to feel their souls slipping away, as if the Devil was trying to steal them.

H3: Ďáblova cena

As the night wore on, the Devil demanded a price for the pleasure he had bestowed upon the villagers. He would demand the soul of one person who had attended the dance-chamber. The villagers tried to resist, but they were powerless against the Devil’s charms. They all knew that someone would have to sacrifice themselves to the Devil, or he would take them all.

H2: Skutečné důsledky

The legend of the Pekelný tančírna became more than just a tale over time. People began to disappear from the village, and it was whispered that they had gone to the Devil’s Dance-Chamber and had never returned. The villagers were left to wonder if the legend was true, or if it was just a figment of their imaginations.

H3: Prokletí

The legend of the Pekelný tančírna became a self-fulfilling prophecy. People stopped attending the annual spring festival, and any mention of the Devil’s Dance-Chamber was met with fear and suspicion. The village was cursed with the knowledge of the dance-chamber, and the legend lived on for generations.

H3: Význam legendy

The legend of the Pekelný tančírna is a cautionary tale about the dangers of temptation and the price of greed. It warns us that sometimes, the pleasures we seek can come at a terrible cost, and that we must be careful not to let our desires lead us down a dark path.

H2: Současnost

Today, the Pekelný tančírna is still remembered in the Czech Republic, and it has become a popular tourist attraction. The dance-chamber itself has been preserved, and visitors can enter and explore the spooky halls and passageways. But the villagers still whisper about the legend, and some believe that the Devil still comes to the dance-chamber on the Spring Equinox, looking for souls to steal.

H3: Poučení

The legend of the Pekelný tančírna teaches us that sometimes, the things we desire can lead us astray. We must be careful not to let our greed or curiosity blind us to the dangers that lie ahead. And while the Devil may be tempting, we must always remember that there is a price to pay for dancing with him.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Byla jednou malá vesnice v České republice, kde žila legenda o Pekelném tančírně, známém také jako Ďáblova taneční síň. Místní o něm mluvili jen šeptem, protože věřili, že každý, kdo tam vstoupí, se nikdy nevrátí. Legenda má původ středověku, kdy místní věřili, že sám ďábel přijde na jaře do vesnice, aby je přivedl k záhubě. Nabízel jim jídlo, pití a zábavu, ale cena za účast byla vysoká – celou noc museli tančit s ďáblem. Tančení s ním nebylo jako jakýkoliv jiný tanec, hudba byla temná a ďábel sám byl mistr tanečního umění, připomínající nebezpečné a složité kroky. Místní se cítili zmatení, začali ztrácet orientaci a uvědomují si, že ďábel se možná snaží ukrást jejich duše. Nakonec ďábel požadoval jako platbu za zábavu jednu lidskou duši. Legenda se stala samosplňujícím se proroctvím, lidé přestali chodit na jaře na festival a mluvit o Ďáblově taneční síni. Legenda varuje před nebezpečím hledání okamžitého potěšení a cenou chamtivosti. Díky této legendě bychom měli být opatrní a nedovolit našim touhám vést nás temnou stezkou. Ačkoli se Pekelný tančírna stala populární turistickou atrakcí, místní stále šeptají o legendě a někteří věří, že se ďábel stále na jaře vrací, hledajíc duše k ukradení.

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