Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kozy uši císaře (The Goat’s Ears of the Emperor)

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„Bylo nebylo, za sedmi horami a sedmi řekami, v království daleko v dáli, žil mocný císař. Byl to velmi pyšný muž, avšak jedno tajemství ho trápilo. Chtěl být stále poslouchán a slyšet každého, kdo mluví za jeho zády. Jeho touha po kontrole nakonec vedla k neuvěřitelnému obratu, jenž mu změnil život navždy. Toto je příběh o Kozy uši císaře.“
Once upon a time in a far-off kingdom, there lived an emperor who was known for his love for animals. His palace was home to all sorts of creatures, from the tiniest insects to the grandest beasts. However, there was one animal that stood out from the rest – a goat with incredibly long and beautiful ears. The emperor was fascinated by the goat’s ears and would spend hours gazing at them in admiration. He would often stroke them and whisper to them, „Kozy uši císaře, jste nádherné.“ (The Goat’s Ears of the Emperor, you are magnificent.)

The emperor became so obsessed with the goat’s ears that he started to neglect his duties as a ruler. He would spend his days locked up in his room with the goat, stroking her ears and talking to her. His advisors became worried and decided to intervene. They suggested that the emperor should get rid of the goat and focus on more important matters, such as running the kingdom.

The emperor was enraged by this suggestion and refused to part with his beloved goat. He ordered his advisors to leave his presence and never mention the goat’s ears again. However, the emperor’s obsession with the goat’s ears continued to grow. He would often be found talking to the goat and ignoring his advisors and the people’s needs.

One day, the emperor was approached by a wise old sage. The sage had heard of the emperor’s obsession with the goat’s ears and had come to offer his advice. The sage told the emperor that his obsession was unnatural and that he needed to let go of the goat and focus on ruling his kingdom. The emperor was angered by the sage’s words and ordered him to leave.

The sage, however, did not leave empty-handed. He left behind a small present for the emperor – a pair of goat ears crafted out of the finest materials. The emperor was delighted by the gift and immediately put them on. He was overjoyed to have a piece of the goat with him at all times.

However, the emperor soon found out that the goat ears were not all they seemed. Everywhere he went, people would laugh at him and make fun of his appearance. The emperor was confused and did not understand why people were laughing at him. It was only when he caught sight of himself in a mirror that he realized the true horror of the situation. The goat ears he had been so proud of were actually hideous and made him look ridiculous.

The emperor was ashamed and humiliated. He finally realized the error of his ways and understood that his obsession with the goat’s ears had made him blind. He was thankful for the sage’s advice and vowed to rule his kingdom with wisdom and fairness. He apologized to his advisors and the people of his kingdom for his neglect and promised to make amends.

And so the emperor learned a valuable lesson – that obsession can blind even the wisest of rulers. He realized that the most important thing was to focus on his duties as a ruler and to listen to the advice of those around him. As for the goat, she lived out the rest of her days in peace, with her long and beautiful ears untouched.


Z této pohádky se může každý poučit, že posedlost něčím může vést k oslepnutí, nevšímavosti okolí a zanedbání důležitých záležitostí. Někdy je třeba naslouchat radám a názorům druhých, aby člověk mohl správně rozhodnout. Kozy uši císaře zůstanou v paměti jako symbol zbytečného a nezdravého nadšení.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V této pohádce se dozvídáme o císaři, který měl posedlost krásnými ušima kozy. Tuto posedlost posunul natolik, že se začal zanedbávat své povinnosti a strávil většinu času s kozou. Jeho poradci byli znepokojeni a navrhli mu, aby se zbavil kozy a soustředil se na důležité záležitosti, jako je řízení království. Císař však tuto radu odmítl a nedokázal se kozy vzdát.

Nakonec k němu přišel moudrý stařec, který mu poradil, aby opustil svou posedlost. Císař se ale rozzlobil a stařece vyhnal. Stařec však neodešel s prázdnou a přinesl mu dárek – uměle vyrobené kozy uši. Císař byl nadšen a ihned si je nasadil. Později ale zjistil, že mu v nich lidé smějí a že vypadá jako blázen. Nakonec uvědomil svou chybu a začal se soustředit na své povinnosti.

Toto poučení lze aplikovat i na dnešní dobu, kdy jsou lidé pohlceni různými posedlostmi, například sociálními sítěmi. Je důležité si uvědomit, že zbytečné nadšení může mít negativní dopad na náš život a že je třeba se naučit správně se soustředit na důležité věci. Pohádka Kozy uši císaře nás také učí, že je třeba poslouchat rady a názory druhých a nechat se jimi inspirovat k lepším rozhodnutím.

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